View our offer Chemistry
Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Transport- und Gefahrenklassen Neu
Das Hommel Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter ist ein umfassendes Nachschlagewerk, das sich auf die Klassifikation und Handhabung von gefährlichen Gütern spezialisiert. Es gibt Informationen zu nationalen und internationalen Transportvorschriften und zu Notfallmaßnahmen bei Unfällen mit gefährlichen Gütern sowie Hinweise für die ärztliche Erstbehandlung von Personen. Dieses Handbuch ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für Fachleute in den Bereichen Feuerwehr, Transport, Logistik, Gefahrgutmanagement und Sicherheitsberatung. Im "Hommel" werden rund 4340 Chemikalien erfasst und nach einem einheitlichen Muster auf Merkblättern die Gefahren, die Handhabung und Verhaltensregeln bei Freisetzung beschrieben. Anhand des sogenannten "Gefahrendiamanten", eines Symbols, das sich auf jedem Merkblatt findet, ist es möglich, einen schnellen, groben Überblick über die Feuergefahr, Gesundheitsgefahr und die Reaktionsgefahr eines jeden gelisteten Stoffes zu erhalten. Ferner ist anhand eines Symbols erkennbar, ob der Stoff in gefährlicher Weise mit Wasser reagiert. Anhand des Hazchem-Codes ist schnell und einfach erkennbar, welche Schutzstufe bei der Schutzbekleidung notwendig ist und ob der Stoff eher eingedeicht oder verdünnt werden sollte. Farblich unterteilt findet man auf dem Stoffmerkblatt in roter Farbe die Hinweise für die Brandbekämpfung. In blauer Farbe findet man Hinweise für den behandelnden (Not-) Arzt. Für alle Gefahrgüter, die im Hommel enthalten sind, wurden die GHS-Kennzeichnungen mit aufgenommen: Signalworte, Piktogramme, sowie die neuen Gefahrenhinweise (H-Statements) und Sicherheitshinweise (P-Statements). Ursprünglich wurde das Werk zur Verwendung bei der Wasserschutzpolizei erstellt. Inzwischen gehört es jedoch zur Standardbeladung der Gerätewagen Gefahrgut (GW-G) der Feuerwehren. Die Merkblätter sind als Loseblattsammlung sowie auf Datenträger lieferbar. Das Gesamtwerk wird laufend aktualisiert.
€ 199,00 -
Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen II
Der Hommel wird herausgegeben von einem Team erfahrener Einsatzkräfte sowie Praktikern aus Industrie und Behörden
€ 229,00 -
Loose-Leaf Version for General Chemistry, Atoms to Reactions
€ 63,00 -
Organic Chemistry
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value--this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a Course ID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. For courses in Organic Chemistry (2-Semester) A Student-Centered Approach to Learning and Studying Organic Chemistry Wade & Simek's Ninth Edition of Organic Chemistry presents key principles of organic chemistry in the context of fundamental reasoning and problem solving. Authored to complement how students use a textbook today, new Problem Solving Strategies, Partially Solved Problems, Visual Reaction Guides and Reaction Starbursts encourage students to use the text before class as a primary introduction to organic chemistry as well as a comprehensive study tool for working problems and/or preparing for exams. With unparalleled and highly refined pedagogy, this Ninth edition gives students a contemporary overview of organic principles and the tools for organizing and understanding reaction mechanisms and synthetic organic chemistry. Also available with MasteringChemistryTM MasteringChemistry from Pearson is the leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system, designed to improve results by engaging students before, during, and after class with powerful content. Instructors ensure students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content before class, and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources such as Learning Catalytics(TM). Students can further master concepts after class through traditional and adaptive homework assignments that provide hints and answer-specific feedback. The Mastering gradebook records scores for all automatically graded assignments in one place, while diagnostic tools give instructors access to rich data to assess student understanding and misconceptions. Mastering brings learning full circle by continuously adapting to each student and making learning more personal than ever-before, during, and after class.
€ 289,50 -
Introductory Chemistry
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value; this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of MyLab(TM) and Mastering(TM) platforms exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a Course ID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use MyLab and Mastering products. For one-semester courses in Preparatory Chemistry Builds 21st century and problem solving skills, preparing students for success Now in its 6th Edition, the best-selling Introductory Chemistry continues to encourage student interest by showing how chemistry manifests in students' daily lives. Author Nivaldo Tro draws upon his classroom experience as an award-winning instructor to extend chemistry from the laboratory to the student's world, capturing student attention with relevant applications and an engaging writing style. The text provides a superior teaching and learning experience, enabling deep conceptual understanding, fostering the development of problem-solving skills, and encouraging interest in chemistry with concrete examples. Extending chemistry from the lab to the student's world, the text reveals that anyone can master chemistry. Refined to meet its purpose of teaching relevant skills, the 6th Edition includes new questions, data, and sections to help students build the 21st century skills necessary to succeed in introductory chemistry and beyond. Already a visual text, in this edition the art has been further refined and improved, making the visual impact sharper and more targeted to student learning. The new edition also includes new Conceptual Checkpoints, a widely embraced feature that emphasizes understanding rather than calculation, as well as a new category of end-of-chapter questions called Data Interpretation and Analysis, which present real data in real life situations and ask students to analyze and interpret that data. Also available with Mastering Chemistry. Mastering (TM) Chemistry from Pearson is the leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system, designed to improve results by engaging students with powerful content. Instructors ensure students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources such as Learning Catalytics(TM). Students can further master concepts through homework assignments that provide hints and answer-specific feedback. The Mastering gradebook records scores for all automatically graded assignments in one place, while diagnostic tools give instructors access to rich data to assess student understanding and misconceptions.
€ 209,50 -
Introductory Chemistry Essentials
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value; this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. Before purchasing, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of MyLab(TM) and Mastering(TM) platforms exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a Course ID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use MyLab and Mastering products. For one-semester courses in Preparatory Chemistry Builds 21st century and problem solving skills, preparing students for success Now in its 6th Edition, the best-selling Introductory Chemistry Essentials continues to encourage student interest by showing how chemistry manifests in students' daily lives. Author Nivaldo Tro draws upon his classroom experience as an award-winning instructor to extend chemistry from the laboratory to the student's world, capturing student attention with relevant applications and an engaging writing style. The text provides a superior teaching and learning experience, enabling deep conceptual understanding, fostering the development of problem-solving skills, and encouraging interest in chemistry with concrete examples. Extending chemistry from the lab to the student's world, the text reveals that anyone can master chemistry. Refined to meet its purpose of teaching relevant skills, the 6th Edition includes new questions, data, and sections to help students build the 21st century skills necessary to succeed in introductory chemistry and beyond. Already a visual text, in this edition the art has been further refined and improved, making the visual impact sharper and more targeted to student learning. The new edition also includes new Conceptual Checkpoints, a widely embraced feature that emphasizes understanding rather than calculation, as well as a new category of end-of-chapter questions called Data Interpretation and Analysis, which present real data in real life situations and ask students to analyze and interpret that data. Also available with Mastering Chemistry. Mastering (TM) Chemistry from Pearson is the leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system, designed to improve results by engaging students with powerful content. Instructors ensure students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources such as Learning Catalytics(TM). Students can further master concepts through homework assignments that provide hints and answer-specific feedback. The Mastering gradebook records scores for all automatically graded assignments in one place, while diagnostic tools give instructors access to rich data to assess student understanding and misconceptions.
€ 196,50 -
Organic Chemistry
€ 261,50 -
Loose-Leaf Verson for Organic Chemistry Digital Update
€ 156,50 -
Organic Chemistry
€ 167,50 -
Organic Chemistry
David Klein is a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches Organic and General Chemistry. He is a dynamic and creative teacher and uses analogy to help students grasp difficult topics. Klein's unique informal voice and manner of presentation help students truly master key topics in this course. He is also the author of Organic Chemistry as a Second Language; response to this book has been phenomenal.
€ 167,50 -
Organic Chemistry, 4e Student Solution Manual and Study Guide
David Klein is a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches Organic and General Chemistry. He is a dynamic and creative teacher and uses analogy to help students grasp difficult topics. Klein's unique informal voice and manner of presentation help students truly master key topics in this course. He is also the author of Organic Chemistry as a Second Language; response to this book has been phenomenal.
€ 147,50 -
€ 167,50