View our offer Astronomy
Sky Quality Map Europe
Sky Quality Map Europe is a comprehensive information source for astronomy enthusiasts who want to find the bestdark sky sites across the continent. The high resolution travel map is ideally suited for planning astro holidays.The light pollution data has been calculated by the renowned Italian experts Fabio Falchi and Riccardo Furgoni using satellite data. The colours show the extent of the artificial brightening of the night sky, put here as the ratio of the sky's brightness in relation to a natural, undisturbed night sky. This value can also be described as an increase of the sky's surface brightness (in mag/arsec^2) or the loss of stars visible to the naked eye.Additionally, areas with designated dark sky parks and preserves are shown. These regions have committed to rules set up by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) or the Starlight Foundation to preserve a natural night sky. The map also pinpoints the locations of the largest recurring star parties and astro camps in Europe. Here, astronomy enthusiasts meet, enjoying dark skies and sharing views with their telescopes.+++ Englischsprachiger Umschlag. Die Karte ist auch ohne Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache voll nutzbar. +++
€ 16,90 -
Philip's Moon Map
Philip's Moon Map is the essential one stop map for lunar lovers. The awesome beauty of the Moon is brought to life in this practical map for Moon watchers which locates, describes and indexes more than 500 physical features on the visible side of the Moon.
€ 10,95 -
Easily find stars and constellations in the night sky every day of the year. A starfinder that allows visible stars to be identified for any date and time for locations in the Northern Hemisphere. Compiled by astronomical experts, Storm Dunlop and Wil Tirion and approved by the astronomers of the Royal Observatory Greenwich.
€ 23,50