Resultaten voor 'david lynch'

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98 resultaten
  1. Meditatie en creativiteit
    1. David Lynch

    Meditatie en creativiteit

    Hoe je op goede ideeën komt

    ‘Met dit boek onthult Lynch de bron van creativiteit.’ – 8weekly Alles gaat steeds sneller en soms lijkt het alsof de wereld aan je voorbij gaat. In Meditatie en creativiteit beschrijft wereldberoemd regisseur David Lynch de positieve effecten die mediteren op zijn artistieke leven hebben. Lynch laat zien hoe meditatie, inspiratie, en soms puur toeval hebben bijgedragen aan meesterwerken zoals Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet en Twin Peaks. Aan de hand van deze befaamde films illustreert Lynch in korte en toegankelijke teksten hoe je ruimte schept voor nieuwe ideeën, twijfels over creativiteit overwint, en hoe je opnieuw inspiratie vindt als je vastzit. 'Lynch schrijft losjes over het effect van meditatie, met af toe prachtige metaforen, zoals die over de vissen. Ben je op zoek naar kleine vissen dan kun je gerust in ondiep water blijven. Maar wie grote vissen wil vangen, moet naar dieper water.' - Trouw

    € 20,00
  2. Hoe vang je de grote vis?
    1. David Lynch

    Hoe vang je de grote vis?

    Hoe kan meditate bijdragen aan het creatieve proces? In Hoe vang je de grote vis? geeft de wereldberoemde regisseur David Lynch een origineel kijkje in zijn artistieke keuken. Lynch laat zien hoe meditatie, inspiratie, en soms puur toeval hebben bijgedragen aan meesterwerken zoals Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet en Twin Peaks. Aan de hand van deze befaamde films illustreert Lynch in korte en toegankelijke teksten hoe je ruimte schept voor nieuwe ideeën, twijfels over creativiteit overwint, en hoe je opnieuw inspiratie vindt als je vastzit. Inclusief interviews die David Lynch afnam met Paul McCartney en Ringo Starr over creativiteit en meditatie.

    € 24,99
  3. Re-imagining Teaching Improvement

    Re-imagining Teaching Improvement

    This research-based book focuses on re-imagining how to improve pedagogical and environmental approaches to teaching and teacher education, across the early childhood to higher education sectors. It motivates educators, academics and researchers to stimulate thinking around the use of research to transform professional teaching and teacher education in imaginative ways. It showcases insights into the design and implementation of successful approaches to teaching improvement at the direct level of practice. This book provides a clear 'how to' approach that identifies the general principles by which teaching improvement can be planned, monitored and evaluated, as well as guidelines for contextualising these principles within specific educational levels and situations.

    € 160,49
  4. Room to Dream
    1. David Lynch
    2. Kristine McKenna

    Room to Dream

    The extraordinary (and typically unconventional) memoir from visionary filmmaker David Lynch, co-creator of Twin Peaks

    € 17,95
  5. Catching the Big Fish
    1. David , Lynch

    Catching the Big Fish

    In this "unexpected delight,"* filmmaker David Lynch describes his personal methods of capturing and working with ideas, and the immense creative benefits he has experienced from the practice of meditation. Now in a beautiful paperback edition, David Lynch's Catching the Big Fish provides a rare window into the internationally acclaimed filmmaker's methods as an artist, his personal working style, and the immense creative benefits he has experienced from the practice of meditation. Catching the Big Fish comes as a revelation to the legion of fans who have longed to better understand Lynch's personal vision. And it is equally compelling to those who wonder how they can nurture their own creativity. Catching Ideas Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you've got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure. They're huge and abstract. And they're very beautiful. I look for a certain kind of fish that is important to me, one that can translate to cinema. But there are all kinds of fish swimming down there. There are fish for business, fish for sports. There are fish for everything. Everything, anything that is a thing, comes up from the deepest level. Modern physics calls that level the Unified Field. The more your consciousness-your awareness-is expanded, the deeper you go toward this source, and the bigger the fish you can catch. --from Catching the Big Fish

    € 24,50
  6. The Teaching Improvement Agenda
    1. David Lynch
    2. Richard Smith
    3. David Turner

    The Teaching Improvement Agenda

    What Matters and How Teaching Excellence Is Achieved

    Drawing on 10 years of research into whole of school teaching improvement, this engaging text explains what teaching improvement requires, how it is achieved and how to maintain it in your classroom and school.

    € 207,95
  7. The Teaching Improvement Agenda
    1. David Lynch
    2. Richard Smith
    3. David Turner

    The Teaching Improvement Agenda

    What Matters and How Teaching Excellence Is Achieved

    Drawing on 10 years of research into whole of school teaching improvement, this engaging text explains what teaching improvement requires, how it is achieved and how to maintain it in your classroom and school.

    € 37,50
  8. Re-imagining Teaching Improvement

    Re-imagining Teaching Improvement

    From Early Childhood to University

    This research-based book focuses on re-imagining how to improve pedagogical and environmental approaches to teaching and teacher education, across the early childhood to higher education sectors.

    € 180,50
  9. Real Food For Pregnancy Cookbook
    1. David Lynch

    Real Food For Pregnancy Cookbook

    Optimising Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy Journey
    € 12,95
  10. Issues in ContemporaryTeaching Volume 2
    1. Bruce Allen Knight
    2. David Lynch

    Issues in ContemporaryTeaching Volume 2

    € 22,95
  11. Issues in Contemporary Teaching Volume 1
    1. Bruce Allen Knight
    2. David Lynch

    Issues in Contemporary Teaching Volume 1

    € 17,50
  12. Case Studies in Education: Leadership and Innovation
    1. Richard Smith
    2. David Lynch

    Case Studies in Education: Leadership and Innovation

    € 40,95