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Badania funkcjonalne i strukturalne atypowej endoglukanazy grzybowej
Znaczenie badä nad celulazami nie ogranicza si¿ do zdobywania wiedzy naukowej, ale tak¿e do ogromnego potencjäu biotechnologicznego, jaki reprezentuj¿. Wynika to z faktu, ¿e celuloza jest najliczniejsz¿ cz¿steczk¿ wyst¿puj¿c¿ w przyrodzie i zapewnia szeroki zakres zrównowäonych produktów i procesów. Wiele rodzin celulaz zostäo ju¿ dobrze scharakteryzowanych, podczas gdy inne pozostaj¿ nieznane. W¿ród tych ostatnich, rodzina 45 hydrolaz glikozydowych jest najs¿abiej scharakteryzowan¿ rodzin¿ celulaz grzybowych, zarówno pod wzgl¿dem strukturalnym, jak i funkcjonalnym. W tej ksi¿¿ce opisujemy struktur¿ krystalograficzn¿ enzymu endoglukanazy V z mikroorganizmu o nazwie Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PcCel45A). Opisujemy równie¿ struktur¿ tego enzymu z ligandem (celobioz¿). Aby zbadä jego funkcj¿, przeprowadzili¿my badania miejsca katalitycznego enzymu, stosuj¿c mutagenez¿ ukierunkowan¿ na miejsce w g¿ównych resztach miejsca aktywnego. Enzym ten wykazä struktur¿ i mechanizm dziäania cäkowicie odmienny od innych enzymów z tej rodziny.
€ 55,90 -
Studi funzionali e strutturali di una endoglucanasi fungina atipica
L'importanza dello studio delle cellulasi non si limita all'acquisizione di conoscenze scientifiche, ma anche al grande potenziale biotecnologico che esse rappresentano. Ciò è dovuto al fatto che la cellulosa è la molecola più abbondante presente in natura e fornisce un'ampia gamma di prodotti e processi sostenibili. Molte famiglie di cellulasi sono già state ben caratterizzate, mentre altre rimangono sconosciute. Tra queste ultime, la famiglia 45 delle idrolasi glicosidiche è la meno caratterizzata tra le cellulasi fungine, sia dal punto di vista strutturale che funzionale. In questo libro riportiamo la struttura cristallografica dell'enzima endoglucanasi V di un microrganismo chiamato Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PcCel45A). Riportiamo anche la struttura di questo enzima con un ligando (cellobiosio). Per studiarne la funzione, abbiamo condotto studi sul sito catalitico dell'enzima, utilizzando la mutagenesi sito-diretta nei principali residui del sito attivo. Questo enzima ha mostrato una struttura e un meccanismo d'azione totalmente diversi dagli altri enzimi della famiglia.
€ 55,90 -
Funktionelle und strukturelle Untersuchungen einer atypischen Pilz-Endoglucanase
Die Bedeutung der Erforschung von Cellulasen beschränkt sich nicht nur auf den Erwerb wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse, sondern auch auf das große biotechnologische Potenzial, das sie darstellen. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass Cellulose das in der Natur am häufigsten vorkommende Molekül ist und eine breite Palette nachhaltiger Produkte und Verfahren bietet. Viele Cellulasefamilien sind bereits gut charakterisiert, während andere noch unbekannt sind. Unter den letzteren ist die Familie 45 der Glykosidhydrolasen die am wenigsten charakterisierte Familie der Pilzzellulasen, sowohl strukturell als auch funktionell. In diesem Buch berichten wir über die kristallographische Struktur des Enzyms Endoglucanase V aus dem Mikroorganismus Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PcCel45A). Wir berichten auch über die Struktur dieses Enzyms mit einem Liganden (Cellobiose). Um die Funktion des Enzyms zu studieren, haben wir Studien über das katalytische Zentrum des Enzyms durchgeführt, indem wir die wichtigsten Reste des aktiven Zentrums durch gezielte Mutagenese verändert haben. Dieses Enzym wies eine Struktur und einen Wirkmechanismus auf, die sich völlig von denen der anderen Enzyme der Familie unterschieden.
€ 55,90 -
Functional and structural studies of an atypical fungal endoglucanase
The importance of studying cellulases is not limited to the acquisition of scientific knowledge, but also to the great biotechnological potential they represent. This is due to the fact that cellulose is the most abundant molecule present in nature and provides a wide range of sustainable products and processes. Many cellulase families have already been well characterized, while others remain unknown. Among the latter, family 45 of glycoside hydrolases is the least characterized family of fungal cellulases, both structurally and functionally. In this book we report the crystallographic structure of the endoglucanase V enzyme from a microorganism called Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PcCel45A). We also report the structure of this enzyme with a ligand (cellobiose). In order to study its function, we carried out studies on the enzyme's catalytic site, using site-directed mutagenesis in the main residues of the active site. This enzyme showed a structure and mechanism of action that was totally different from the other enzymes in the family.
€ 55,90 -
Études fonctionnelles et structurales d'une endoglucanase fongique atypique
L'importance de l'étude des cellulases ne se limite pas à l'acquisition de connaissances scientifiques, mais également au grand potentiel biotechnologique qu'elles représentent. En effet, la cellulose est la molécule la plus abondante présente dans la nature et fournit une large gamme de produits et de processus durables. De nombreuses familles de cellulases ont déjà été bien caractérisées, tandis que d'autres restent inconnues. Parmi ces dernières, la famille 45 des glycoside hydrolases est la famille de cellulases fongiques la moins caractérisée, tant sur le plan structurel que fonctionnel. Dans ce livre, nous présentons la structure cristallographique de l'enzyme endoglucanase V d'un micro-organisme appelé Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PcCel45A). Nous rapportons également la structure de cette enzyme avec un ligand (cellobiose). Afin d'étudier sa fonction, nous avons réalisé des études sur le site catalytique de l'enzyme, en utilisant la mutagenèse dirigée sur les principaux résidus du site actif. Cette enzyme a montré une structure et un mécanisme d'action totalement différents des autres enzymes de la famille.
€ 55,90 -
Metal-Responsive Base Pair Switching of Ligand-type Uracil Nucleobases
In this thesis, the author proposes "metal-responsive base pair switching" of ligand-modified nucleobases as a novel tool for stimuli-responsive control of DNA assemblies. It is written to demonstrate broad applicability of the base pair switching in dynamic DNA nanotechnology and inspire researchers to use this technique. Based on specific interactions between ligand-type nucleobases and target metal ions, in this volume, DNA hybridization was dynamically controlled through strand displacement reactions. The base pair switching was further applied to develop metal-dependent DNA molecular machines. This novel strategy for stimuli-responsive regulation of DNA assemblies will greatly expand the scope of dynamic DNA nanotechnology. This volume uniquely features importance of elaborate molecular design based on chemistry for imparting stimuli responsiveness to DNA assemblies.
€ 149,79 -
Green Infrastructure
This second volume of "Green Infrastructure" provides a comprehensive exploration of both established and evolving green infrastructure materials, along with sustainable practices across various facets that hold the potential to shape our future. Emphasizing emerging domain materials such as timber, concrete, soil, and pavement, among others, this book delves into the pivotal role these elements play in fostering sustainable urban development. It underscores the significance of these materials in preserving ecosystem services and constructive management, thus leading to the attainment of manifold advantages. Bridging a critical void in the existing literature, this volume serves as an indispensable resource, serving to guide forthcoming research endeavors concerning green materials and their applications within the realm of sustainability.
€ 117,69 -
Drug Design
This English-language textbook, based on the successful German edition 'Wirkstoffdesign', brings the subject of drug design back to the cutting edge of research. The reader learns about new methods in genetic engineering and the expanded range of structural biological methods. Especially in the last 10 years, many complex target structures such as G-protein coupled receptors or ion channels have been elucidated by using these methods. The reader learns how these long-sought complex structures with classical drugs look like and how the therapeutic effect is achieved. This textbook is aimed at students of pharmacy, chemistry and the life sciences, but also at career changers and medicinal chemists in research and development departments of the pharmaceutical industry. Conceptually, it is very different from classical textbooks on pharmaceutical chemistry. It focuses on the path to a new drug substance. The selection of case studies is based on didactic aspects and attempts to give a broad overview of methods and strategies without forgetting to look back at the beginnings of this field of work. Thus, the arc spans from the history of drug research, the mechanisms of action of drugs and the methods for lead structure search and optimisation to structure determination methods, modelling, molecular dynamics and QSAR methods to structure- and computer-aided design. Videos via app: simply download the SN More Media app free of charge, scan a link with the play button or use the printed QR code and immediately play the video on your smartphone or tablet.
€ 80,24 -
Physics and the Nature of Reality
This volume commemorates the scientific contributions of Detlef Dürr (1951-2021) to foundational questions of physics. It presents new contributions from his former students, collaborators, and colleagues about their current research on topics inspired or influenced by Dürr. These topics are drawn from physics, mathematics, and philosophy of nature, and concern interpretations of quantum theory, new developments of Bohmian mechanics, the role of typicality, quantum physics in relativistic space-time, classical and quantum electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics. The volume thus also gives a snapshot of present research in the foundations of physics.
€ 160,49 -
Qishloq uylarida olinadigan issiqlik saqlovchi materiallarni
Ushbu monografiyada quyosh foydalanib isitiladigan namunaviy uyning tashqi va ichki devorlari mayin somon va yog'och qirindilaridan qo'shib tayyorlangan mayin loy suvoqlardan foydalanilib , yuqori-patologi qamish qirqimlaridan tayyorlangan (DVP) panellardan, pol qismi ikkilamchi resurslardan tayyorlangan panellar foydalanilganda xonalardagi issiqlikning yo'qotilishi 25-45%ga kamayishi tadqiqotlar asosida takomillashtirish kabi tushunchalar keltirilgan.
€ 60,90 -
Problematizzare i concetti termodinamici
Questo lavoro è il risultato di una ricerca svolta nell'ambito di un corso di laurea magistrale, volta a indagare, dal punto di vista del momento pedagogico della problematizzazione iniziale con l'ausilio del profilo concettuale del calore, come il freddo influenzi i diversi contesti e la sua importanza storica nello sviluppo tecnologico e nel contribuire alla costituzione delle società moderne. In questo modo, speriamo di contribuire a una migliore comprensione della termodinamica e, più specificamente, del freddo nella vita quotidiana delle persone.
€ 49,90 -
Problématiser les concepts thermodynamiques
Ce travail est le résultat d'une recherche menée dans le cadre d'un master, visant à étudier, dans la perspective du moment pédagogique de problématisation initiale à l'aide du profil conceptuel de la chaleur, l'influence du froid sur différents contextes et son importance historique dans le développement technologique et dans l'établissement des sociétés modernes. Nous espérons ainsi contribuer à une meilleure compréhension de la thermodynamique et, plus particulièrement, du froid dans la vie quotidienne des gens.
€ 49,90