Literature & novels
Philosophy and Religion
- Judaism 10
- Philosophy 8
- Ethics and moral philosophy 5
- Christian life and practice 5
- Ancient Greek religion and mythology 4
- Roman religion and mythology 4
- Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy 3
- Celtic religion and mythology 3
- Spirituality and religious experience 3
- Alternative belief systems 3
- Philosophical traditions and schools of thought 2
- Medieval Western philosophy 2
- Popular philosophy: Meaning of life / finding sense in life 2
- Religion and beliefs 2
- Philosophy of religion 2
- Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church 2
- Theology 2
- Religious aspects of sexuality, gender and relationships 2
Philosophy and Religion
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View our offer Literature & novels
The Rise Of The Dragon
An Illustrated History Of The Targaryen DynastyThis lavish visual history—featuring over 150 new, full-colour illustrations—is a stunning introduction to House Targaryen, the iconic family at the heart of HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel series, House of the Dragon.
€ 52,95 -
Crescent City Hardcover Box Set
Devour All Three Books In The Sensational Crescent City Series€ 89,95 -
Nur Baba
This first-ever English translation of Nur Baba - a classic of modern Turkish literature written by Yakup Kadri Karaosmanölu - offers a unique window into Sufi lodges, social dilemmas, and intellectual life in early twentieth-century Istanbul.
€ 60,00 -
Etgar Keret’s Literature and the Ethos of Coping with Holocaust Remembrance
Yael Seliger was raised and educated in England, Israel, the United States, and Canada. She obtained a PhD at York University, Canada, where she remained as a researcher and instructor of literature. Her main area of expertise is teaching university students how to glean insights into humanistic issues through cogent and interpretive readings of prose and poetry.
€ 100,95 -
The Carpathian Interlude
Only when fear is at its most intense can true heroism come into the light. For ages, an ancient evil has been hiding in the heart of the Carpathian Mountains, an enemy of the god Mithras, Lord of Light. In A.D. 9, when three of the Emperor Augustus' legions are slaughtered in the forests of Germania, it becomes evident to a small group of experienced veterans that something more sinister than the rebellious German tribes is responsible for the massacre. It falls to Gaius Justus Vitalis and a few warriors favoured by Mithras to hunt down and destroy the forces of undead spurred on by this ancient evil. Summoning all of their courage, they must wade through horror and rivers of blood to bring Mithras' light into the darkness, or else see the destruction of Rome, the Empire, and all they hold dear. The adventure begins with the appearance of a young refugee beneath the walls of a distant legionary base...
€ 52,00 -
An Altar of Indignities
An embarrassing and touching story of family and friendship, creativity, and the discomfort that humans experience as life inevitably changes.
€ 57,00 -
Myths of Our Humanity / Mitos de Nuestra Humanidad
As "a reimagining of the longing for liberty in our myths, tales, fables, and traditions" the texts in Myths of Our Humanity: Tales from Forever for Today rewrite old recognizable stories in contemporary form to illustrate, in a familiar manner, modern ideas focused on the underpinnings of liberal democracy. The book thus becomes an exploration of humanity's longing for liberty as embedded in our myths, tales, fables, and traditions.Its main body consists of thirteen "vignettes" which use an archetypal tale or tradition to illustrate various modern ideas and concepts associated to the practice of democracy and its condition of liberty and the dangers they permanently face by their major rival, autocracy. The vignettes are accompanied by illustrations form contemporary artists from around the world, as well as from major museums and galleries. The book is unique in that it uses different styles and writing formats for each vignette, including a "news report," a graphic novel, a corporate memo, introspective eye, universal eye, etc. It was also written simultaneously (not translated) in English and Spanish, presenting both in one volume. In its pages are featured the work of extraordinary artists from around the world: Mimi Abers, Annika Connor, Marc Lafia, Itamar Martínez, José Rafael Páez, Rolando Peña, Magdalena Rangel, Nuria Román, and Andrés Salazar. The museums and galleries that authorized reproductions of art in their collections are the Museo del Prado (Madrid, Spain), Philadelphia Museum of Art (Philadelphia, USA), and the Gallerie degli Uffizi (Florence, Italy). --Como "una reimaginación del anhelo de libertad en nuestros mitos, relatos, fábulas y tradiciones", los textos de Mitos de nuestra humanidad: Relatos de siempre para hoy reescriben reconocibles historias antiguas en forma contemporánea para ilustrar, de manera familiar, ideas modernas centradas en los fundamentos de la democracia liberal. El libro se convierte así en una exploración del anhelo de libertad de la humanidad, tal como se puede encontrar inserto en nuestros mitos, cuentos, fábulas y tradiciones.Su desarrollo principal se hace en trece "viñetas" que utilizan un cuento o tradición arquetípica para ilustrar diversas ideas y conceptos modernos asociados con la práctica de la democracia y la condición de libertad, y los peligros que enfrentan de manera constante ante su rival principal, la autocracia. Las viñetas están y acompañadas con ilustraciones de artistas contemporáneos de todo el mundo, así como de grandes museos y galerías.El libro es único en que utiliza diferentes formatos y estilos de escritura para cada viñeta, incluyendo un "reportaje de noticias", una historieta gráfica, un memorándum corporativo, la mirada introspectiva, la mirada universal, etc. También fue escrito simultáneamente (no traducido) en inglés y español, presentando ambos idiomas en un solo volumen.Se destaca en sus páginas la obra de extraordinarios artistas de alrededor del mundo: Mimi Abers, Annika Connor, Marc Lafia, Itamar Martínez, José Rafael Páez, Rolando Peña, Magdalena Rangel, Nuria Román, y Andrés Salazar. Los museos y galerías que autorizaron la reproducción de obras de arte en su colección son el Museo del Prado (Madrid, España), el Museo de Are de Filadelfia (Filadelfia, EE.UU.), y las Gallerie degli Uffizi (Florencia, Italia).
€ 82,50 -
Saving NHS Jobs
"Saving NHS Jobs" blends human and AI creativity to explore tech and bureaucracy. It challenges views on intelligence and authorship, offering a psychedelic literary experience that redefines storytelling in the digital age.
€ 126,50 -
Children's Vegetarian Culture in the Victorian Era
This book is the first publication to systematically describe the phenomenon of Victorian children's vegetarianism and its representations in literature and culture. It will appeal to researchers of vegetarianism and veganism, human-animal relations, childhood studies, children's literature, periodical studies and Victorian studies.
€ 196,50 -
The Illuminated Edda
The Illuminated Edda contains a brand-new translation of the Poetic and Prose Eddas by Andrew Valkauskas. This illustrated translation has been rewritten using contemporary prose making it a pleasure to read. Get the authenticity and truthfulness of the stories without having to worry about the complexity of older academic translations.
€ 148,50 -
Postcategorical Utopia
«Kilpeläinen¿s engaging journey through Baldwin¿s postcategorical utopian thought shows how this writer¿s under-appreciated later works foresee today¿s heated ideological and philosophical debates. From political unconscious to Afrofuturism, this book maps Baldwin¿s Black queer wisdom: Labels and essentialized identities easily ¿become instruments of power,¿ dividing and alienating societies, cultures, and individuals.»(Magdalena J. Zaborowska, Professor of American Studies and Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan)«This study is an important and timely analysis of Baldwin¿s later novels. Kilpeläinen¿s writing is sophisticated and eloquent, and his critical framework is startlingly clear and illuminating. Seizing on Baldwin¿s ¿incessant urgency,¿ he advances an authoritative, convincing argument that will add enduringly to our collective appreciation of Americäs prophetic witness.»(D. Quentin Miller, Professor of English, Suffolk University, Boston)This book examines the dialectic of ideology and utopia in three novels by James Baldwin. Taking Fredric Jameson¿s seminal theory of the political unconscious as its point of departure, Dr Pekka Kilpeläinen conceptualizes Baldwin¿s writing in terms of the impulse of postcategorical utopia, where the ideological categorizations based on race and sexuality, in particular, are challenged by the utopian impulse to imagine alternative futures. The readings of three of Baldwin¿s novels probe into the questions of ideological and utopian spatialities, transgressive interracial and same-sex relationships, and critiques of both Western modernity and its black counterculture. Baldwin¿s denouncement of the oppressive effects of identity categories penetrates his entire oeuvre, from his early, critically acclaimed work to his later, often ignored novels. Seen through the lens of postcategorical utopia, the urgency of Baldwin¿s vision gains a new sense of immediacy and relevance.
€ 52,95 -
Translation as Creative-Critical Practice
This Element explores examples of translation as both a norm-breaking and world-making activity in the works of Kate Briggs, Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi, Noémie Grunenwald, Anne Carson, Charles Bernstein, Chantal Wright or Slavs and Tatars and prompts us to reconsider the current place of translation practice in translation studies.
€ 73,00