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View our offer Chemistry
Discover the captivating world of chemistry with our extensive collection of books. From the fundamental concepts of atoms and molecules to complex chemical reactions, these books offer an accessible approach to the field. Whether you're a student, an amateur, or a professional, allow yourself to be fascinated by the structures and processes that underlie the matter around us. Enrich your knowledge and understanding of chemistry and discover how this science permeates our daily lives.
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Kvantesammenfiltring forklart for alle
Schrödingers katt, kollapser, superposisjoner, ikke-lokalitet og alle de andre attraksjonene i den moderne fysikkens store sirkus.€ 19,95 -
Farvel til materialismen
Med kvantefysikkens inntog er det slutt på en tragisk feiltakelse som varte i fire århundrer.€ 25,95 -
Kjemiske Elements
€ 6,50