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View our offer Mathematics

Mathematics is a universal language that forms the foundations of our understanding of the world. It goes beyond mere numbers and calculations; it's about discovering patterns, solving puzzles, and comprehending the logic of the universe. Mathematics is the key to understanding complex phenomena, from the tiniest particles to the grandest cosmic structures. It provides us with a toolkit to solve problems and gain new insights.
10 results
  1. McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade Pk, Math Songs Audio CD
    1. Education McGraw

    McGraw-Hill My Math, Grade Pk, Math Songs Audio CD

    This audio CD contains a collection of math songs to support the development of math concepts. Songs are also available online in ConnectED.Includes songs, raps, and chants to motivate students and build mathematical language skillsProvides teachers with additional ways to introduce key math ideas and meet the learning styles of all studentsSupports concept development in the areas of basic facts, geometry, fractions, and measurement Grades PreK-5

    € 68,50
  2. Icnaam 2010: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010

    Icnaam 2010: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010

    The aim of the conference is to bring together leading scientists of the international Numerical and Applied Mathematics community and to attract original research papers of very high quality. The purpose of the Conference is to present the new insights in the research on Numerical, Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The audience of this Conference is: Mathematicians, Applied Mathematicians, Computer Scientists, Physicists, Chemists, Engineers. The importance for the reader is that with this book one can finds all the new developments in the research on Numerical, Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

    € 435,50
  3. Geometry, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM
    1. McGraw-Hill Education

    Geometry, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM

    StudentWorksTM Plus provides the complete student edition, student worksheets, personal tutors, concepts in motion, audio, and virtual manipulatives all in one location.

    € 177,50
  4. Algebra 2, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM
    1. McGraw-Hill Education

    Algebra 2, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM

    StudentWorksTM Plus provides the complete student edition, student worksheets, personal tutors, concepts in motion, audio, and virtual manipulatives all in one location.

    € 194,50
  5. Algebra 1, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM
    1. McGraw-Hill

    Algebra 1, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM

    StudentWorksTM Plus provides the complete student edition, student worksheets, personal tutors, concepts in motion, audio, and virtual manipulatives all in one location.

    € 167,50
  6. New York Algebra 1, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM
    1. McGraw-Hill

    New York Algebra 1, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM

    StudentWorks Plus provides the complete student edition, student worksheets, personal tutors, concepts in motion, audio, and virtual manipulatives all in one location."

    € 219,50
  7. Geometry Studentworks: Ohio Edition

    Geometry Studentworks: Ohio Edition

    StudentWorksTM CD-ROM combines the complete interactive Student Edition with all of the associated student worksheets in one convenient place.

    € 189,50
  8. Contemporary Mathematics in Context: A Unified Approach, Courses 1-4, Calculator Software and Guide
    1. McGraw-Hill

    Contemporary Mathematics in Context: A Unified Approach, Courses 1-4, Calculator Software and Guide

    Downloadable software for TI-82, TI-83, and TI-92 calculators unleashes the power of these handheld computers to allow students to investigate significant mathematics. The guide describes the software for the course for the course and how the software is used. TI-GraphLink(R) software and cable, available separately from Texas Instruments, are required.

    € 112,50
  9. Smart CD-ROM to Accompany Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
    1. James , Streeter
    2. Donald , Hutchison
    3. Streeter James

    Smart CD-ROM to Accompany Beginning and Intermediate Algebra

    This interactive CD-ROM is a self-paced tutorial specifically linked to the text and reinforces topic through unlimited opportunities to review concepts and practice problem solving. The CD-ROM contains chapter-specific and section-specific tutorials, multiple-choice questions with feedback, and algorithmically generated questions. It requires virtually no computer training on the part of the students and supports Windows and Macintosh computers.

    € 110,50
  10. Beginning & Intermediate Algebra: The Language & Symbolism of Mathematics
    1. Brian , Mercer
    2. James , Hall

    Beginning & Intermediate Algebra: The Language & Symbolism of Mathematics

    € 84,50