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Astronomy is a captivating field that explores the vastness of the cosmos. It delves into the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, galaxies, and beyond. Astronomers use advanced telescopes and sophisticated techniques to observe and unravel the mysteries of the universe. From the birth and death of stars to the formation of galaxies, astronomy unravels the secrets of our cosmic origins. It allows us to ponder our place in the grand tapestry of the cosmos and sparks our sense of wonder and curiosity.
244 results
  1. Mijn hemel
    1. Willem Beekman

    Mijn hemel

    Op zoek naar sterren en hun verhalen

    In de nacht verschijnt boven ons een andere wereld. Duizenden jaren keken mensen omhoog naar de sterrenkoepel en vertelden elkaar verhalen over goden, helden en dieren. Zo ontstonden sterrenbeelden als Orion en de Grote Beer. Dit boek neemt je mee op excursie naar de hemel. Eerst leer je aan de hand van sterrenkaarten en duidelijke beschrijvingen de bekende en minder bekende sterrenbeelden kennen. Hiermee kun je als lezer zelf de weg aan de hemel vinden. Vervolgens is er uitgebreid aandacht voor de sterrenverhalen uit de Griekse, Scandinavische en Egyptische mythologie. Tot slot zijn er verdiepende essays met beschouwingen over het heelal. Daarin lees je ook hoe de nachtelijke hemel kunstenaars door de eeuwen heen heeft geïnspireerd. Er is voor dit boek geen exacte voorkennis vereist, want de toegankelijk manier van schrijven en verhelderende illustraties nemen je als lezer mee op reis. Gaandeweg voel je je steeds meer thuis in de sterrenkoepel. Een uniek boek voor iedereen met belangstelling voor de wereld om zich heen, die daartoe ook de sterrenhemel rekent.

    € 24,50
  2. Ik geloof niet in astrologie
    1. Debra Silverman

    Ik geloof niet in astrologie

    Wat we van de sterren kunnen leren, zelfs als je er niet in gelooft

    Debra Silverman helpt je je ego los te laten en jezelf met liefde en inzicht te begrijpen. In dit boek ontdek je hoe je de kracht van je sterrenbeeld kunt benutten en compassie voor anderen kunt ontwikkelen.  Of je nu een spirituele zoeker bent of een scepticus, deze gids combineert op unieke wijze psychologie en astrologie. Debra, die zelf ooit twijfelde aan astrologie, laat je zien hoe je door de uitdagingen van elk sterrenbeeld te begrijpen, zelfkritiek en negativiteit kunt loslaten. Het resultaat? Onvoorwaardelijke zelfliefde en een betere versie van jezelf.

    € 22,99
  3. I don't believe in astrology (Eng)
    1. Debra Silverman

    I don't believe in astrology (Eng)

    A Therapist's Guide to the Life-Changing Wisdom of the Stars

    Debra Silverman helps you let go of your ego and understand yourself with love and insight. In this book, you will discover how to harness the power of your zodiac sign and develop compassion for others. Whether you are a spiritual seeker or a sceptic, this guide uniquely combines psychology and astrology. Debra, who herself once doubted astrology, shows you how, by understanding the challenges of each zodiac sign, you can release self-criticism and negativity. The result? Unconditional self-love and a better version of yourself.

    € 22,99
  4. The Dawn Of Modern Cosmology
    1. Nicolaus Copernicus
    2. Galileo Galilei
    3. Johannes Kepler

    The Dawn Of Modern Cosmology

    From Copernicus To Newton
    € 22,50
  5. The Universal History of Us
    1. Tim , Coulson

    The Universal History of Us

    Tim Coulson

    € 24,95
  6. Time Expansion Experiences
    1. Steve , Taylor

    Time Expansion Experiences

    Have you ever been in an accident and felt that time slowed down? Have you felt time stretch radically, or even apparently disappear, in a state of deep meditation? Psychologist Dr Steve Taylor calls these Time Expansion Experiences, and in this book he shares his years of research into this life-changing phenomenon.Most of us will have experienced a TEE, an experience of time slowing down in an extreme situation, and yet it is a phenomenon that has never been fully explored or explained - until now.Psychologist Dr. Steve Taylor has spent several years analysing “time expansion experiences” (or TEEs), after collecting hundreds of reports. He has also found many examples of "time cessation experiences" (or TCEs), in which time appears to disappear altogether. In this book he shares the fascinating psychology and shared features behind all of these case studies, coming to an incredible conclusion: TEEs are a real altered state of consciousness, rather than a trick of recollection. Not only this, but TEEs and TCEs are almost always positive, with a sense of calm well-being, clarity and heightened awareness. In this ground-breaking book, discover profound implications: What do unusual states of consciousness such as mystical experiences, psychedelic experiences, and near-death experiences tell us about time and consciousness?What can the countless reports of “life review” - when people view a whole lifetime of events and experiences within a few seconds - tell about the past, present and the future?What does modern physics have to say about the idea that linear time is illusory?If our perception of time is an illusion, is it possible to speed up and slow down time at will, including inducing TEEs?

    € 23,50
  7. Vintergatans Minoiska Civilisation Återkomsten
    1. Per , Nordin

    Vintergatans Minoiska Civilisation Återkomsten

    FÖR CA 5 MILJONER ÅR sedan dränerade minorna Medelhavet genom att låta vattnet avdunstade. Saltet samlades in och användes som drivmedel för driva rymdskepp. Genom spegling av stjärnhimmelen i vattenyta som sedan memorerades kunde bilden tjäna som karta vid navigering. Astronomiska data som beräknats fram memorerades också. Atlantis var i jälva verket ett gigantiskt interneringsläger där man samlade in slavar och arbetare med fagra löften. Som sedan sändes ut till olika kolonier i Vintergatan. Sannolikt finns det en stor population av människor på planeter i Vintergatan som är hämtade från Jorden.Den Minoiska Civilisationen bygger nu stor anläggning på havsbotten i Atlanten. Här förefaller det som man nu har för avsikt att ta första kontakt med oss. Efter att ha varit ointresserad av oss, troligen för vi har ansetts för primitiva. Att Atlantis ej hittats tidigare (Nu upptäckts Atlantis städer A,B,C) beror på ren okunskap, anser jag. Man har utgått från läget i¿ Det Stors Havet¿. I Bibeln benämns Medelhavet som det stora havet. I min bok kan du läsa om min spännande resa för att hitta Atlantis.

    € 33,50
  8. Fundamentals of Systemology (Workbook Edition)
    1. Joshua , Free

    Fundamentals of Systemology (Workbook Edition)

    Prolific author and mystic philosopher Joshua Free presents the concise Fundamentals of Systemology in the very first official Basic Course on the dynamic systems of spiritual life, universes and everything!

    € 24,50
  9. Creative Evolution
    1. Henri , Bergson

    Creative Evolution

    This outstanding new translation, the first for over a hundred years, brings one of Bergson's most important and ambitious works to a new generation of readers.

    € 38,50
  10. Sapiens [Tenth Anniversary Edition]
    1. Yuval Noah , Harari

    Sapiens [Tenth Anniversary Edition]

    In celebration of its tenth anniversary, a special edition of the internationally bestselling phenomenon that cemented Yuval Noah Harari as one of the most prominent historians of our time?featuring a new afterword from the author.

    € 29,00
  11. Sapiens [Tenth Anniversary Edition]
    1. Yuval Noah , Harari

    Sapiens [Tenth Anniversary Edition]

    Yuval Noah Harari, bestselling historian and philosopher, is considered one of the world’s most influential intellectuals today. His popular books—including Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, and the series Sapiens: A Graphic History and Unstoppable Us—have sold more than forty-five million copies in sixty-five lan­guages. Harari, with his husband, Itzik Yahav, cofounded Sapienship, a social impact company with projects in the fields of education and storytelling, whose main goal is to focus the public conversation on the most important global challenges facing the world today. Harari has a PhD in history from the University of Oxford. He is a Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, and lectures in the depart­ment of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    € 42,00
  12. First Manned Rocket Launch
    1. Jean Paul , Pallud

    First Manned Rocket Launch

    The Natter rocket plane, a WWII German weapon, marked a key milestone in vertical rocket-powered flight.Well before Yuri Gagarin or Alan Shepard, Lothar Sieber became the first man to take off vertically from the ground under rocket power on March 1, 1945. The plane crashed after flying for 55 seconds and he was killed. The launch marked a milestone on the road to spaceflight, even though it remained virtually unknown to the general public for more than half a century.But the Natter was a weapon of war born out in the closing months of World War II when Germany was desperately looking for 'wonder weapons' to fight the inevitable defeat.A vertical take-off rocket fighter, the Natter would reach the Allied bomber altitude in seconds, then the pilot would get within firing distance of a bomber, and fire all 24 rockets into the nose in a single shot. Its fuel running out, the pilot will then glide the plane at high speed to a lower altitude, at which point he will trigger the plane to break up, a large parachute opening at the rear, popping off the nose and the pilot with it. The pilot and the tail with the Walter rocket engine would land under their separate parachutes, while the disposable nose, fuselage and wings were to crash to the ground.The Natter is unquestionably an exciting aircraft but it is safe to assume that it would have been a failure as a bomber interceptor.

    € 37,00