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Basisvaardigheden Toegepaste Statistiek (e-book)
€ 0,00 -
Pearson Edexcel International A Level Mathematics Further Pure Mathematics 1 Student Book
€ 34,50 -
Precalculus -- ACCUMULATOR
Marge Lial (late) was always interested in math; it was her favorite subject in the first grade! Marge's intense desire to educate both her students and herself has inspired the writing of numerous best-selling textbooks. Marge, who received Bachelor's and Master's degrees from California State University at Sacramento, was affiliated with American River College. An avid reader and traveler, her travel experiences often found their way into her books as applications, exercise sets, and feature sets. Her interest in archeology led to trips to various digs and ruin sites, producing some fascinating problems for her textbooks involving such topics as the building of Mayan pyramids and the acoustics of ancient ball courts in the Yucatan. When John Hornsby enrolled as an undergraduate at Louisiana State University, he was uncertain whether he wanted to study mathematics education or journalism. His ultimate decision was to become a teacher, but after twenty-five years of teaching at the high school and university levels and fifteen years of writing mathematics textbooks, both of his goals have been realized. His love for both teaching and for mathematics is evident in his passion for working with students and fellow teachers as well. His specific professional interests are recreational mathematics, mathematics history, and incorporating graphing calculators into the curriculum. John's personal life is busy as he devotes time to his family (wife Gwen, and sons Chris, Jack, and Josh), and has been an avid baseball fan all of his life. John's other hobbies include numismatics (the study of coins) and record collecting. He loves the music of the 1960s and has an extensive collection of the recorded works of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. A native Midwesterner, Terry McGinnis received her Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education with a concentration in Mathematics from Iowa State University. She has taught elementary and middle school mathematics, and developed and implemented the curriculum used with her students. Terry has been involved in college mathematics publishing for over 20 years, working with a variety of authors on textbooks in both developmental mathematics and precalculus. After working behind the scenes on many of the Lial/Hornsby textbooks and supplements for over 10 years, Terry joined Margaret Lial and John Hornsby in 2002 as coauthor of their developmental mathematics series. When not working, Terry enjoys spinning at a local health club, walking, and reading fiction. She is the devoted mother of two sons, Andrew and Tyler. Callie Daniels has always had a passion for learning mathematics and brings that passion into the classroom with her students. She attended the University of the Ozarks where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Mathematics Education. She has two master’s degrees: one in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Missouri—Rolla, the second in Adult Education from the University of Missouri—St. Louis. Her professional interests include improving success in the community college mathematics sequence, using technology to enhance students’ understanding of mathematics, and creating materials that support classroom teaching and student understanding. She is able to pursue these interests as a contributor on the Lial Developmental Math series, and a co-author on the Precalculus series.
€ 55,50 -
Statistics, Updated Edition -- ACCUMULATOR
Dr. Jim McClave is currently President and CEO of Info Tech, Inc., a statistical consulting and software development firm with an international clientele. He is also currently an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the University of Florida, where he was a full-time member of the faculty for twenty years. Dr. Terry Sincich obtained his PhD in Statistics from the University of Florida in 1980. He is an Associate Professor in the Information Systems & Decision Sciences Department at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Dr. Sincich is responsible for teaching basic statistics to all undergraduates, as well as advanced statistics to all doctoral candidates, in the College of Business Administration. He has published articles in such journals as the Journal of the American Statistical Association, International Journal of Forecasting, Academy of Management Journal, and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. Dr. Sincich is a co-author of the texts Statistics, Statistics for Business & Economics, Statistics for Engineering & the Sciences, and A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis.
€ -0,05 -
Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities -- ACCUMULATOR
Michael Sullivan, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Chicago State University, received a Ph.D. in mathematics from the Illinois Institute of Technology. Mike taught at Chicago State for 35 years before recently retiring. He is a native of Chicago’s South Side and divides his time between Oak Lawn, Illinois, and Naples, Florida. Mike is a member of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. He is a past president of the Text and Academic Authors Association and is currently Treasurer of its Foundation. He is a member of the TAA Council of Fellows, and was awarded the TAA Mike Keedy award in 1997 and the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007. In addition, he represents TAA on the Authors Coalition of America. He has been writing textbooks for more than 35 years and currently has 15 books in print, 12 with Pearson Education. When not writing, he enjoys tennis, golf, gardening, and travel. Mike has four children: Kathleen teaches college mathematics; Michael III teaches college mathematics and is his co-author on two precalculus series; Dan works in publishing; and Colleen teaches middle school and secondary school mathematics. Twelve grandchildren round out the family. Mike Sullivan III is a professor of mathematics at Joliet Junior College. He holds graduate degrees from DePaul University in both mathematics and economics. Mike is an author or co-author on more than 20 books, including a statistics book and a developmental mathematics series. Mike is the father of three children and an avid golfer, who tries to spend as much of his limited free time as possible on the golf course.
€ -0,05 -
Achieve for Linear Algebra with Applications (1-Term Access)
€ 50,50 -
Em4 Spanish Print Classroom Resource Package, Grade 1
€ 663,95 -
Em4 Spanish Print Classroom Resource Package, Grade K
€ 508,50 -
Em4 Spanish Print Classroom Resource Package, Grade 5
€ 663,95 -
Everyday Math 4 Spanish Print Classroom Resource Package, Grade 4
€ 663,95 -
Em4 Spanish Print Classroom Resource Package, Grade 3
€ 663,95 -
Em4 Spanish Print Classroom Resource Package, Grade 2
€ 663,95