View our offer Astronomy
Stars in the Sky wandkaart poster
Sterren aan de hemel, kinderkaart Planeten in ons zonnestelstel Taal: Engels
€ 29,60 -
Stars in the Sky wandkaart
Sterren aan de hemel, kinderkaart Planeten in ons zonnestelstel Taal: Engels
€ 31,95 -
Melkweg wandkaart
This computer-generated image of the Milky Way shows the entire galaxy in one perspective of a 3-D model compiled specially for National Geographic. The model incorporates the positions of hundreds of thousands of stars and nebulae within the galaxy, shows Earth's location, and includes additional photographs, descriptions and locations of fascinating phenomena throughout the Milky Way.
€ 28,00 -
Mars Rode Planeet wandkaart
See Mars as it really looks, from the heights of Olympus Mons (nearly 70,000 feet above the surface), to ancient canyons, to Hellas Planitia, the lowest point on Mars, where a meteorite punched a hole in the surface 1,300 miles wide and five miles deep. Destination Mars was created for National Geographic with over 1,000 images taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera, and merged with 330 million elevation points to create the sharpest view yet of Mars and its spectacular terrain.
€ 28,00 -
Maan wandkaart geplastificeerd
National Geographic's "The Earth's Moon" is like having an atlas and almanac in one. This incredibly informative wall map features detailed depictions of the entire surface of the moon with a selective index showing the named physical features. Diagrams show the moon's orbital paths, rotation around Earth, librations, how solar and lunar eclipses occur, and how the moon affects Earth's tides. The phases of the moon are detailed along with the features visible in each phase. Craters, mountain ranges, highlands, seas, rays, and other physical features are described, as are the moon's physical properties, moon lore, and more. Comparisons to the moons of other planets in our solar system and information on the Apollo Missions is included as well. This map is both an attractive object of art and a handy reference tool for anyone interested in astronomy.
€ 39,90 -
Zonnestelsel wandkaart geplastificeerd
The Solar System, Our Sun's Family, has two sides. The first side includes a description of how our solar system was formed, and shows a map of our solar system, with each planet's orbit in relation to the Sun and to the other planets. Interesting facts and figures accompany each planet's description. Side two is a stunning poster that shows images of each planet.
€ 31,95 -
Melkweg wandkaart geplastificeerd
This computer-generated image of the Milky Way shows the entire galaxy in one perspective of a 3-D model compiled specially for National Geographic. The model incorporates the positions of hundreds of thousands of stars and nebulae within the galaxy, shows Earth's location, and includes additional photographs, descriptions and locations of fascinating phenomena throughout the Milky Way.
€ 34,20 -
Mars - Rode Planeet wandkaart geplastificeerd
See Mars as it really looks, from the heights of Olympus Mons (nearly 70,000 feet above the surface), to ancient canyons, to Hellas Planitia, the lowest point on Mars, where a meteorite punched a hole in the surface 1,300 miles wide and five miles deep. Destination Mars was created for National Geographic with over 1,000 images taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera, and merged with 330 million elevation points to create the sharpest view yet of Mars and its spectacular terrain.
€ 33,05 -
Heelal wandkaart
As far as we can see with our ever-improving telescopes, there are at least a hundred billion galaxies arrayed throughout the universe. Each, like the Milky Way, is an island galaxy containing billions of stars. This map uses graphic leaps of scales to show how our solar system fits within the vastness of the universe. The map also includes a universe timeline and a description of its evolution.
€ 28,00 -
Sterrenhemel wandkaart geplastificeerd
The stars of earth's night sky seem to hang like tranquil lanterns, filling us with wonder. They inspire great works of art, and tempt our imaginations into creating stories and myths from the shapes we see. The Heavens shows star charts and constellations for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. All 2,844 of the stars on the chart, plus nebulae and star clusters, can be seen with the unaided eye, making this chart a perfect companion for viewing the night sky.
€ 33,05 -
Heelal wandkaart geplastificeerd
As far as we can see with our ever-improving telescopes, there are at least a hundred billion galaxies arrayed throughout the universe. Each, like the Milky Way, is an island galaxy containing billions of stars. This map uses graphic leaps of scales to show how our solar system fits within the vastness of the universe. The map also includes a universe timeline and a description of its evolution.
€ 34,20 -
Solar System children's map geplastificeerd met latjes
DINO'S kaart van het zonnestelsel is een prachtig gelamineerd wandkaart voor kleine astronomen en astronauten die staan te popelen om meer kennis op te doen over de aarde en de wijdse ruimte die haar omgeeft. De kaart geeft op een overzichtelijke en leerzame manier weer hoe het hele systeem van planeten staat en zich verplaatst in het heelal. Ze toont alle planeten met inbegrip van hun afmetingen en andere relevante informatie, alsmede de asteroïdengordel en kleine hemellichamen - meteoren, kometen en asteroïden. Er wordt uitgelegd wat lichtjaren zijn en zonsverduistering, en hoe de zon in elkaar zit. De geschiedenis van de ruimtevaart en de exploratie van het heelal evenals een aantal natuurverschijnselen die verband houden met de aarde en het zonnestelsel worden met kleurrijke illustraties weergegeven. De kaart beschikt ook over een geïllustreerde geschiedenis van het zonnestelsel, weergegeven als een stripverhaal. Een bijzondere attractie zijn de extra, onderwijzende maar plezierige illustraties die de weetgierigheid van de kinderen motiveren door middel van een spel van fictie en non-fictie. Taal: Engels
€ 31,95