Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning
- The environment 477
- Earth sciences 371
- Geology, geomorphology and the lithosphere 210
- Meteorology and climatology 164
- Geographical information systems, geodata and remote sensing 164
- Environmental management 111
- Pollution and threats to the environment 101
- Hydrology and the hydrosphere 97
- Human geography 86
- Oceanography (seas and oceans) 81
- Geochemistry 71
- Sustainability 70
- Natural disasters 64
- Petrology, petrography and mineralogy 40
- Geography 36
- Applied ecology 29
- Physical geography and topography 26
- Biodiversity 25
- Economic geography 23
- Sedimentology and pedology 18
- Environmentalist thought and ideology 18
- Conservation of the environment 18
- Regional and area planning 18
- Waste management 17
Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning
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Thermal Distribution Principle and Nonlinear Optimal Control for HVAC Water System
This book introduces the intelligent control technology of heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) water system in detail, studying its thermal distribution characteristics and optimal control methods combining the nonlinearity, strong coupling and delay characteristics to improve the overall operation and maintenance level as well as the energy efficiency of HVAC water system. Intelligent control technology of HVAC water systems involves various fields such as electrical, mechanical, environmental and civil engineering. The book establishes a basic research framework for this topic using a sub-total approach, emphasizing the importance of thermodynamic properties and the significant influence of nonlinear properties in the optimal control of the system. This book is intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in automated control of HVAC water systems, researchers investigating methods for system energy conservation and optimization and design engineers working on intelligent operation and maintenance of HVAC water system.
€ 160,49 -
Triple Bottom Line and Multiple Criteria Decision Making Analysis
This book offers a comprehensive compilation of research on the evaluation of the most environmentally and socially responsible financial institutions using a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach, with a focus on the principles of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) model. Contributed by highly esteemed scholars in the field of MCDM/A, the book serves as a distinctive global reference guide that focuses on the examination, quantification, and administration of sustainability in relation to the TBL within a multidimensional framework for decision analysis. It presents the implementation of a set of MCDA techniques addressing challenges in the accounting systems of financial institutions and facilitating the identification of the optimal sustainable option within this domain. It highlights recent advancements in decision-making methodologies, exemplified through practical applications in the financial industry, particularly focusing on sustainability-related subjects. As such, scholars and policymakers will find this book to be a valuable resource.
€ 139,09 -
Hereditary Models of Dynamic Processes in Geospheres
The book is aimed at developing and analyzing fundamentally new mathematical models of dynamicprocesses in the Earth's geospheres, taking into account heredity, in order to detect (predict) natural and manmadethreats. It is known that many natural, technical and social systems are characterized by the property ofheredity (heredity or memory), when the actual dynamic characteristics of the system are determined by itsentire prehistory. Mathematical formalization of such properties in mathematical models is usually ensuredby the introduction of integral terms (memory functionals) with difference kernels. Therefore, taking intoaccount the effects of heredity in dynamic processes and systems also determines the relevance of the study. The topic is devoted to the study of various dynamic processes in geospheres using mathematicalmodeling. Dynamic processes discussed in the book: geomagnetic dynamo, geoacoustic emission,microseismic vibrations, deformation processes, solar activity, seismic activity, processes of transferand accumulation of radon concentration.The book was the first to examine some dynamic processes that have hereditary effects. Researchmethods are based on the following sections of mathematics: mathematical and functional analysis,equations of mathematical physics, differential equations and their systems, integro-differentialequations, fractional calculus, vector analysis, computational mathematics, numerical methods. Alsomethods of object-oriented programming, parallel programming.It should be noted that the research used the principle of the model-algorithm-program triad.Therefore, one of the chapters of the book is devoted to computational algorithms with thepossibility of parallelization.The reader will become familiar with new models of geodynamic processes with heredity andapproaches to their study. The presented numerical algorithms can be reproduced or applied to othersimilar processes. The book will provide comprehensive information about the processes beingstudied and methods of their research, all necessary references will be provided, including thosedefining the current state of affairs in this issue.
€ 160,49 -
Mathematical Modeling for Environmental Management
Sajib Mandal is a research expert in mathematical modeling, optimal control problems, environmental management, climate change, global warming, coastal and marine management, GHG mitigation, predator-prey systems, ecology and infectious diseases. He completed his MSc degree in Applied Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. He has published several research papers and book chapters in leading journals in applied mathematical modeling and environmental management. Md. Haider Ali Biswas is a Professor of Mathematics at Khulna University, Bangladesh. He received his PhD from the University of Porto, Portugal, and his MPhil from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He has published five books, several book chapters, and hundreds of research papers in leading journals in his field of research on environmental management, mathematical modeling and optimization, and infectious diseases. Md. Sirajul Islam is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. He has published several book chapters and research papers in renowned journals in his field of research on environmental management, computational fluid dynamics, and behavioral ecology.
€ 89,95 -
Statistical Modeling Using Bayesian Latent Gaussian Models
This book focuses on the statistical modeling of geophysical and environmental data using Bayesian latent Gaussian models. The structure of these models is described in a thorough introductory chapter, which explains how to construct prior densities for the model parameters, how to infer the parameters using Bayesian computation, and how to use the models to make predictions. The remaining six chapters focus on the application of Bayesian latent Gaussian models to real examples in glaciology, hydrology, engineering seismology, seismology, meteorology and climatology. These examples include: spatial predictions of surface mass balance; the estimation of Antarcticäs contribution to sea-level rise; the estimation of rating curves for the projection of water level to discharge; ground motion models for strong motion; spatial modeling of earthquake magnitudes; weather forecasting based on numerical model forecasts; and extreme value analysis of precipitation on a high-dimensional grid. The book is aimed at graduate students and experts in statistics, geophysics, environmental sciences, engineering, and related fields.
€ 181,89 -
The Role of GIS in COVID-19 Management and Control
Edited by medical geographer and GIS Professor Dr. Esra Ozdenerol, this book highlights key GIS capabilities and lessons learned during the COVID-19 response and can help communities prepare for the next crisis. 12 global projects are discussed with a multidisciplinary approach, illustrating the role of GIS in crisis management.
€ 59,50 -
Actionable Science of Global Environment Change
This volume teaches readers how to sort through the vast mountain of climate and environmental science data to extract actionable insights. With the advancements in sensing technology, we now observe petabytes of data related to climate and the environment. While the volume of data is impressive, collecting big data for the sake of data alone proves to be of limited utility. Instead, our quest is for actionable data that can drive tangible actions and meaningful impact.Yet, unearthing actionable insights from the accumulated big data and delivering them to global stakeholders remains a burgeoning field. Although traditional data mining struggles to keep pace with data accumulation, scientific evolution has spurred the emergence of new technologies like numeric modeling and machine learning. These cutting-edge tools are now tackling grand challenges in climate and the environment, from forecasting extreme climate events and enhancing environmental productivity to monitoringgreenhouse gas emissions, fostering smart environmental solutions, and understanding aerosols. Additionally, they model environmental-human interactions, inform policy, and steer markets towards a healthier and more environment-friendly direction.While there's no universal solution to address all these formidable tasks, this book takes us on a guided journey through three sections, enriched with chapters from domain scientists. Part I defines actionable science and explores what truly renders data actionable. Part II showcases compelling case studies and practical use scenarios, illustrating these principles in action. Finally, Part III provides an insightful glimpse into the future of actionable science, focusing on the pressing climate and environmental issues we must confront.Embark on this illuminating voyage with us, where big data meets practical research, and discover how our collective efforts move us closer to a sustainable and thriving future. This book is an invitation to unlock the mysteries of our environment, transforming data into decisive action for generations to come.
€ 149,79 -
This is an open access book.Crafted for both the economist and the curious mind, this book introduces a novel approach to blending economic and biophysical sciences to enable multi-scale analysis of a range of sustainability challenges confronting the world¿s land and water resources at both local and global scales. It focuses specifically on the interface between the environment and food systems, utilizing economic theory to structure the overall framework. However, within the SIMPLE-G framework, there is ample room to incorporate fine-scale biophysical knowledge from agronomy, climate science, ecology, geography, hydrology, as well as a range of socioeconomic considerations. This enables multi-scale analyses incorporating grid cells that can vary in size from 250 meters to sub-regional scales. This, in turn, allows for investigation of global change drivers¿ impacts on local sustainability, as well as feedbacks from local sustainability policies to regional and global outcomes.The book opens with a foreword by a prominent sustainability scientist, Prof. Navin Ramankutty, and proceeds in five parts covering, respectively: (1) introduction and overview, (2) basic economic theory underpinning SIMPLE-G, (3) the SIMPLE-G framework, including structure, data, parameters, computer implementation, and validation, (4) eight diverse applications of the SIMPLE-G framework, covering a range of geographies and sustainability challenges, and (5) a forward-looking chapter on future directions. The book provides step-by-step guidance on building and utilizing gridded models with real-world case studies demonstrating practical applications which will facilitate its use by academics, practitioners, and students conducting research on climate impacts, land-use, water resource management, food security, poverty, equity, nutritional outcomes, and overall sustainability.
€ 53,49 -
Advanced Statistical Methods in Process Monitoring, Finance, and Environmental Science
This book presents a unique collection of contributions on modern methods and applications in three key areas of statistics, celebrating the significant work of Wolfgang Schmid in this field. It is structured thematically into parts focusing on statistical process monitoring, financial statistics, and spatial statistics with environmetrics, each featuring chapters from leading experts.The opening articles on statistical process monitoring present novel methodologies for the detection of anomalies and control charting techniques, which are crucial for maintaining quality in manufacturing processes. Detailed discussions are included on integrating multivariate statistical methods and real-time monitoring to enhance process reliability and efficiency.The part on financial statistics explores rigorous approaches in financial econometrics, with an emphasis on dynamic modelling of market volatility and risk assessment. Contributions cover advanced asset allocation strategies, leveraging high-dimensional data analysis, and the application of machine learning techniques.Spatial statistics and environmetrics are addressed through innovative research on the statistical analysis of environmental data. This includes the use of geostatistical models and hybrid models that combine traditional statistical techniques with machine learning to improve the prediction of environmental phenomena. Key topics here involve the modelling of extremes and airborne pollutants, the prediction of earthquakes using a smartphone-based sensor network, and reviews of selected topics essential in modern spatial statistics.Each part not only reflects Wolfgang Schmid¿s interests and impact in these areas but also provides detailed theoretical and applied studies, demonstrating how these sophisticated statistical methods can be effectively employed in practical scenarios. This makes the book an indispensable resource for researchers and practitioners looking to apply cutting-edge statistical techniques in these complex fields.
€ 213,99 -
Applied Data Analysis and Modeling for Energy Engineers and Scientists
Now in a thoroughly revised and expanded second edition, this classroom-tested text demonstrates and illustrates how to apply concepts and methods learned in disparate courses such as mathematical modeling, probability, statistics, experimental design, regression, optimization, parameter estimation, inverse modeling, risk analysis, decision-making, and sustainability assessment methods to energy processes and systems. It provides a formal structure that offers a broad and integrative perspective to enhance knowledge, skills, and confidence to work in applied data analysis and modeling problems. This new edition also reflects recent trends and advances in statistical modeling as applied to energy and building processes and systems. It includes numerous examples from recently published technical papers to nurture and stimulate a more research-focused mindset. How the traditional stochastic data modeling methods complement data analytic algorithmic approaches such as machine learning and data mining is also discussed. The important societal issue related to the sustainability of energy systems is presented, and a formal structure is proposed meant to classify the various assessment methods found in the literature. Applied Data Analysis and Modeling for Energy Engineers and Scientists is designed for senior-level undergraduate and graduate instruction in energy engineering and mathematical modeling, for continuing education professional courses, and as a self-study reference book for working professionals. In order for readers to have exposure and proficiency with performing hands-on analysis, the open-source Python and R programming languages have been adopted in the form of Jupyter notebooks and R markdown files, and numerous data sets and sample computer code reflective of real-world problems are available online.
€ 90,94 -
Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems
This book presents an overview of modeling and simulation of environmental systems via diverse research problems and pertinent case studies, covering air pollution modeling, sustainable water resources modeling, IoT based applications in environmental systems, and future algorithms and conceptual frameworks in environmental systems.
€ 69,00 -
Introduction to Ocean Circulation and Modeling
Introduction to Ocean Circulation and Modeling provide basics for physical oceanography. Covering ocean properties, ocean circulations and their modeling, the book is divided into two parts explaining concepts of oceanic circulation and basic implementation framework for ocean models, discussion of different models.
€ 66,50