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Discover the captivating world of chemistry with our extensive collection of books. From the fundamental concepts of atoms and molecules to complex chemical reactions, these books offer an accessible approach to the field. Whether you're a student, an amateur, or a professional, allow yourself to be fascinated by the structures and processes that underlie the matter around us. Enrich your knowledge and understanding of chemistry and discover how this science permeates our daily lives.
4.134 results
  1. Leerboek metabolisme en voeding
    1. F.C. Schuit

    Leerboek metabolisme en voeding

    Dit boek behandelt de belangrijkste aspecten van het menselijke metabolisme op een inzichtelijke manier. Het bespreekt de basisbegrippen, de complexe relatie tussen metabolisme en voeding en tussen metabolisme en ziektemechanismen. Het boek is bestemd voor studenten geneeskunde, mondzorg, farmacie en biomedische wetenschappen, hbo voeding en diëtetiek. De inhoud van het boek is verweven met een van de pijlers van de bachelorfase van de hiervoor vermelde opleidingen: de chemische basis van gezondheid en ziekte. Metabolisme gaat over chemische reacties die brandstoffen omzetten in nuttige energie en bouwstenen vanuit de voeding opbouwen tot bestanddelen van het lichaam. Het is belangrijk om te weten hoe het metabolisme normaal werkt en inspeelt op dagelijkse veranderingen in de voedingstoestand en fysische activiteit. Maar ook wat er speelt bij specifieke stofwisselingsziekten en de complexe bijdragen van een veranderd metabolisme aan frequente ziekten zoals diabetes en kanker.De derde herziene druk van Leerboek metabolisme en voeding bestaat uit twaalf hoofdstukken. De kernleerstof wordt ondersteund door 270 afbeeldingen, concrete leerdoelen en studeeraanwijzingen. In elk hoofdstuk staan ook verdiepende kaders over de grenzen van wetenschappelijk verantwoorde vakkennis, de rol van pioniers in vroeger onderzoek, het belang hiervan voor huidige medische toepassingen en beschouwingen uit de evolutieleer. Daarbij wordt steeds verwezen naar recente literatuur.Op de bijbehorende website zijn 300 toetsvragen, casussen en hot topics te vinden.

    € 83,95
  2. Inleiding tot de levensmiddelenchemie
    1. A. Ruiter

    Inleiding tot de levensmiddelenchemie

    Wat is limonine en hoe ziet de structuur van limonine eruit? Wat zijn melaninen? Welke ziekte kan worden genezen door toediening van nicotinezuur? In welke hoeveelheid is mangaan giftig voor de mens? Op al deze vragen geeft Inleiding tot de levensmiddelenchemie antwoord.Het boek is bedoeld voor eenieder die geïnteresseerd is in de samenstelling en het 'gedrag' van levensmiddelen en die enige chemische kennis bezit op dit terrein. Inleiding tot de levensmiddelenchemie kan tevens als handboek worden gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld als informatiebron voor bestanddelen van levensmiddelen en de functies die ze vervullen.Kortom, dit boek is een aanwinst voor iedereen die al dan niet beroepsmatig te maken heeft met voeding en/of voedingsmiddelen: voedingsdeskundigen, diëtisten, stafmedewerkers in de voedingsmiddelenindustrie en in laboratoria, overheidspersoneel, studenten levensmiddelenchemie, leraren chemie of biologie in het vwo en hbo, enzovoort.Dr. A. Ruiter studeerde scheikunde en was vanaf 1960 werkzaam bij de toenmalige voedingsorganiatie TNO. Hij promoveerde in 1969. Ruiter was als hoogleraar levensmiddelenchemie verbonden aan de Universiteit van Utrecht van 1980 tot 1996. Voor Nederland was hij ruim tien jaar afgevaardigde voor de Division of Food Chemistry van de Federation of European Chemical Societies. Tegenwoordig is Ruiter adviseur op het gebied van de levensmiddelenchemie en schrijft hij hierover. Er zijn inmiddels al vele publicaties van zijn hand verschenen.

    € 97,95
  3. Drug Design
    1. Gerhard , Klebe

    Drug Design

    This English-language textbook, based on the successful German edition 'Wirkstoffdesign', brings the subject of drug design back to the cutting edge of research. The reader learns about new methods in genetic engineering and the expanded range of structural biological methods. Especially in the last 10 years, many complex target structures such as G-protein coupled receptors or ion channels have been elucidated by using these methods. The reader learns how these long-sought complex structures with classical drugs look like and how the therapeutic effect is achieved. This textbook is aimed at students of pharmacy, chemistry and the life sciences, but also at career changers and medicinal chemists in research and development departments of the pharmaceutical industry. Conceptually, it is very different from classical textbooks on pharmaceutical chemistry. It focuses on the path to a new drug substance. The selection of case studies is based on didactic aspects and attempts to give a broad overview of methods and strategies without forgetting to look back at the beginnings of this field of work. Thus, the arc spans from the history of drug research, the mechanisms of action of drugs and the methods for lead structure search and optimisation to structure determination methods, modelling, molecular dynamics and QSAR methods to structure- and computer-aided design. Videos via app: simply download the SN More Media app free of charge, scan a link with the play button or use the printed QR code and immediately play the video on your smartphone or tablet.    

    € 80,24
  4. Inulin for Pharmaceutical Applications

    Inulin for Pharmaceutical Applications

    This book explores the different uses of inulin in pharmaceutical formulations, its potential therapeutic benefits, and the regulatory considerations involved in developing inulin-based pharmaceutical products. The book covers topics such as the physical and chemical properties of inulin, its use in drug delivery and controlled release systems, therapeutic applications in managing metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, immune function, bone health, and brain health, as well as the regulatory considerations involved in developing inulin-based pharmaceutical products. The book aims to provide a complete understanding of the various applications of inulin in the pharmaceutical industry, making it relevant and significant for pharmaceutical professionals seeking to develop new drugs and drug delivery systems. Additionally, it provides valuable information for researchers and scientists working on inulin-based treatments and formulations. It appears to be a comprehensive guide for scientists, researchers, and pharmaceutical professionals interested in understanding the various applications of inulin in the pharmaceutical industry.

    € 160,49
  5. Sustainable Pharmaceutical Product Development and Optimization Processes

    Sustainable Pharmaceutical Product Development and Optimization Processes

    This book offers unparalleled insight into the convergence of sustainability and pharmaceutical product development, with a specific focus on optimization processes. By addressing the urgent demand for more environmentally conscious and efficient strategies in the drug development industry, particularly in an era where the world faces the mounting challenges posed by climate change, the book provides a comprehensive guide for integrating sustainability principles throughout the pharmaceutical product lifecycle, directly contributing to the United Nationals Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). The chapters cover key topics, including the application of green chemistry, eco-design principles, sustainable sourcing of raw materials, waste reduction strategies, and the use of renewable energy in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. Throughout the book, case studies are integrated, offering practical insights and concurrently highlighting the economic and environmental advantages of sustainable practices, thereby addressing skepticism regarding the feasibility and profitability of such initiatives. The book also discusses regulatory considerations, ethical implications, and the challenges and opportunities associated with moving toward more sustainable practices in pharmaceutical development. Importantly, this book seeks to solve the problem of the knowledge gap and lack of practical resources for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry who aspire to implement sustainable and optimized processes. This work consolidates a network of professionals and scholars keenly focused on future sustainability challenges, developing enhancement methodologies, and sharing successful strategies for implementing eco-friendly practices in pharmaceutical sectors worldwide, ultimately contributing to the global effort to achieve the SDGs by 2030. With a focus on pharmaceutical professionals, researchers, academicians, and students, the book serves as a valuable reference for those involved in drug development and process optimization. Policymakers and regulatory bodies might also find it insightful, as it addresses current landscapes, challenges, and future directions in sustainable pharmaceutical product development.

    € 213,99
  6. Organic Chemistry in Medicine
    1. Budin Michov

    Organic Chemistry in Medicine

    Professor Budin Michov, MD, PhD, DSc, studied medicine and specialized in biochemistry and clinical laboratory. He worked as a chemist and biochemist at the Technical University in Munich, Germany, and as a scientific adviser at SERVA Electrophoresis in Heidelberg, Germany. Later he became the chairman of the Department of Biochemistry at the Medical Faculty of Sofia University, Bulgaria. Prof Michov published articles on a new complex compound in TRIS-borate buffers, ionic mobility parameter, simplifying the Henry's function, electrophoresis in one buffer at two pH values, TRIS-formate-taurinate buffer system for SDS electrophoresis (patented), electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids in agarose gel, and more. He is the author of several books, too: Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation and Allergy (1977); Electrophorese, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin – New York (1996), in German; Electrophoresis. Theory and Practice, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin – Boston (2020); Electrophoresis Fundamentals (2022), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin – Boston; and more.

    € 120,50
  7. Challenges and Solutions Against Visceral Leishmaniasis

    Challenges and Solutions Against Visceral Leishmaniasis

    This book comprehensively reviews the epidemiology and surveillance strategies of Visceral Leishmaniasis, and the latest developments in disease diagnosis, drug discovery, and vaccine development. The initial chapters cover the epidemiology features and spatial distribution of Visceral Leishmaniasis. The book further discusses the manifestations of HIV-Visceral Leishmaniasis infection on the immunopathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapeutic response. It analyzes the role of different proteomic technologies in understanding the parasite development, survival, drug resistance mechanisms, host-pathogen interactions, and the development of new therapeutic approaches. The book concludes by discussing recent advancements in vaccine development for Visceral Leishmaniasis. It discusses the promising vaccine candidate, their developmental status, current challenges, and prospects for rational vaccine development against Leishmania. This book is an invaluable source of information for students, and researchers working to understand the Leishmania biology, and drug development.

    € 192,59
  8. Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

    This volume "Cell Engineerring 11 - Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing: Progress, Trends and Challenges" is a source of the latest innovative research and technical development  in biomanufacturing systems. It is organised into 2 parts: 1) Manufacturing of recombinant therapeutic proteins (e.g. therapeutic antibodies, biosimilars/biogenerics) and 2) Manufacturing aspects of cell and gene therapy. Each with selected chapters on the following topics for both up- and downstream, such as: Advanced process strategies, especially continuous manufacturing, Advanced culture techniques, especially single-use systems, Process transfer, scale-up/scale-down models, Processing advances/Manufacturing productivity/efficiency, Model-assisted process understanding and development/Digital Twins, Process controls and analytics, Quality control, Quality by design, Facility design and full-scale commercial systems, manufacturing technology innovation. The book comprises contributions of experts from academia and industry active in the field of cell culture development for the production of recombinant proteins, cell therapy and gene therapy, with consideration of Digital Twin¿s and facility design. The knowledge and expertise of the authors cover disciplines like cell biology, engineering, biotechnology and biomedical sciences. Inevitably, some omissions will occur in the test, but the authors have sought to avoid duplications by extensive cross-referencing to chapters in other volumes of this series and elsewhere. We hope the volume provides a useful compendium of techniques for scientists in industrial and research laboratories active in this field.

    € 181,89
  9. Exploring Modern Mass Spectrometry and Its Real-World Applications
    1. Toshihiro , Fujii

    Exploring Modern Mass Spectrometry and Its Real-World Applications

    This book provides an insight into the depth and rich possibilities of the sophisticated technology of mass spectrometry that has brought Nobel Prizes to seven successive generations of scientists. The book first introduces the principles of mass spectrometry and how it will continue to change our lives. It is, so to speak, a reportage on the front lines. Then, this cutting-edge technology is briefly explained. By this, the author introduces both science and humanities majors alike to consider "what new worlds have been opened up by the power of measuring molecules," and how science is being applied to our society. This book covers the 100-year history of mass spectrometry and trends in a wide range of fields such as the latest medical diagnostics, environmental science, personal safety, and food safety. It also serves as an excellent introduction to the study of mass spectrometry. It provides easy access for those who intend to work or conduct research using mass spectrometry techniques, such as science and engineering technicians, graduate students, physicians, pharmacists, and clinical technologists. For those already engaged in the field, it will be helpful in learning about the latest trends and predicting future developments.

    € 171,19
  10. Natural Products as Sources of Novel Drugs

    Natural Products as Sources of Novel Drugs

    This book reflects the state of the art in the field of natural product drug discovery. The work explores what advances have been made in discovering novel compounds from terrestrial, marine and microbial sources for use in the treatment and management of both non-communicable (e.g. cardiovascular, neurodegenerative) and communicable (e.g. malaria) diseases. Each chapter is authored by international experts who present detailed analysis of the pipeline of natural product-derived drugs in their field. This book makes a valuable contribution to the field and appeals to researchers in all branches of natural product research.

    € 171,19
  11. Respiratory Delivery of Biologics, Nucleic Acids, and Vaccines

    Respiratory Delivery of Biologics, Nucleic Acids, and Vaccines

    Therapeutic macromolecules and biologics have gained increasing importance in the last decade. Pulmonary and intranasal delivery of these therapeutic modalities, which have poor oral bioavailability, could constitute an attractive, non-invasive alternative to parenteral delivery. They can be considered for either topical use for treating diseases affecting the airways or for systemic use for treating a variety of other diseases. Therefore, this book is a readable, thoughtful, and useful guide on the latest research developments and the best options that people involved with pulmonary and intranasal route of administration and biologically active agents can bring to their practices. Furthermore, it explores the underlying scientific rationale for the strategies applied to overcome drug delivery challenges and provides insights to inspire further research in this growing area.

    € 171,19
  12. Cordyceps and Allied Species

    Cordyceps and Allied Species

    This book comprehensively covers all aspects of distribution, taxonomy, life cycle, cultivation, application in traditional medicine, their secondary metabolites, and their biological properties, along with various parameters to yield improvement in selected species of Cordyceps. It covers the history, diversity, ecology, taxonomy, phylogeny, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, various techniques of cultivation, preservation, significance in human health (traditional remedies, modern therapeutics, bioactive potential and curative potential of lifestyle diseases), industrial significance (pigments, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, bioactive macromolecules, fermentation products, metabolic pathways and industrial products), biocontrol potential, market potential and conservation. This book also highlights the future directions of application-oriented research and the market potential of this economically important genus. The book is an inclusive complication of all classes of metabolites of Cordyceps that are currently being used or are under development, such as antibacterial, antimycotic, biofilm inhibitors, antivirals, antioxidants, anticancer agents, anti-diabetes, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenesis, immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory activity. Biotechnological interventions such as epigenetic modifications, co-culture, OSMAC, CRISPER and chemical mutagenesis would also be addressed. The book has been divided into five to six sections addressing different aspects of the bioprospecting of Cordyceps in the discovery and development of drugs, including biotechnological intervention and analytical methods or approaches.

    € 267,49