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Mathematics is a universal language that forms the foundations of our understanding of the world. It goes beyond mere numbers and calculations; it's about discovering patterns, solving puzzles, and comprehending the logic of the universe. Mathematics is the key to understanding complex phenomena, from the tiniest particles to the grandest cosmic structures. It provides us with a toolkit to solve problems and gain new insights.
93 results
  1. Chalet 152
    1. Anton Valens

    Chalet 152

    In ‘Chalet 152’ van Anton Valens zit Djoeke van ’t Hull bijna aan de grond; hij trekt in een chalet op het verlaten vakantiepark ’t Ezeltje, in de winter bewoond door een groepje outcasts. Zijn masturbatiefrequentie is beduidend gedaald als hij over de heg de exuberante Audrey d’Audretsch ontwaart: hij wordt haar minnaar. Audrey gaat voor in een ritueel bij vollemaan in een duinpan aan de Noordzeekust. Middels het brouwsel van een meesterplant, ayahuasca, kunnen de deelnemers, veelal bewoners van ’t Ezeltje, hun blokkades opheffen. Heftige hallucinaties, ontluchtingen en bizarre gedragingen zijn het gevolg. Djoeke van ’t Hull vliegt langs intergalactisch puin de diepste leegte in. Besprongen door jeugdherinneringen, een verloren liefde en angstaanjagende wanen zoekt hij in gesprek met het Ander antwoord op de eeuwige vragen: Wie ben ik? Wat ben ik? Is er een leven na de dood?

    € 19,99
  2. Everything Is Predictable
    1. Tom Chivers

    Everything Is Predictable

    How Bayes' Remarkable Theorem Explains The World

    A fascinating intellectual history that takes a comparatively little-known but important idea and shows how it affects huge areas of our lives

    € 19,95
  3. The Secret Lives Of Numbers
    1. Kate Kitagawa
    2. Timothy Revell

    The Secret Lives Of Numbers

    A Global History Of Mathematics & Its Unsung Trailblazers
    € 16,95
  4. Fermat’s Last Theorem
    1. Simon Singh

    Fermat’s Last Theorem

    Introducing the Collins Modern Classics, a series featuring some of the most significant books of recent times, books that shed light on the human experience – classics which will endure for generations to come.

    € 12,95
  5. Once Upon A Prime
    1. Sarah Hart

    Once Upon A Prime

    The Wondrous Connections Between Mathematics And Literature

    ‘A hugely entertaining and well-written tour of the links between math and literature. Hart’s lightness of touch and passion for both subjects make this book a delight to read. Bookworms and number-lovers alike will discover much they didn’t know about the creative interplay between stories, structure and sums.’ – Alex Bellos

    € 14,50
  6. Poisson
    1. François , Arago


    "Poisson" de François Arago est une biographie détaillée du célèbre mathématicien et physicien français Siméon Denis Poisson. L'ouvrage explore la vie et les contributions scientifiques de Poisson, un des plus éminents scientifiques du XIXe siècle, connu pour ses travaux en mathématiques, en physique, et en mécanique.Arago commence par retracer les origines modestes de Poisson, né en 1781 dans une famille modeste, et son ascension remarquable dans le monde académique grâce à son talent exceptionnel et à son dévouement à l'étude. Le livre détaille son éducation précoce, ses années à l'École Polytechnique et ses premiers travaux qui l'ont rapidement distingué parmi ses pairs.L'auteur décrit ensuite les principales contributions scientifiques de Poisson, notamment en théorie des probabilités, en électrostatique et en mécanique céleste. Ses travaux sur la loi de Poisson et sur les distributions de probabilités sont expliqués avec clarté, mettant en évidence leur importance et leur impact durable sur le domaine des mathématiques. Arago consacre également des sections aux travaux de Poisson sur l'électricité et le magnétisme, illustrant comment ses théories ont influencé les recherches futures.Arago ne se contente pas de relater les accomplissements scientifiques de Poisson; il explore aussi son rôle en tant qu'enseignant et membre influent de diverses institutions académiques. Poisson est présenté comme un mentor respecté et un membre actif de la communauté scientifique, dont l'influence s'étend bien au-delà de ses propres recherches.Le livre se distingue par son approche rigoureuse et son souci du détail, offrant une perspective complète sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Poisson. Arago utilise des sources variées, y compris des lettres personnelles et des documents d'archives, pour peindre un portrait vivant et fidèle de ce grand scientifique.

    € 15,20
  7. Leibniz
    1. Maurice , Halbwachs


    "Leibniz" de Maurice Halbwachs est une étude approfondie de la vie et des idées du philosophe et mathématicien allemand Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Halbwachs, sociologue renommé, offre une analyse claire et détaillée de la pensée complexe de Leibniz, en explorant ses contributions à la philosophie, aux mathématiques, et à d'autres domaines de la connaissance.Le livre commence par une biographie concise de Leibniz, situant son travail dans le contexte de l'Europe du XVIIe siècle, une période de grands bouleversements intellectuels et scientifiques. Halbwachs décrit comment les voyages et les correspondances de Leibniz avec les savants de son époque ont façonné ses idées et ses travaux.Halbwachs explore ensuite les principales contributions de Leibniz à la philosophie, notamment son concept de la "monade", sa théorie de l'harmonie préétablie, et sa défense du principe de raison suffisante. Il explique comment ces idées ont influencé la métaphysique et ont établi des fondements pour la pensée philosophique moderne.Le livre traite également des contributions de Leibniz aux mathématiques, notamment son développement du calcul infinitésimal, parallèlement à Isaac Newton. Halbwachs détaille les implications de ces travaux et la fameuse querelle des calculs qui en a résulté.En outre, Halbwachs examine les idées de Leibniz sur la logique, la théologie, et les sciences naturelles, illustrant comment sa vision systématique de l'univers tentait de concilier science et spiritualité. Leibniz est présenté non seulement comme un penseur théorique, mais aussi comme un homme de pratique, impliqué dans des projets d'ingénierie, de diplomatie, et de réforme sociale.Le style de Halbwachs est rigoureux et pédagogique, rendant accessibles les concepts philosophiques et scientifiques complexes. Il s'efforce de montrer la cohérence et la modernité de la pensée de Leibniz, mettant en lumière son impact durable sur diverses disciplines.

    € 10,10
  8. Anaximander
    1. Carlo , Rovelli


    A TLS BOOK OF THE YEAR 'Anaximander is a delight and so is this book' -- James McConnachie, Sunday TimesNow widely available in English for the first time, this is Carlo Rovelli's first book: the thrilling story of a little-known man who created one of the greatest intellectual revolutions Over two thousand years ago, one man changed the way we see the world.Since the dawn of civilization, humans had believed in the heavens above and the Earth below. Then, on the Ionian coast, a Greek philosopher named Anaximander set in motion a revolution. He not only conceived that the Earth floats in space, but also that animals evolve, that storms and earthquakes are natural, not supernatural, that the world can be mapped and, above all, that progress is made by the endless search for knowledge. Carlo Rovelli's first book, now widely available in English, tells the origin story of scientific thinking: our rebellious ability to reimagine the world, again and again.Translated by Marion Lignana Rosenberg

    € 14,50
  9. The Maidens
    1. Alex , Michaelides

    The Maidens

    From the author of the global #1 bestselling debut The Silent Patient comes a spellbinding literary thriller which weaves together Greek mythology, psychology, and murder... Edward Fosca is a murderer. Of this Mariana is certain. But Fosca is untouchable. A charismatic Greek Tragedy professor at Cambridge University, Fosca is adored by staff and students alike. Particularly by the members of a secret society of female students known as The Maidens. Mariana Andros is a brilliant but troubled group therapist who becomes fixated when one of The Maidens, a friend of Mariana's niece Zoe, is found murdered. Mariana, who was once herself a student at the university, suspects that behind the idyllic beauty of the spires and turrets, lies something sinister. And she becomes convinced that, despite his alibi, Edward Fosca is guilty of the murder. But why would the professor target one of his students? And why does he keep returning to the rites of Persephone, the maiden, and her journey to the underworld? When another body is found, Mariana's obsession with proving Fosca's guilt spirals out of control, threatening to destroy her credibility as well as her closest relationships. But Mariana is determined to stop this killer, even if it costs her everything - including her own life. One of the most highly anticipated books of the year, THE MAIDENS is sure to become your new obsession... * * * * * Praise for Alex Michaelides and his #1 global bestseller THE SILENT PATIENT: 'Absolutely brilliant' STEPHEN FRY 'Excellent' JOANNE HARRIS 'Terrific' THE TIMES, Crime Book of the Month 'Smart, sophisticated suspense' LEE CHILD 'Compelling' OBSERVER'An absolute jaw-dropper' LUCY FOLEY 'Hugely impressive' STEVE CAVANAGH 'Totally original' DAVID BALDACCI 'The pace and finesse of a master' BBC CULTURE 'Genuinely chilling' SHARON BOLTON 'Unforgettable' ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY 'Impossible to put down' MARK EDWARDS 'Shocking, mind-blowing' BLAKE CROUCH 'Highly recommended' C. J. TUDOR 'The definition of a page turner' JOHN MARRS

    € 12,50
  10. The Art of Explanation
    1. Ros , Atkins

    The Art of Explanation

    "Explanation - identifying and communicating what we want to say - is an art. In this book, Ros shares the secrets he has learned from years of working in high-pressure newsrooms, identifying the ten elements of a good explanation and the seven steps you need to take to express yourself with clarity and impact. Whether at work, school, university or home, we all benefit from being able to articulate ourselves clearly."--

    € 14,50
  11. Newton's Notebook
    1. Joel , Levy

    Newton's Notebook

    Newton's Notebook is a biography of the great man, but a biography with a difference

    € 17,00
  12. Hidden Figures
    1. Margot Lee , Shetterly

    Hidden Figures

    The #1 New York Times bestseller The phenomenal true story of the black female mathematicians at NASA whose calculations helped fuel some of America's greatest achievements in space--a powerful, revelatory history essential to our understanding of race, discrimination, and achievement in modern America. The basis for the smash Academy Award-nominated film starring Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kirsten Dunst, and Kevin Costner. Before John Glenn orbited the earth, or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, a group of dedicated female mathematicians known as "human computers" used pencils, slide rules and adding machines to calculate the numbers that would launch rockets, and astronauts, into space. Among these problem-solvers were a group of exceptionally talented African American women, some of the brightest minds of their generation. Originally relegated to teaching math in the South's segregated public schools, they were called into service during the labor shortages of World War II, when America's aeronautics industry was in dire need of anyone who had the right stuff. Suddenly, these overlooked math whizzes had a shot at jobs worthy of their skills, and they answered Uncle Sam's call, moving to Hampton, Virginia and the fascinating, high-energy world of the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory. Even as Virginia's Jim Crow laws required them to be segregated from their white counterparts, the women of Langley's all-black "West Computing" group helped America achieve one of the things it desired most: a decisive victory over the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and complete domination of the heavens. Starting in World War II and moving through to the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement and the Space Race, Hidden Figures follows the interwoven accounts of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson and Christine Darden, four African American women who participated in some of NASA's greatest successes. It chronicles their careers over nearly three decades they faced challenges, forged alliances and used their intellect to change their own lives, and their country's future. -WINNER OF ANISFIELD-WOLF AWARD FOR NONFICTION -WINNER BLACK CAUCUS OF AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION BEST NONFICTION BOOK -WINNER NAACP IMAGE AWARD BEST NONFICTION BOOK -WINNER NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND MEDICINE COMMUNICATION AWARD

    € 13,50