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View our offer Chemistry

Discover the captivating world of chemistry with our extensive collection of books. From the fundamental concepts of atoms and molecules to complex chemical reactions, these books offer an accessible approach to the field. Whether you're a student, an amateur, or a professional, allow yourself to be fascinated by the structures and processes that underlie the matter around us. Enrich your knowledge and understanding of chemistry and discover how this science permeates our daily lives.
301 results
  1. Experiments upon Magnesia Alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances
    1. Joseph Black

    Experiments upon Magnesia Alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances

    € 10,95
  2. Qualitative Chemical Analysis
    1. Albert Benjamin Prescott

    Qualitative Chemical Analysis

    A Guide In Qualitative Work, With Data For Analytical Operations And Laboratory Methods In Organic Chemistry
    € 31,95
  3. Stand Und Entwicklungsperspektiven Der Chemischen Forschung in Der Adw Der Udssr an Der Schwelle Des Zehnten Planjahrfünfts
    1. N M Emanuel

    Stand Und Entwicklungsperspektiven Der Chemischen Forschung in Der Adw Der Udssr an Der Schwelle Des Zehnten Planjahrfünfts

    € 163,95
  4. Stand Und Entwicklungsperspektiven Der Chemischen Forschung in Der Adw Der Udssr an Der Schwelle Des Zehnten Planjahrfünfts
    1. N M Emanuel

    Stand Und Entwicklungsperspektiven Der Chemischen Forschung in Der Adw Der Udssr an Der Schwelle Des Zehnten Planjahrfünfts

    € 163,95
  5. Qualitative Chemical Analysis
    1. Albert Benjamin Prescott

    Qualitative Chemical Analysis

    A Guide In Qualitative Work, With Data For Analytical Operations And Laboratory Methods In Organic Chemistry
    € 42,95
  6. The Philosophical Epitaph of W.C. Esquire, for a Memento Mori on his Tomb-stone ... Also, A Brief of the Golden Calf (the Worlds Idol) ...

    The Philosophical Epitaph of W.C. Esquire, for a Memento Mori on his Tomb-stone ... Also, A Brief of the Golden Calf (the Worlds Idol) ...

    € 26,50
  7. A Manual of Chemistry
    1. William Thomas Brande

    A Manual of Chemistry

    Containing the Principal Facts of the Science, Arranged in the Order in Which They Are Discussed and Illustrated in the Lectures at the Royal Institution of Great Britain; Volume 1
    € 34,50
  8. The Life of Sir Humphrey Davy; Volume I
    1. John Ayrton Paris

    The Life of Sir Humphrey Davy; Volume I

    € 41,50
  9. The Polishing and Plating of Metals
    1. Anonymous

    The Polishing and Plating of Metals

    A Manual for the Electroplater, Giving Modern Methods of Polishing, Plating, Buffing, Oxydizing and Lacquering Metals, for the Progressive Workman
    € 27,50
  10. John Dalton's and the Rise of Modern Chemistry
    1. Henry Enfield Roscoe

    John Dalton's and the Rise of Modern Chemistry

    € 35,95
  11. Lehrbuch der chemischen Metallurgie.
    1. C F Rammelsberg

    Lehrbuch der chemischen Metallurgie.

    € 31,95
  12. Sir William Ramsay as a Scientist and Man
    1. Tarini Charan Chaudhuri

    Sir William Ramsay as a Scientist and Man

    € 32,95