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Daniel woont met zijn zus in het huis dat vader met zijn blote handen voor hen in het bos bouwde. Veilig en voor hen alleen. Vader bouwde dingen, jaagde en werkte met zijn handen. Soms verdween hij, gedwongen om hard werk te doen, maar voor Daniel en Cathy was hij een zachtaardige beschermer. Als de lokale landeigenaar voor de deur verschijnt wordt hun onzekere bestaan bedreigd. Vader en Cathy, beiden fel, sterk en onverzettelijk, trachten zichzelf en hun buren te beschermen en zetten een reeks gebeurtenissen in gang die alleen maar kunnen eindigen met geweld.Elmet is het overtuigende portret van een gezin aan de rand van de samenleving en een aangrijpende bespiegeling van waar mensen toe in staat zijn als ze tot het uiterste worden gedwongen.
€ 22,99 -
These Our Monsters And Other Stories
The English Heritage Book of New Folktale, Myth and LegendInspired by sites in the care of English Heritage, from the mythical Tintagel to mysterious Stonehenge, eight well-known contemporary authors have turned afresh to the legends of the past.
€ 16,50 -
Hot Stew
€ 18,50 -
The Cruel Way
A John Murray JourneyAn epic journey by Ford motorcar from Geneva to Kabul and the story of a relationship. A John Murray Journey.
€ 17,95 -
Hot Stew
a riotous novel about sex and money in Soho, from the Booker-shortlisted author of ElmetA riotous novel about sex and money set in the electric world of Soho, featuring a group of sex workers, a billionaire Russian oligarch, a nearly over-the-hill actor, junkie vagabonds, a once far-right extremist and a very glamorous borzoi
€ 12,50 -
Hot Stew
a riotous novel about sex and money in Soho, from the Booker-shortlisted author of ElmetA riotous novel about sex and money set in the electric world of Soho, featuring a group of sex workers, a billionaire Russian oligarch, a nearly over-the-hill actor, junkie vagabonds, a once far-right extremist and a very glamorous borzoi
€ 23,50 -
Hot Stew
a riotous novel about sex and money in Soho, from the Booker-shortlisted author of ElmetA riotous novel about sex and money set in the electric world of Soho, featuring a group of sex workers, a billionaire Russian oligarch, a nearly over-the-hill actor, junkie vagabonds, a once far-right extremist and a very glamorous borzoi
€ 20,95 -
Eine schmerzhaft schöne Familiengeschichte - preisgekrönt, bejubelt, berührend.John Smythe ist mit seinen Kindern Cathy und Daniel aufs Land gezogen, nach Yorkshire, in die Wälder von Elmet. Dort hegen die drei den Traum von einem anderen, friedvollen Leben. Sie wohnen in einem Häuschen, das sie eigenhändig erbaut haben, mitten in der Natur, nicht weit von der Eisenbahnlinie Edinburgh-London entfernt. Nur manchmal muss der Vater fort zu illegalen Faustkämpfen. In diesen Zeiten, in denen es immer weniger Arbeit gibt im Norden Englands, der einzige Weg, um die Familie über Wasser zu halten. Doch dann steht eines Tages ein Mann vor der Tür, der behauptet, dass alles ihm gehört - der Wald, der Grund und Boden, das Häuschen, in dem sie leben. Ihn kümmert der Wald eigentlich nicht, er bewirtschaftet ihn nicht. Aber er pocht auf sein Recht.
€ 12,00 -
These Our Monsters And Other Stories
The English Heritage Book of New Folktale, Myth and LegendEight new stories from eight literary writers at the height of their powers, all inspired by myth and legend. Stories by Sarah Hall, Graeme Macrae Burnet, Adam Thorpe, Edward Carey, Sarah Moss, Alison Macleod, Paul Kingsnorth and Fiona Mozley.
€ 20,95 -
She Smiled
Text in Arabic. Daniel is heading north. He is looking for someone. The simplicity of his early life with Daddy and Cathy has turned sour and fearful. They lived apart in the house that Daddy built for them with his bare hands. They foraged and hunted. When they were younger, Daniel and Cathy had gone to school. But they were not like the other children then, and they were even less like them now. Sometimes Daddy disappeared, and would return with a rage in his eyes. But when he was at home he was at peace. He told them that the little copse in Elmet was theirs alone. But that wasn't true. Local men, greedy and watchful, began to circle like vultures. All the while, the terrible violence in Daddy grew.
€ 13,95 -
SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017An atmospheric and thrilling debut set in Yorkshire - perfect for fans of The Loney and The Essex Serpent
€ 13,95 -
€ 40,50