View our offer Astronomy
Sterrenhemel - zuidelijk halfrond
Every culture has drawn pictures in the stars, creating constellations that represent animals or mythic figures. Ancient astronomers peered into the night sky and imagined glittering jewels set in a crystal sphere slowly revolving around the Earth from east to west. The 88 constellations recognized today by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) are not just pictures but basic units that partition the sky. The Night Sky - Southern Hemisphere Stargazer Map and Guide is centered near Crux, the Southern Cross, which appears nearly fixed in place with the other stars on the chart rotating around it. The constellations and brighter stars are labeled with their latin names. The map also includes a table of star magnitude or brightness. As the Earth moves in its orbit around the Sun the constellations in the sky change. The Night Sky map includes four seasonal charts that are specific for each season: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Every Stargazer Map is printed on durable synthetic paper, making them waterproof, tear-resistant and tough — capable of withstanding the rigors of repeated outdoor use.
€ 18,25 -
Sterrenhemel - noordelijk halfrond
Every culture has drawn pictures in the stars, creating constellations that represent animals or mythic figures. Ancient astronomers peered into the night sky and imagined glittering jewels set in a crystal sphere slowly revolving around the Earth from east to west. The 88 constellations recognized today by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) are not just pictures but basic units that partition the sky. The Night Sky - Northern Hemisphere Stargazer Map and Guide is centered on Polaris, the North Star, which appears fixed in place with the other stars on the chart rotating around it. Thus it has long aided navigators in determining both direction and latitude. The constellations and brighter stars are labeled with their latin names. The map includes a table of star magnitude or brightness. As the Earth moves in its orbit around the Sun the constellations in the sky change. The Night Sky map includes four seasonal charts that are specific for each season: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Every Stargazer Map is printed on durable synthetic paper, making them waterproof, tear-resistant and tough — capable of withstanding the rigors of repeated outdoor use.
€ 18,25 -
The Moon's mystique for ancient cultures might have lain in its unchanging aspect as it traversed the celestial sphere. The same lunar face permanently looks down on Earth because of tidal locking. Thus we use the terms "Near Side" to describe the side always facing the Earth and "Far Side" to describe the side that had been hidden from humanity until the space age. The Moon Stargazer Map and Guide includes detailed maps of the Near and Far Side and helpful tips on Moongazing from Earth. Each feature is listed in a detailed index to help easily locate them across the Moon's surface. The map also includes the landing and crash sites of spacecraft that have visited the Moon from Earth. Graphics describing the Moon's phases, rotations, and both solar and lunar eclipses help explain these phenomenon. Earth's moon is not the only moon in our local solar system. A graphic on the map shows the relative size of moons from the Mars' tiny Deimos to the enormous Titan orbiting Saturn. Every Stargazer Map is printed on durable synthetic paper, making them waterproof, tear-resistant and tough — capable of withstanding the rigors of repeated outdoor use.
€ 18,25 -
The name Solar System is derived from "Sol" or sun, and describes our planetary system orbiting our sun. Nearest the sun are the four terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. All are dense, with solid surfaces and iron cores, but conditions on them vary widely—wet and temperate on Earth, freezing and dry on Mars, scorching and dry on Mercury and Venus. The outer solar system is where gas giants reside. Jupiter and Saturn are nearly all atmosphere over a small dense core. Uranus and Neptune appear to have much larger solid cores relative to their size under their hydrogen-helium veils. The Solar System Stargazer Map and Guide includes detailed images of the planets and a striking comparison of all of the planets relative to the much larger Sun. A map of the planets shows their progression as they orbit around the Sun from Mercury's 88 days to Neptune's 165 years. Every Stargazer Map is printed on durable synthetic paper, making them waterproof, tear-resistant and tough — capable of withstanding the rigors of repeated outdoor use.
€ 18,25 -
Sky & Telescope's Moon Map
€ 4,50