Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes
- Materials science 2.070
- Testing of materials 1.914
- Industrial chemistry and chemical engineering 1.881
- Engineering applications of polymers and composites 1.393
- Nanotechnology 1.280
- Biotechnology 1.268
- Engineering applications of electronic, magnetic, optical materials 1.063
- Food and beverage technology 911
- Environmental science, engineering and technology 708
- Electrical engineering 608
- Electronics engineering 553
- Waste treatment and disposal 461
- Agricultural science 461
- Alternative and renewable energy sources and technology 455
- Engineering applications of bio-materials 414
- Soil science and management 371
- Biochemical engineering 322
- Environmental monitoring 283
- Energy, power generation, distribution and storage 245
- Mechanical engineering 231
- Maths for engineers 224
- Production and industrial engineering 216
- Ceramic and glass technology 209
- Electronic devices and materials 178
- Engineering thermodynamics 175
- Forestry and silviculture 168
- Civil engineering, surveying and building 165
- Plastics and polymers 158
- Pharmaceutical chemistry and technology 135
- Energy technology and engineering 133
- Engineering: Mechanics of fluids 111
- Electronics: circuits and components 95
- Engineering: Mechanics of solids 87
- Engineering applications of surface coatings and films 77
Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes
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View our offer Chemistry
Toxic Chemiekaarten 40ste editie 2025
Het werken met chemische producten en gevaarlijke stoffen vraagt om betrouwbare informatie. En dat is precies waarin Toxic Chemiekaarten voorziet. Je weet hierdoor zeker dat je bijvoorbeeld bij calamiteiten beschikt over de juiste actuele stof- en veiligheidsinformatie. Toxic Chemiekaarten bewijst al 40 jaar haar autoriteit. In de 40e editie van het chemiekaartenboek zijn alle kaarten gecheckt en op basis daarvan zijn er een kleine 300 kaarten bijgewerkt naar de huidige stand van zaken. De stoffen in het boek zijn getoetst aan de laatste veranderingen in tabel 3 van Annex VI van de CLP-verordening en op hun aanwezigheid in de meest recente lijsten van (p)ZZS van het RIVM en de lijst van kankerverwekkende stoffen en processen van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (1 juli 2024). Ook zijn de stoffen getoetst op hun SVHC-status. Daarnaast zijn de meest recente wettelijke grenswaarden, interventiewaarden, DNEL's en PNEC's in de kaarten verwerkt. Toxic Chemiekaarten 2025 geeft duidelijkheid over de gevaren van chemische stoffen. Per chemische stof één pagina met alle relevante gegevens. Je ziet zo in één oogopslag wat te doen in geval van calamiteiten. Gevalideerde informatie, door onafhankelijk team van chemische experts. Chemiekaarten bewijst al 40 jaar haar autoriteit. Ruim 1.400 enkelvoudige stoffen met de chemische eigenschappen, gevaarseigenschappen, preventie- en noodmaatregelen in één naslagwerk.
€ 1168,66 -
Introductie Chemische Veiligheid Derde druk
Introductie Chemische Veiligheid is een zeer complete uitgave die opgebouwd is uit jarenlange ervaring in het onderwijzen over chemische veiligheid op de werkvloer. Dit praktische boek richt zich op zowel de HSE-medewerker als degene op de werkvloer die dagelijks werkt met chemische stoffen. Introductie Chemische Veiligheid is een uitgave die ontstaan is uit jarenlange ervaring in het onderwijzen over chemische veiligheid op de werkvloer. Het richt zich op zowel de HSE-medewerker als degene op de werkvloer die dagelijks werkt met chemische stoffen. De uitgave is ontstaan naar aanleiding van een groeiende vraag om meer inzicht in en grip te krijgen op de risico’s van het werken met chemische stoffen. Jaarlijks worden er nog steeds te veel mensen ziek als gevolg van blootstelling aan chemische stoffen tijdens hun werk. Dit resulteert in blijvende gezondheidsschade en soms zelfs in overlijden. Het heeft een enorme maatschappelijke impact die zowel economische als blijvende fysieke en emotionele schade veroorzaakt. Introductie Chemische Veiligheid voorziet in de basiskennis om een positieve bijdrage te leveren aan het veiliger maken van de werkzaamheden met chemische stoffen in organisaties. Op deze manier worden werkprocessen veiliger, duurzamer en werken we samen aan een wereld waarin werk geen levens meer kost. Deze derde herziene uitgave is wat de wet- en regelgeving betreft geheel bijgewerkt aan de huidige stand van zaken. Daarnaast zijn tal van onderwerpen nader uitgediept en zijn er onderwerpen toegevoegd, waaronder een nieuw onderdeel over stoffen zonder eigenaar.
€ 136,25 -
Design, Synthesis, and Properties of Redox-Active Bisquinodimethanes
This book focuses on the construction of redox systems composed of doubly fused para-quinodimethane (p-QD) units and on the elucidation of the unique redox behavior. p-QD is a class of non-aromatic ¿-conjugated compounds that is well-known to be interconvertible scaffolds in many response systems due to its contribution of resonance structure with a planar aromatic sextet ring. This book describes studies on a strategy for precisely controlling the frontier orbital levels of p-QD-based redox systems and a nature of cationic states of ¿-electron systems with doubly fused p-QD units. The author revealed that multi-redox unimolecular systems with cross-linking of the two sterically strained p-QD units exhibit unique hysteretic character or have a domino effect upon electron transfer, which cannot be achieved in a monomeric p-QD-based system. Thus, these studies are milestones in creating functional redox systems unprecedented dynamic redox (dyrex) behaviors. A study on cationic states of ¿-electron systems with doubly fused p-QD units and their intrinsic redox properties will lead to the development of unprecedented dyrex systems, the frontier orbital levels of which can be precisely controlled by input of external stimuli such as electric potential and heat. This book benefits chemists with a deeper understanding of the redox-active molecules.
€ 213,99 -
Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology
The book covers in particular state-of-the-art scientific research about product quality control and related health and environmental safety topics, including human, animal and plant safety assurance issues. These conference proceedings provide contemporary information on the general theoretical, metrological and practical issues of the production and application of reference materials. Reference materials play an integral role in physical, chemical and related type of measurements, ensuring their uniformity, comparability and the validity of quantitative analysis as well as, as a result, the objectivity of decisions concerning the elimination of technical barriers in commercial and economic, scientific and technical and other spheres of cooperation. The book is intended for researchers and practitioners in the field of chemistry, metrologists, technical physics, as well as for specialists in analytical laboratories, or working for companies and organizations involved in the production, distribution and use of reference materials.
€ 171,19 -
Metal-Responsive Base Pair Switching of Ligand-type Uracil Nucleobases
In this thesis, the author proposes "metal-responsive base pair switching" of ligand-modified nucleobases as a novel tool for stimuli-responsive control of DNA assemblies. It is written to demonstrate broad applicability of the base pair switching in dynamic DNA nanotechnology and inspire researchers to use this technique. Based on specific interactions between ligand-type nucleobases and target metal ions, in this volume, DNA hybridization was dynamically controlled through strand displacement reactions. The base pair switching was further applied to develop metal-dependent DNA molecular machines. This novel strategy for stimuli-responsive regulation of DNA assemblies will greatly expand the scope of dynamic DNA nanotechnology. This volume uniquely features importance of elaborate molecular design based on chemistry for imparting stimuli responsiveness to DNA assemblies.
€ 149,79 -
Green Infrastructure
This second volume of "Green Infrastructure" provides a comprehensive exploration of both established and evolving green infrastructure materials, along with sustainable practices across various facets that hold the potential to shape our future. Emphasizing emerging domain materials such as timber, concrete, soil, and pavement, among others, this book delves into the pivotal role these elements play in fostering sustainable urban development. It underscores the significance of these materials in preserving ecosystem services and constructive management, thus leading to the attainment of manifold advantages. Bridging a critical void in the existing literature, this volume serves as an indispensable resource, serving to guide forthcoming research endeavors concerning green materials and their applications within the realm of sustainability.
€ 117,69 -
Enzymes in Textile Processing: A Climate Changes Mitigation Approach
The book offers a comprehensive overview of low-capital cost technologies for enzyme manufacture and utilization in the textile industry with sustainable bioenergy from effluent. Enzymes produced from renewable sources to replace potentially harmful chemicals in textile products have been outlined in making the textile industry greener and eco-friendly. The current book also addresses the strategies to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) and sustainability education in the textile sector. In particular, the use of green enzymes to convert by-products from textile effluents into bioenergy has been highlighted. This book outfits academic researchers, industrial practitioners, and policymakers for the engagement of green enzymes as a step toward sustainable development goals in the textile industry.
€ 181,89 -
Carbon Fluorides
This book offers a comprehensive perspective on carbon fluorides, covering detailed descriptions of the structure, properties, preparation, and applications of carbon fluorides, from basic knowledge to the latest research developments. It provides readers with a clear and in-depth analysis of carbon fluorides. This book first describes the structural properties of carbon fluorides, such as the formation of different types of C-F bonds, F/C ratio, and the impact of F atom distribution on material properties. The introduction of F atoms results in unique properties of carbon fluorides in terms of optics, electronics, thermal properties, and mechanical strength, distinguishing them from carbon materials. This book also introduces various carbon fluoride materials prepared from various carbon material precursors currently under research, such as fluorinated graphene, fluorinated carbon nanotubes, fluorinated graphite, and fluorinated fullerenes. The detailed description of the research and applications of carbon fluorides in batteries and other areas is provided. This book is suitable for professionals and academic researchers and also serves as a self-study reference for beginners interested in this field. The author of this book has over a decade of experience and expertise in carbon fluorides research, providing readers with a rich and comprehensive book in this field.
€ 181,89 -
Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Food and Dairy Production
This book offers a comprehensive exploration of food and dairy process engineering, catering to a diverse audience ranging from students and budding engineers to seasoned professionals in the food industry. It delves into a wide array of crucial topics, each meticulously crafted to provide valuable insights into the complex world of food and dairy processing. Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Food and Dairy Production begins by addressing the paramount concern of safety in the food industry, tackling challenges and opportunities in ensuring the quality and integrity of food products. The book promotes an understanding of the sources of dairy products and the practices involved in dairy farming, which are pivotal for producing high-quality dairy goods. Raw material management and quality control techniques are covered in full, as are fluid mechanics and heat transfer and pasteurization techniques. Fermentation processes are explored in-depth, showcasing their significance in the creation of various food products. Separation technologies such as filtration and centrifugation techniques are studied and evaporation and concentration techniques are discussed which enables the production of condensed and powdered items. A full chapter is dedicated to food and dairy freezing and cooling techniques, focusing on maintaining the correct temperature and various freezing and cooling methods. For researchers in search of the most updated technologies and techniques for sustainable food and dairy processing, this text functions as a singular source.
€ 213,99 -
Energy Technology 2024
This collection is focused on industrial energy sustainability and CO2 management, including processes that improve energy efficiency and reduce or eliminate industrial GHG emissions. Topics address technology areas such as clean energy technologies, innovative beneficiation, smelting technologies, process intensification, as well as CO2 capture and conversion for industrial applications. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:· Decarbonizing Materials Processing· Use of low carbon fuels, feedstock, and renewable energy resources for materials processing.· Emerging processes and techniques for industrial CO2 capture, conversion/upgrade· CO2 and other GHG reduction metallurgy in ferrous, non-ferrous and reactive metals processing, including rare-earth metals.· Energy Efficiency & Industrial Electrification· Electrification of industrial process heat and electrified production of energy carriers (e.g., hydrogen, ammonia)· Energy efficiency improvements for materials processing and smart manufacturing for optimized process control· System integration and thermal integration of process heat, waste heat recovery, and other technologies for industrial energy efficiency· Sustainability Analysis· Techno-economic life-cycle, resource efficiency and circular economy modeling of energy-intensive processes and associated material supply chains· The role of energy education and regulation in energy and materials sustainability
€ 213,99 -
Inulin for Pharmaceutical Applications
This book explores the different uses of inulin in pharmaceutical formulations, its potential therapeutic benefits, and the regulatory considerations involved in developing inulin-based pharmaceutical products. The book covers topics such as the physical and chemical properties of inulin, its use in drug delivery and controlled release systems, therapeutic applications in managing metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, immune function, bone health, and brain health, as well as the regulatory considerations involved in developing inulin-based pharmaceutical products. The book aims to provide a complete understanding of the various applications of inulin in the pharmaceutical industry, making it relevant and significant for pharmaceutical professionals seeking to develop new drugs and drug delivery systems. Additionally, it provides valuable information for researchers and scientists working on inulin-based treatments and formulations. It appears to be a comprehensive guide for scientists, researchers, and pharmaceutical professionals interested in understanding the various applications of inulin in the pharmaceutical industry.
€ 160,49 -
Design of Active Key Interfaces in Fuel Cells
This book focuses on the multidisciplinary teamwork for the design of key interfaces in fuel cell devices. It covers the fabrication, modelling, and operando-microanalysis sections in each chapter. Also, each chapter in the book consists of the introduction of basic theory, representative experimental results, and future prospects in each field. The book is an edited volume, intended to serve as an introductory textbook in multidisciplinary research work for the design and development of fuel cells. To fully enjoy the multidisciplinary research activities in fuel cell field, the beginners need to learn the basic knowledge and experimental data in each field. Compared with the published introductory textbooks in the field of science and engineering of fuel cells, this book has the following advantages. Firstly, it is an introductory textbook of multidisciplinary work for the design and development field of intermediate temperature (IT) solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) and high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells (HT-PEFCs) . And at the same time, this book is convenient for practical research implementation in R & D of those IT-SOFC and HT-PEFC devices. Secondly recent research topics with sufficient references are included in each chapter. Scientists and engineers in the fuel cell field will obtain useful knowledge in critical review chapters in the fabrication, modeling, and operando-microanalysis fields. Finally experimental results are closely combined with the cutting edge of scientific research work in the IT-SOFC and HT-PEFC materials and devices field. For all these reasons, this book is a useful start-up in multidisciplinary work for R & D of IT-SOFC and HT-PEFC devices.
€ 181,89