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Discover the captivating world of chemistry with our extensive collection of books. From the fundamental concepts of atoms and molecules to complex chemical reactions, these books offer an accessible approach to the field. Whether you're a student, an amateur, or a professional, allow yourself to be fascinated by the structures and processes that underlie the matter around us. Enrich your knowledge and understanding of chemistry and discover how this science permeates our daily lives.
2 results
  1. Organic Chemistry, Global Edition -- Modified Mastering Physics with Pearson eText
    1. Leroy Wade
    2. Jan Simek

    Organic Chemistry, Global Edition -- Modified Mastering Physics with Pearson eText

    L. G. “Skip” Wade received his B. A. from Rice in 1969 and then went on to Harvard University, where he did research with Professor James D. White. While at Harvard, he served as the Head Teaching Fellow for the organic laboratories and was strongly influenced by the teaching methods of two master educators, Professors Leonard K. Nash and Frank H. Westheimer. After completing his Ph.D. at Harvard in 1974, Dr. Wade joined the chemistry faculty at Colorado State University. Over the course of fifteen years at Colorado State, Dr. Wade taught organic chemistry to thousands of students working toward careers in all areas of biology, chemistry, human medicine, veterinary medicine, and environmental studies. He also authored research papers in organic synthesis and in chemical education, as well as eleven books reviewing current research in organic synthesis. Since 1989, Dr. Wade has been a chemistry professor at Whitman College, where he teaches organic chemistry and pursues interests in organic synthesis and forensic chemistry. Dr. Wade received the A. E. Lange Award for Distinguished Science Teaching at Whitman in 1993. Jan Simek was born to humble coal-mining parents who taught him to appreciate the importance of carbon at a very early age. At age 14, he was inspired to pursue a career teaching chemistry by his high school chemistry teacher, Joe Plaskas. Under the guidance of Professor Kurt Kaufman at Kalamazoo College, Dr. Simek began lab work in synthesis of natural products that turned into research in hop extracts for the Kalamazoo Spice Extraction Company. After receiving a master's degree from Stanford University, Dr. Simek worked in the pharmaceutical industry, synthesizing compounds designed to control diabetes and atherosclerosis, and assisted in the isolation of anti-cancer antibiotics from natural sources. Returning to Stanford University, Dr. Simek completed his Ph.D. with the legendary Professor Carl Djerassi, who developed the first synthesis of steroidal oral contraceptives. Dr. Simek's 35-year teaching career was spent primarily at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, where he received the university's Distinguished Teaching Award. Other teaching experiences include Albion College, the University of Colorado at Boulder, Kalamazoo College, and the University of California at Berkeley. In addition to his pharmaceutical research, he has industrial experience investigating dyes, surfactants, and liquid crystals, and he continues to consult for the biotechnology industry. Although his outside interests include free climbing in Yosemite, performing in a reggae band, and parasailing over the Pacific, as close as he gets to any of those is tending his backyard garden with his wife Judy.  

    € 73,50
  2. Pearson eText Access Card - for Chemistry: The Central Science in SI Units, Expanded Edition, 15th [Global Edition]
    1. Theodore L. Brown
    2. H. Eugene LeMay
    3. Bruce E. Bursten

    Pearson eText Access Card - for Chemistry: The Central Science in SI Units, Expanded Edition, 15th [Global Edition]

    THEODORE L. BROWN received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 1956. Since then, he has been a member of the faculty of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he is nowProfessor of Chemistry, Emeritus. He served as Vice Chancellor for Research, and Dean of The Graduate College, from 1980 to 1986, and as Founding Directorof the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology from 1987 to 1993. Professor Brown has been an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellow and has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. In 1972 he wasawarded the American Chemical Society Award for Research in Inorganic Chemistryand received the American Chemical Society Award for Distinguished Service inthe Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry in 1993. He has been elected a Fellow ofthe American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academyof Arts and Sciences, and the American Chemical Society.  H. EUGENE LEMAY, JR., received his B.S. degreein Chemistry from Pacific Lutheran University (Washington) and his Ph.D.inChemistry in 1966 from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He thenjoined the faculty of the University of Nevada, Reno, where he is currentlyProfessor of Chemistry, Emeritus. He has enjoyed Visiting Professorships at theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, at the University College of Walesin Great Britain, and at the University of California, Los Angeles. ProfessorLeMay is a popular and effective teacher, who has taught thousands of studentsduring more than 40 years of university teaching. Known for the clarity of hislectures and his sense of humor, he has received several teaching awards,including the University Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award (1991) and thefirst Regents’ Teaching Award given by the State of Nevada Board of Regents (1997).  BRUCE E. BURSTEN received his Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin in 1978. After two years as aNational Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Texas A&M University, hejoined the faculty of The Ohio State University, where he rose to the rank ofDistinguished University Professor. In 2005, he moved to the University ofTennessee, Knoxville, as Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Dean of theCollege of Arts and Sciences. Professor Bursten has been a Camille and HenryDreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar and an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ResearchFellow, and he is a Fellow of both the American Association for the Advancementof Science and the American Chemical Society. At Ohio State he has received theUniversity Distinguished Teaching Award in 1982 and 1996, the Arts and SciencesStudent Council Outstanding Teaching Award in 1984, and the UniversityDistinguished Scholar Award in 1990. He received the Spiers Memorial Prize andMedal of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2003, and the Morley Medal of theCleveland Section of the American Chemical Society in 2005. He was President ofthe American Chemical Society for 2008. In addition to his teaching and serviceactivities, Professor Bursten’s research program focuses on compounds of thetransition-metal and actinide elements.  CATHERINE J. MURPHY received twoB.S. degrees, one in Chemistry and one in Biochemistry, from the University ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 1986. She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry fromthe University of Wisconsin in 1990. She was a National Science Foundation andNational Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Instituteof Technology from 1990 to 1993. In 1993, she joined the faculty of theUniversity of South Carolina, Columbia, becoming the Guy F. Lipscomb Professorof Chemistry in 2003. In 2009 she moved to the University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign, as the Peter C. and Gretchen Miller Markunas Professor ofChemistry. Professor Murphy has been honored for both research and teaching asa Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ResearchFellow, a Cottrell Scholar of the Research Corporation, a National ScienceFoundation CAREER Award winner, and a subsequent NSF Award for SpecialCreativity. She has also received a USC Mortar Board Excellence in TeachingAward, the USC Golden Key Faculty Award for Creative Integration of Researchand Undergraduate Teaching, the USC Michael J. Mungo Undergraduate TeachingAward, and the USC Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award. Since 2006,Professor Murphy has served as a Senior Editor for the Journal of PhysicalChemistry. In 2008 she was elected a Fellow of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science. Professor Murphy’s research program focuses on thesynthesis and optical properties of inorganic nanomaterials, and on the localstructure and dynamics of the DNA double helix.  PATRICK M. WOODWARD received B.S. degreesin both Chemistry and Engineering from Idaho State University in 1991.Hereceived a M.S. degree in Materials Science and a Ph.D. in Chemistry fromOregon State University in 1996. He spent two years as a post-doctoralresearcher in the Department of Physics at Brookhaven National Laboratory.In1998, he joined the faculty of the Chemistry Department at The Ohio StateUniversity where he currently holds the rank of Professor. He has enjoyedvisiting professorship sat the University of Bordeaux in France and the Universityof Sydney in Australia. Professor Woodward has been an Alfred P. SloanFoundation Research Fellow and a National Science Foundation CAREER Award winner.He currently serves as an Associate Editor to the Journal of Solid StateChemistry and as the director of the Ohio REEL program, an NSF-funded centerthat works to bring authentic research experiments into the laboratories offirst- and second-year chemistry classes in 15 colleges and universities acrossthe state of Ohio. Professor Woodward’s research program focuses on understandingthe links between bonding, structure, and properties of solid-state inorganicfunctional materials.  MATTHEW W. STOLTZFUS received his in Chemistry from Millersville University in 2002 and his Ph. D. inChemistry in2007 from The Ohio State University. He spent two years as ateaching postdoctoral assistant for the Ohio REEL program, an NSF-funded centerthat works to bring authentic research experiments into the general chemistrylab curriculum in 15 colleges and universities across the state of Ohio. In2009, he joined the faculty of Ohio State where he currently holds the positionof Chemistry Lecturer. In addition to lecturing general chemistry, Stoltzfusaccepted the Faculty Fellow position for the Digital First Initiative,inspiring instructors to offer engaging digital learning content to studentsthrough emerging technology. Through this initiative, he developed an iTunesUgeneral chemistry course, which has attracted over 120,000 students from all overthe world. Stoltzfus has received several teaching awards, including theinaugural Ohio State University2013 Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teachingby a Lecturer and he is recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator

    € 87,95