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Wiskundekalender 2025
Na een succesvolle editie in 2022 maakt de redactie van New Scientist dit jaar weer een Wiskundekalender. Met elke dag een mathematisch feitje, bijzonder bewijs, gek gedachte-experiment of wonderlijke wiskundige. Waarom werd ons huidige getallenstelsel ooit verboden? Hoe komt het dat je bijna altijd in de langste wachtrij staat? Waarom zijn putdeksels rond? En hoe is de ‘=’ ontstaan? Naast verrassende weetjes staat de kalender boordevol pittige puzzels om je tanden in te zetten.
€ 17,50 -
The Mathematics Calendar 2019
ORIGINAL. AUTHENTIC. Although there are other mathematics calendars by the same name, this is the original mathematics calendar first introduced to the public in 1979.Each problem's answer is designed to come out to the date on which it appears. In addition, every month presents current or popular math topics or ideas.It's more than a calendar, but instead, a mathematical calendar magazine.The Mathematics Calendar 2019 will be Pappas' farewell mathematics calendar. ¿ A retrospective of problems spanning 38 years. Many past topics will be revisited, expanded and updated to reflect the ever evolving changes in the world of mathematics. As it has for nearly four decades, The Mathematics Calendar 2019 will inform, entertain, challenge and enrich. It will probably become collectible.
€ 16,00 -
The Mathematics Calendar 2018
ORIGINAL. AUTHENTIC. The one and only The Mathematics Calendar continually reminds us how mathematics describes nature, impacts the sciences, influences the arts, is inseparable from music, stimulates and creates new technologies, and reveals the dimensions of our universe through its ever-evolving ideas and insights.Thirty-seven years after its inception, The Mathematics Calendar continues to awe its audience with its cutting edge math topics, its all new exciting graphics, and its mind-boggling problems. The 2018 edition includes 12 new fascinating math topics illustrating the incredible influence of mathematics on our lives.Each day of every month has a problem, whose solution is the date. The challenge lies in figuring how to arrive at the answer, and possibly discovering more than one method of solving the date's problem.Each month's text, photos, and graphics have a wealth of information and are even sprinkled with a bit of humor. The 12 topics feature exciting, historic, and current math ideas and topics.Wherever it is seen, it’s a conversation item because it is more than a calendar it has tantalizing problems on each day and a treasure trove of information, games, puzzles, and stories. The Mathematics Calendar has given hundreds of thousands of people a new perspective about math.
€ 16,00 -
Der Mathematik-Kalender Tagesabreißkalender 2026 - Nachts teile ich heimlich durch Null
In Nullkommanichts zum Mathe-Profi- Knifflige Rätsel, Rechentricks für den Alltag und fesselnde Anekdoten aus der Geschichte der Mathematik- Unterhaltsam, verständlich und mit Witz erzählen die Autoren von den größten Geheimnissen ihres Fachgebiets- Spannende Aufgaben und überraschende Fragen regen die grauen Zellen an- Jeder Wochentag ein Kalenderblatt, Samstag/Sonntag auf einem Blatt
€ 16,99