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View our offer Chemistry

Discover the captivating world of chemistry with our extensive collection of books. From the fundamental concepts of atoms and molecules to complex chemical reactions, these books offer an accessible approach to the field. Whether you're a student, an amateur, or a professional, allow yourself to be fascinated by the structures and processes that underlie the matter around us. Enrich your knowledge and understanding of chemistry and discover how this science permeates our daily lives.
178 results
  1. Fourteen Weeks in Chemistry
    1. Joel Dorman Steele

    Fourteen Weeks in Chemistry

    € 24,95
  2. Fourteen Weeks in Chemistry
    1. Joel Dorman Steele

    Fourteen Weeks in Chemistry

    € 37,50
  3. Willard Gibbs
    1. Muriel Rukeyser

    Willard Gibbs

    The Whole Is Simpler than Its Parts

    “Muriel Rukeyser[’s] five-hundred-page prose poem about the creative spirit, anchored in the life and legacy of Willard Gibbs (1839-1903) [is] a benediction of science, democracy, and the imagination, disguised as a biography of a lonely forgotten genius who shaped the modern world.” —Maria Popova, From the Foreword “Willard Gibbs is, in my opinion, one of the most original and important creative minds in the field of science America has produced.” —Albert Einstein “Willard Gibbs [was] one of the giants of science. Rukeyser’s excellent biography of [this] neglected figure relates him culturally to his time. [Gibbs] made himself the peer of Newton and Einstein. Yet Yale was hardly aware of his existence . . . It has remained for Muriel Rukeyser, a distinguished poet, to bring Gibbs back to life . . . Rukeyser has given us a pulsating picture of a living personality . . . She saw that for all his formal, scientific way of expressing himself, Gibbs was a poet who happened to use equations instead of verses to interpret a highly intricate and mysterious universe, an artist in mathematics who discovered unsuspected beauty in the design of nature . . . Her biography is bound to remain the standard for years to come.” —Waldemar Kaempffert, The New York Times “A Moby Dick of a book in intention and intimations, touching on ‘the sum of things’ . . . There are passages of rare poetic storytelling quality.” —TIME “If this man of mystery, this prophet without honor, had not lived when he did, the first World War might never have been fought . . . It has remained for a poet, Muriel Rukeyser, to put him into a biography which is also a study of the development of American culture since the beginning . . . Rukeyser makes Gibbs . . . a symbol of American greatness, a figure to put beside architects of the American spirit as varied as Walt Whitman and Lincoln . . . This is a biography which all Americans should read.” —John Chamberlain, The New York Times “[Gibbs’s] work gives a key to the understanding of some central tendencies in the intellectual and social history of the past hundred years . . . [Rukeyser] is almost unique among our poets in her intellectual inquisitiveness. Her Willard Gibbs witnesses to that desire to see all round the objects of her interest which led her to go to aviation school before writing Theory of Flight, and to make both a documentary and a first-hand investigation of certain phases of the social scene before writing U. S. 1.” —Philip Blair Rice, The Kenyon Review

    € 31,95
  4. Practical Physical Chemistry
    1. Alexander Findlay

    Practical Physical Chemistry

    € 37,50
  5. A Practical Treatise On the Use of the Blowpipe, in Chemical and Mineral Analysis
    1. John Joseph Griffin

    A Practical Treatise On the Use of the Blowpipe, in Chemical and Mineral Analysis

    Including a Systematic Arrangement of Simple Minerals, Adapted to Aid the Student in His Progress in Mineralogy, by Facilitating the Discovery of the Names of Species
    € 37,50
  6. The Phosphates of America
    1. Francis Wyatt

    The Phosphates of America

    Where and How They Occur; How They Are Mined; and What They Cost. With Practical Treatises On the Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid, Acid Phosphate, Phosphoric Acid, and Concentrated Super-Phosphates, and Selected Methods of Chemica
    € 24,95
  7. On Abietic Acid and Related Resin Acids From Oleoresin of American Conifers
    1. Orville Andrew Beath

    On Abietic Acid and Related Resin Acids From Oleoresin of American Conifers

    € 32,95
  8. Aus Meinem Leben
    1. Emil Fischer

    Aus Meinem Leben

    € 35,95
  9. Aus Meinem Leben
    1. Anonymous

    Aus Meinem Leben

    € 28,95
  10. The Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2
    1. Carl Wilhelm Scheele

    The Discovery of Oxygen, Part 2

    € 31,95
  11. Aus meinem Leben.

    Aus meinem Leben.

    € 45,50
  12. Priestley in America, 1794-1804
    1. Edgar Fahs Smith

    Priestley in America, 1794-1804

    € 34,50