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Discover the captivating world of chemistry with our extensive collection of books. From the fundamental concepts of atoms and molecules to complex chemical reactions, these books offer an accessible approach to the field. Whether you're a student, an amateur, or a professional, allow yourself to be fascinated by the structures and processes that underlie the matter around us. Enrich your knowledge and understanding of chemistry and discover how this science permeates our daily lives.
46 results
  1. Student Lab Notebook: General Science - 50 Duplicate Sets
    1. Hayden-McNeil

    Student Lab Notebook: General Science - 50 Duplicate Sets

    € 11,95
  2. Student Lab Notebook: Chemistry - 100 Duplicate Sets
    1. Hayden-McNeil

    Student Lab Notebook: Chemistry - 100 Duplicate Sets

    € 17,50
  3. Student Lab Notebook: Chemistry - 50 Duplicate Sets
    1. Hayden-McNeil

    Student Lab Notebook: Chemistry - 50 Duplicate Sets

    € 14,50
  4. Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments
    1. Kenneth Williamson
    2. Katherine Masters

    Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments

    Ken Williamson retired from Mt. Holyoke College where he taught the organic chemistry laboratory course. He was an established authority on microscale techniques and regularly held workshops and traveled to campuses in the U.S., Canada, and Europe to demonstrate the use of microscale. Katherine Masters is a Teaching Professor of Chemistry, a Laboratory Director, and Assistant Head for Student Engagement at Penn State University. She has developed numerous courses, including two new lab experiences for undergraduates that focus on research in academia and in industry. Her passion is curriculum development—creating new and updated materials to better engage students in their learning.

    € 98,50
  5. Kartothek der Thiazolverbindungen
    1. B. Prijs

    Kartothek der Thiazolverbindungen

    4 Ringbücher
    € 258,50
  6. Chemical Principles in the Laboratory
    1. Emil Slowinski
    2. Wayne Wolsey
    3. Robert Rossi

    Chemical Principles in the Laboratory

    Emil J. Slowinski, Ph.D., earned a bachelor of science from Massachusetts State College in 1946 and a doctorate in physical chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1949. Over the course of his prolific teaching career, he taught at Swarthmore College, the University of Connecticut and Macalester College. His sabbatical leaves were taken at Oxford University and the University of Warsaw. He was a co-author, working with other authors like Bill Masterton and Wayne Wolsey, of more than 25 books in various areas of general chemistry. Even after retiring, Dr. Slowinski was actively involved in editions one through nine of Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, and after leaving active writing he offered insights, advice and support to his coauthors; he remains the main content source of this edition. Dr. Slowinski was an Emeritus DeWitt Wallace Professor of Chemistry at Macalester College until his death in 2015. Wayne C. Wolsey, Ph.D., is an inorganic chemist who received his bachelor of science from Michigan State University in 1958 and his doctorate from the University of Kansas in 1962. He joined the Macalester College faculty in 1965 and spent three sabbaticals at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Wolsey is noted for his work (in collaboration with a former student) in investigating various complexing agents for their effectiveness in dissolving calcium oxalate kidney stones. He has received various awards, including the Minnesota College Science Teacher of the Year in 1989, Macalester's Thomas Jefferson Award in 1993, designation as a MegaMole contributor to Minnesota Chemical Education in 1997, and an award from the Minnesota State AAUP Conference in 2001 for his support of academic freedom and shared governance. Now retired, he remains professionally active in a number of scientific organizations and continues his contributions to Chemical Principles in the Laboratory. Robert C. Rossi, Ph.D., is an entrepreneur in technology, education and applied science. He earned his bachelor of science in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Upon graduation he joined the Peace Corps and served as a teacher in the Fiji Islands. He then joined the California Institute of Technology, teaching and researching in the fields of applied photoelectrochemistry and semiconductor physics and eventually earning a doctorate in 2001. After several years teaching as a visiting professor at Carleton College, he moved to Macalester College, where he served as the Laboratory Supervisor in the chemistry department from 2003 to 2014. In 2011 he became a co-author of Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, with his contributions first appearing in the 10th Edition.

    € 81,95
  7. Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Band 9: Merkblätter 3332-3734

    Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Band 9: Merkblätter 3332-3734

    Der Hommel wird herausgegeben von einem Team erfahrener Einsatzkräfte sowie Praktikern aus Industrie und Behörden

    € 388,50
  8. Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Band 2: Merkblätter 415-802

    Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Band 2: Merkblätter 415-802

    Der Hommel wird herausgegeben von einem Team erfahrener Einsatzkräfte sowie Praktikern aus Industrie und Behörden

    € 388,50
  9. Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen I

    Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen I

    Erläuterungen und Synonymliste

    Für alle Gefahrgüter, die im Hommel enthalten sind, wurden die GHS-Kennzeichnungen mit aufgenommen: Signalworte, Piktogramme, sowie die neuen Gefahrenhinweise (H-Statements) und Sicherheitshinweise (P-Statements).

    € 277,50
  10. Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen II

    Handbuch der gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen II


    Der Hommel wird herausgegeben von einem Team erfahrener Einsatzkräfte sowie Praktikern aus Industrie und Behörden

    € 207,95
  11. Knowledge Quiz: A-level Chemistry
    1. Alex Dawes

    Knowledge Quiz: A-level Chemistry

    € 11,95
  12. Essential Laboratory Manual for General,  Organic and Biological Chemistry
    1. Karen Timberlake

    Essential Laboratory Manual for General, Organic and Biological Chemistry


    € 64,95