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View our offer Mathematics
Number Worlds, Building Blocks CD-ROM
Contains activities for math practice, conceptual development, and remediation with an intensive intervention program that focuses on students who are one or more grade levels behind in elementary mathematics. These activities cover sequenced topics which mirror the way children naturally develop mathematical knowledge.
€ 208,50 -
Number Worlds Levels A-H, Eassess Examview CD-ROM
Number Worlds is an intensive intervention program that focuses on students who are one or more grade levels behind in elementary mathematics.
€ 554,50 -
Mathmatters 2: An Integrated Program, Studentworks DVD
StudentWorks Plus DVD combines an interactive Student Edition with audio in English and Spanish
€ 251,50 -
Pinpoint Math Grade 5/Level E, Interactive Tutorial CD
Instructional Model Pretest - Pretest for the first volume is given to all students, either online or by paper and pencil. Assignments - Student booklet pages and online computer tutorials are assigned based on individual student needs. Summary and Review - Students complete Topic Summary, Mixed Review and Progress Monitoring informal assessment pages and receive teacher feedback. Student Action Plan - The teacher prepares individual or group standards-based assignments based on test results Teaching a Topic - Students complete the introduction page; the teacher demonstrates, questions, and/or presents an overview of the topic based on student introduction responses. Components for All Levels A-G (Grades 1-7) Student booklets: 6 per level Teacher's Guides: 1 per level Assessment Resources: 1 per level Student Tutorials CD-ROM: 1 per level
€ 362,50 -
Sra Math - Emath Tools CD-ROM
Number Worlds is an intensive intervention program that focuses on students who are one or more grade levels behind in elementary mathematics.
€ 218,50 -
* CD-Rom T/a Coll Algebra
€ 114,50 -
Interactive CD-ROM 2.O (P-15) for Larson/Hostetler/Edwards' Calculus, 6th
€ 199,50 -
Functional Skills Maths Entry 1 and 2 Teaching and Learning Resource Disks
Our new Entry Levels 1 & 2 Teaching and Learning Disk for mathematics includes a range of activities and e-activities suitable for Entry 1 & 2 learners. The adaptable lessons with level-differentiated activities facilitate co-teaching across both levels, providing clear opportunities for progression to higher levels.
€ 764,50 -
Glencoe Math Accelerated, Estudentedition CD-ROM
All-in-one Interactive Student Edition and student resources. Contains everything you need! The complete Student Edition, links to online activities and resources, and access to all student worksheets with just a click.
€ 137,50 -
Activepi 2.0
€ 85,00 -
eResource for Verge's Practical Problems in Mathematics for Information Technology
€ 232,95