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View our offer Astronomy

Astronomy is a captivating field that explores the vastness of the cosmos. It delves into the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, galaxies, and beyond. Astronomers use advanced telescopes and sophisticated techniques to observe and unravel the mysteries of the universe. From the birth and death of stars to the formation of galaxies, astronomy unravels the secrets of our cosmic origins. It allows us to ponder our place in the grand tapestry of the cosmos and sparks our sense of wonder and curiosity.
9 results
  1. Where Stars are Born 2025

    Where Stars are Born 2025

    Broschürenkalender/Wandkalender. Unsere Kalender sind auf umweltfreundlichem Papier gedruckt und vom FSC zertifiziert. 16-Monats-Kalender mit internationalen Feiertagen und den Feiertagen der wichtigsten Weltreligionen. Format: 30x30 cm (geöffnet 30x60 cm)Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Tschechisch, Polnisch

    € 14,95
  2. Royal Observatory Greenwich: Astronomy Photographer of the Year Wall Calendar 2025 (Art Calendar)

    Royal Observatory Greenwich: Astronomy Photographer of the Year Wall Calendar 2025 (Art Calendar)

    In partnership with the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition, this is a truly mesmerising collection of astrophotography. Informative text accompanies each work and the datepad features previous and next month’s views. Printed on FSC-certified paper, with plastic-free packaging.

    € 14,95
  3. Royal Observatory Greenwich: Astronomy Photographer of the Year Wall Calendar 2026 (Art Calendar)

    Royal Observatory Greenwich: Astronomy Photographer of the Year Wall Calendar 2026 (Art Calendar)

    In partnership with the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition, this is a truly mesmerising collection of astrophotography. Informative text accompanies each work and the datepad features previous and next month’s views. Printed on FSC-certified paper, with plastic-free packaging.

    € 14,95
  4. Celestial 2025 22 X 17 Deskpad

    Celestial 2025 22 X 17 Deskpad

    € 20,95
  5. Celestial 2025 17 X 12 Small Monthly Deskpad

    Celestial 2025 17 X 12 Small Monthly Deskpad

    € 16,50
  6. Lunar 2025 Wall Calendar

    Lunar 2025 Wall Calendar

    Rizzoli Universe, a division of Rizzoli International Publications, publishes pop-culture, humor, beauty, sports, performing arts, and children’s books and calendars.

    € 17,95
  7. Royal Observatory Greenwich: Astronomy Photographer of the Year Wall Calendar 2023 (Art Calendar)

    Royal Observatory Greenwich: Astronomy Photographer of the Year Wall Calendar 2023 (Art Calendar)

    In partnership with the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition, this is a truly mesmerising collection of astrophotography. Informative text accompanies each work and the datepad features previous and next month’s views. Printed on FSC-certified paper.

    € 14,95
  8. NASA Science (2017)

    NASA Science (2017)

    € 11,95
  9. Where Stars are Born 2026

    Where Stars are Born 2026

    Broschürenkalender/Wandkalender 2026

    € 14,95