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A History of Western Pharmacy in China
This book represents an important contribution to the field as it is the first to provide a detailed account of the interaction between Chinese and western medicine from a pharmacy perspective over a period of two millennia with an emphasis on the modern period from 1800-1949. None of the existing historiography on the relationship between TCM and western medicine has so far explored pharmaceutical aspects in detail. This book therefore fills an important gap in the literature and is likely to become a key resource for further study. It will be of interest to a wide audience, including pharmaceutical, imperial, and business historians, and should be essential reading for pharmacy students. But it will also be of interest to a general readership curious about the history of pharmacy in China and of western influences on Chinese medicine. Stuart Anderson, BSc, MA, PhD, FRPharmS Editor-in-Chef, Pharmaceutical Historian, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacy History, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Readers of this book, to Chiu's credit, will be exposed to the nuanced cultural, medico-scientific, and business interactions that shaped Western pharmacy in China. Chiu puts a spotlight on the various materials, techniques, and processes of drug formulation and mass manufacture - and he rightly illustrates how pharmacy was substantiated as big business and mass manufacture. In analyses that incorporate materia medica and so-called dangerous drugs, such as opium, Chiu also articulates the complicated entangled histories of the movement, circulation, and translation of both pharmacy knowledge and goods. Yet, he appropriately acknowledges and evaluates non-Western epistemologies and practices that intermingled with Western ideas to create a novel type of pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry in China. Lucas Richert, PhD Professor & George Urdang Chair in Pharmacy History, UW-Madison Executive Director, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy Patrick Chiu's book, A History of Western Pharmacy in China, effectively presents an unbiased perspective when discussing the contributions of expatriate pharmacy academics towards the development of China's pharmaceutical profession and themodern drug industry in the first half of the twentieth century. Chiu's impartial approach and well-researched content make it a recommended resource for understanding the historical development of pharmacy in China. Kazushige Morimoto Ph.D. D.Min, Education System - Qualified Pharmacist, President, The Japanese Society for the History of Pharmacy
€ 40,65 -
Histoire de l'alcool
« Histoire de l'alcool » de M. Berthelot et Jules Rochard est un ouvrage fascinant qui retrace le parcours de cette substance emblématique à travers les âges. Les auteurs, experts reconnus dans leurs domaines respectifs, offrent une perspective unique sur la découverte de l'alcool et son impact profond sur les sociétés modernes.Le livre débute par une exploration détaillée des origines de l'alcool, retraçant son histoire depuis les premières fermentations accidentelles jusqu'aux techniques de distillation sophistiquées. Berthelot et Rochard mettent en lumière les avancées scientifiques qui ont permis de comprendre et de maîtriser la production d'alcool, s'inscrivant ainsi dans la catégorie des « Livres sur l'histoire des sciences ».Les auteurs analysent ensuite le rôle social complexe de l'alcool à travers les époques. Ils examinent comment les boissons alcoolisées sont devenues partie intégrante de nombreuses cultures, influençant les rituels, les célébrations et même les structures sociales. Cette section offre un éclairage fascinant sur l'évolution des moeurs et des coutumes liées à la consommation d'alcool.L'ouvrage aborde également les aspects plus sombres de l'histoire de l'alcool, notamment l'émergence de l'alcoolisme comme problème de santé publique et les défis sociétaux qui en découlent. Cette analyse critique s'inscrit parfaitement dans la catégorie des « Études sociologiques ».Enfin, Berthelot et Rochard explorent l'industrie moderne de l'alcool, son impact économique et les débats éthiques qu'elle suscite. Cette partie offre une réflexion nuancée sur la place de l'alcool dans nos sociétés contemporaines, faisant de ce livre une lecture incontournable pour quiconque s'intéresse à l'« Histoire culturelle ».
€ 10,10 -
Experiments upon Magnesia Alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances
€ 10,95 -
Infrared Spectroscopy of Archaeological Sediments
Infrared spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between infrared radiation and matter. Its application to the characterization of archaeological sedimentary contexts has produced invaluable insights into the archaeological record and past human activities. This Element aims at providing a practical guide to infrared spectroscopy of archaeological sediments and their contents taken as a dynamic system, in which the different components observed today are the result of multiple formation processes that took place over long timescales. After laying out the history and fundamentals of the discipline, the author proposes a step-by-step methodological framework, both in the field and the laboratory, and guides the reader in the interpretation of infrared spectra of the main components of archaeological sediments with the aid of selected case studies. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
€ 23,50 -
Colour, Colour Measurement and Colour Change
Colour, Colour Measurement and Colour Change, the first new book in the expanded Science for Conservators series, explains the science of colour, colour measurement, and colour change for conservators in a clear and comprehensible way, elucidating the topic for those with no scientific background.
€ 42,50 -
Leibniz et la science contemporaine
€ 16,50 -
A Study of the Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Carbonation of Water
€ 17,95 -
The Chemistry Of Platinum At High Temperatures And Pressures
€ 19,50 -
Conversations On Chemistry [By J. Marcet]. by Mrs. Marcet
€ 28,95 -
Collectanea Curiosa De Bismutho
€ 16,50 -
Explosifs Nitrés, Traité Pratique Concernant Les Propriétés, La Fabrication Et L'analyse Des Substances Organiques Explosibles Nitrées, Y Compris Les Fulminates, Les Poudres Sans Fumée Et Le Celluloid ......
€ 24,95 -
Einleitung in die Moderne Chemie
€ 27,50