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The Godly Gardener
Beauty and fraud in ToscaneSometimes, where people are familiar together, it happens that someone joins in, causing short circuits and patterns get disrupted. It started with the garden. An estate/hotel was looking for a gardener (m/f). A man with an aura of wildness came. A day later there was a young woman at the door, with all the required qualifications and her autistic toddler. There was the owner's secret: a letter from the bank. There was pressure to participate in an absurd sewage project. Absurd? Not if you saw the bullet hole in the tire of Henry's Landrover, with which he had crashed. There was death and there was a miraculous resurrection. Some guests left as a different person. In them, a long-dormant transition had finally taken place. Nor was the estate left untouched. In the end, it was not about the precious water, but about money. Fraudulent, big money. And not a word of that part is made up, even though this is a novel.
€ 8,00 -
A Man and a Horse
Sometimes important encounters occur in the blink of an eye. Literally: the eye flashes aside for a moment, alerted by a subliminal image, and into that eye falls that other person. In this case, a horse caught in sheep wire. It could also be that the horse was calling the man telepathically. Horses can do that, especially if they interact with people a lot, and this is an old greengrocer's cart horse. The man frees the horse and goes to take care of it. Walking along roads and the dike, where there is plenty to graze, building a stall. Then some successive interventions by strangers happen and they become outcasts.
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A young man is a volunteer assistant conductor on a museum train, practicing for the stoker/auxiliary machinist exam. And yes, then a girl joins him. It shakes him up so much that he has to come out of his cocoon. The awakening is not without controversy. Eventually the love between him and the machine brings him into real life.
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A Women's Man
A man alone. Really alone, apathetic, almost dead inside, even though he is not that old. To his own great surprise, he addresses a woman in front of a restaurant. She is also alone, but still struggling. There is still life in her. Who is he? Who is she? What past has made him this way? And her? Like frightened snails, they circle each other, shooting into their shells at any sign of trouble. Will they come out? She does. Discovering she loves women. He does, too, at last, but it takes more. How an illegitimate child can fall from a heaven of pure bliss into an abyss of shame and humiliation. Not once, but twice. Two consecutive blows are too much for a fatherless adolescent to handle. It takes forty years before he dares to touch a woman again.
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Reducing the ecological footprint
1. The flowing of water 2. Refuge 3. Rural wisdomThis is a fantastic tale of how humans and nature can work together to manage the Earth. In this case, it is about water. The story takes place around a small area with a dry wadi, which can turn into a raging torrent during torrential rains. That is the outer side of the story. What matters to the collaborating people in this fiction is that nature itself gets a say. Globally, this already happens here and there, but nature's interests are represented there by humans. It is called a «Parliament of Things». Therein lies the crux: if you really talk to nature you are not communicating with things but with a multicoloured population of consciousnesses. Nature beings are called those. That's what nature peoples and, in our case, those who study anthroposophy know all about. Then the story sweeps to a remote eco-village in the north-east of the Netherlands. They liberate not only themselves from the oppression of a failing government, they help their neighbours as well. The third novella describes the visits of our heroes and the clever girls Ilonka and Stefanie to farmers who are inventing their own ways in the transition to sustainable agriculture.
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A courtyard full of finds
A man with an old Landrover and an invalid son has settled in a remote town in northern France. The war elsewhere and the closure of the cement works have driven out many of the inhabitants and summer visitors. The man is interested in just one thing: an estate where perhaps no one has lived for a century. He sets out to investigate and discovers some disturbing things in the courtyard. On the terrace of the only restaurant open, a young psychologist is fascinated by the way father and son communicate. Because he and she are blocked by past experiences, Yuri, who can't speak, has a lot of work to do. And what the bomb squad discovers at the yard... you wouldn't wish it on even the angriest neighbor.
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A child runs away from the funeral of her mother. A father she does not know. A lonely man brings her food and they become friends. She personifies an inheritance more fatal than the incriminating information her late mother hid somewhere. A foreign secret service is on her trail.
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A lonely widower inherits his mother's remote farmhouse. To have something to do, he applies to the local Volunteer Center. He goes to work in his old style, park maintenance, with an old lady who lives alone on an estate. One day he enters a barn ...
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What do you do with sudden, uncontrollable outbursts of energy? Theo went cycling. Just as lonely as working from home, but at least while cycling there was a landscape passing by. A near collision earned him a cycling buddy. This will be something...
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Temple of Zong? Never heard of.
Indochina, 1951. Tonkin and northern Annam have been liberated by the Vietminh. In the south, the French are fighting a vicious battle to keep the corrupt regime in Saigon in power. We meet him in Nha Trang, an Annamese port town where he debarked from a French ocean liner in search of a monastery that a dream said had to be somewhere in the mountains of Annam. It was not the only reason for his quest: he had inherited a chest with unusual contents a small skeleton. Accompanying the chest was a manuscript - played into his hands by an old librarian - from a relative who had not survived the war. In it, he mentioned a monastery, of the unknown order of Zong. A Chinese word, he would later find out, but the order seemed to be Japanese.... He engaged a boy in Nha Trang, who would be his guide. Not only that: the boy has a grandmother and a mother's family. Ruben blends into Annamese life, trekking through forests and mountains with Nguyen and later also with Yen, Nguten's mother. They travel by smuggling ships, old junks and rattling coasters from North to South and back again, through a war-torn country.
€ 8,00 -
Blind Timo and the baker's daughter
It is a love story. About a boy, blind, but free as a bird. And about the sweet, headstrong daughter of a stubborn baker. She, too, was free. With a dying girl of wealthy parents, whom they took in their unconditional love and set her free. It happened in a fishing village on the Côte d'Azur, during the summer of 1957. As long as no one interfered with them, everything went well. Has it really happened? Has this love story stood out in the Akasha Chronicles that much that a writer could pick it up? Purity has her own ways to manifest. Like the story of Romeo and Juliet and many more. Pure, unconditional love is rare and seldom survives unharmed. This is the story of two weeks in the lives of three twelve year old.
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Boreal Bushcraft
Living in the wild from the wildWhat if you disconnect from society altogether? Urban nomads know what that's like, but they continue to live in the city in frayed corners and live on a kind of handouts and what others throw away. In countries with lots of nature and few inhabitants per square kilometer, some daredevils disconnect completely. They make a place where they live and live entirely self-sufficiently. Bushcraft is called that, the skill of living in the wild from the wild. They do have some trade with the "inhabited world" for tools, gasoline, solar panels, clothes, batteries and lights. In this narrative, we follow a man as he disconnects from society in a natural area. We live with him as he makes decisions, builds cabins and boats, bakes pots and hauls firewood endlessly. Until uninvited people come to his door asking: can I too? For children, he kneels down. This is idyllic for a while, but more damaged children arrive. Does he know how to hold his own as a maverick eccentric?
€ 8,00