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View our offer Chemistry
Loose-Leaf Version for General Chemistry, Atoms to Reactions
€ 58,50 -
General Organic and Biological Chemistry, Loose-Leaf Version
€ 225,50 -
Organic Chemistry Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual
€ 138,50 -
Loose-Leaf Version for Scientific American Environmental Science for a Changing World, Digital Update
€ 160,50 -
Organic Chemistry
€ 278,50 -
Introductory Chemistry
€ 205,50 -
Introductory Chemistry Essentials
€ 190,50 -
Organic Chemistry
€ 261,50 -
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry 13th Edition continues Solomons, Fryle, and Snyder's tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in both the classroom and beyond. Central to the authors is their approach in emphasizing organic chemistry’s relationship between structure and reactivity. To accomplish this, the content is organized in a way that combines the most useful features of a functional group approach with one largely based on reaction mechanisms. The authors' philosophy is to emphasize mechanisms and their common aspects as often as possible, and at the same time, use the unifying features of functional groups as the basis for most chapters. The structural aspects of the authors' approach show students what organic chemistry is. Mechanistic aspects of their approach show students how it works. And wherever an opportunity arises, the authors show students what it does in living systems and the physical world around us.
€ 156,95 -
€ 114,50 -
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition provides a comprehensive yet accessible treatment of all the essential organic chemistry concepts covered in a two-semester course. Presenting a skills-based approach that bridges the gap between organic chemistry theory and real-world practice, Dr. David Klein makes content comprehensible to students while placing special emphasis on developing their problem-solving skills through applied exercises and activities. This edition is available with the new and improved WileyPLUS—an immersive online environment packed with interactive study tools, strategies, and resources that support different learning styles. Organic Chemistry incorporates Klein's acclaimed SkillBuilder program which supplies a wealth of opportunities for students to develop the key skills necessary to succeed in organic chemistry. Each SkillBuilder contains a solved problem that demonstrates a skill and several practice problems of varying difficulty levels—including conceptual and cumulative problems that challenge students to apply the skill in a slightly different environment. An up-to-date collection of literature-based problems exposes students to the dynamic and evolving nature of organic chemistry and its active role in addressing global challenges. Throughout the text, numerous hands-on activities and real-world examples help students understand both the "why" and the "how" behind organic chemistry.
€ 156,95 -
Organic Chemistry, 4e Student Solution Manual and Study Guide
David Klein is a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches Organic and General Chemistry. He is a dynamic and creative teacher and uses analogy to help students grasp difficult topics. Klein's unique informal voice and manner of presentation help students truly master key topics in this course. He is also the author of Organic Chemistry as a Second Language; response to this book has been phenomenal.
€ 138,50