Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects
- Cybernetics and systems theory 2.308
- Research methods: general 366
- Reference works 354
- Information theory 309
- Coding theory and cryptology 234
- Interdisciplinary studies 229
- Risk assessment 187
- Data science and analysis: general 112
- Communication studies 103
- Decision theory: general 92
- Encyclopaedias and reference works 76
- Regional / International studies 76
- Subject dictionaries 47
- Semiotics / semiology 47
Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects
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View our offer Mathematics
The Art Of Uncertainty
How To Navigate Chance, Ignorance, Risk And Luck€ 28,95 -
Math For English Majors
A Human Take On The Universal LanguageIn the spirit of Astrophysics for People in a Hurry and How to Bake Pi, this helpful, humorous handbook for the mathematically challenged by Ben Orlin, author of Math with Bad Drawings, uses his empathy, his humour, and his "bad drawings" to unravel the secrets behind the world's most confounding language.
€ 32,95 -
10 redenen waarom we een verkeerd beeld van de wereld hebben en waarom het beter gaat dan je denktFeitenkennis in luxe-editie 'Het is al een prestatie op zich: statistieken sexy maken. Het lukte Hans Rosling.' – de VolkskrantOp eenvoudige vragen over wereldwijde trends geven we systematisch de verkeerde antwoorden. Het is zelfs zo erg dat een chimpansee die willekeurig antwoorden kiest consequent leraren, journalisten, Nobelprijswinnaars en studenten overtreft. In Feitenkennis legt hoogleraar Internationale Gezondheid en wereldfenomeen Hans Rosling, samen met Ola en Anna Rosling, uit waarom dit gebeurt. Hij presenteert daarbij tien redenen – van onze neiging om de wereld in twee kampen te verdelen tot de manier waarop we vooruitgang waarnemen – en komt zo met een radicaal nieuwe verklaring.Feitenkennis zit boordevol anekdotes, aangrijpende verhalen en uiteraard met de kenmerkende grafieken van Rosling. Het is een inspirerend, onthullend en ook essentieel boek dat de manier waarop je de wereld ziet compleet zal veranderen.'Een van de belangrijkste boeken die ik ooit gelezen heb – een onmisbare handleiding voor helder denken over de wereld.' – Bill Gates'Feitenkennis zorgt ervoor dat je zowel meer realistisch als meer hoopvol naar de wereld kijkt. Een geweldig en belangrijk boek.' – Ionica Smeets
€ 20,99 -
Geheime Netzwerke der Natur
Wie Pilze unsere Welt verbinden und das Leben im Verborgenen gestalten€ 34,50 -
Two-dimensional Crossing and Product Cubic Systems, Vol. I
Self-linear and Crossing-quadratic Product Vector FieldIn such cubic systems, the appearing bifurcations are: - double-inflection saddles, - inflection-source (sink) flows, - parabola-saddles (saddle-center), - third-order parabola-saddles, - third-order saddles and centers.
€ 207,95 -
Financial Mathematics
Exercises and SolutionsIt includes exercises and theoretical questions across seven chapters: Interest Theory, Financial Flows and Annuities, Profitability and Risk of Financial Operations, Portfolio Analysis, Bonds, Modigliani-Miller Theory, and Brusov-Filatova-Orekhova Theory.
€ 103,95 -
Thermal Distribution Principle and Nonlinear Optimal Control for HVAC Water System
Dr. Tianyi Zhao received his B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Heating, Gas, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Engineering subject from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2003, 2005 and 2009, respectively. Since Dec. 2014, Dr. Zhao has been in School of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, as an associate professor. Dr. Jiaming Wang received his B.E. degree in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, in 2014, and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Heating, Gas, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, in 2018 and 2022, respectively. Since Dec. 2022, Dr. Wang has been in School of Infrastructure Engineering at Dalian University of Technology, as a postdoctoral. Dr. Wang is engaged in the research of decoupling control and distributed collaborative optimization of HVAC systems, taking the complex HVAC systems as research object, mainly studying the system parameters time-delay response characteristics and the component spatial coupling characteristics. The proposed event-driven optimization strategy (SEDO) and the global energy efficiency tradeoff method have high universality and can be directly applied to the existing HVAC systems. Mrs. Yiting Wang received her B.E. degree in Built Environment and Equipment Engineering from Hunan University, Changsha, China, in 2016, and the M.E. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, in 2019. She has been involved in several projects using swarm intelligent building automation technology and has been responsible for the development of several control strategies for HVAC system. Since 2024, Dr. Wang has been in School of Infrastructure Engineering at Dalian University of Technology, as a doctoral student.
€ 180,50 -
Algebra and Its Applications
€ 213,99 -
Reliability Analysis and Maintenance Optimization of Complex Systems
Essays in Honor of Professor Won Young Yun on his 65th BirthdayThese chapters are authored by esteemed professors and researchers in the field of reliability engineering, and they are organized as follows: System Reliability Modeling (8 chapters), Optimal Maintenance Models (4 chapters), System Performance and Availability Analysis (3 chapters), and Reliability Testing and Accelerated Life Tests (2 chapters).
€ 249,50 -
Optimization, Discrete Mathematics and Applications to Data Sciences
This book delves into the dynamic intersection of optimization and discrete mathematics, offering a comprehensive exploration of their applications in data sciences.
€ 152,50 -
Structure and Dynamics of Asymmetric Interactions
This book integrates the fundamentals of asymmetric multidimensional scaling, spectral graph theory, graph embedding theory, and various dynamical systems theories, that deal with the static and dynamic aspects of asymmetric phenomena. In this way, it provides a comprehensive introduction to theories and methods for analyzing phenomena observed universally in social, behavioral, economical, geographical, biological, neural, chemical reaction and other networks. The topics addressed in here include the notions of asymmetric similarity matrices, graph spectra, dimension reduction, and difference and differential equations to describe the dynamics of networks, bifurcation of vector fields, Mandelbrot sets, fractals and chaos, and Hilbert spaces. Illustrated by carefully chosen examples and supported by extensive simulation studies, the book is highly recommended to readers who seek to discover static asymmetric structures among members or nodes. It also appeals to those who want to understand the kinds of dynamics that are theoretically possible in their research domains.
€ 149,79 -
The Duffing Equation
Periodic Solutions and Chaotic DynamicsThis book discusses the generalized Duffing equation and its periodic perturbations, with special emphasis on the existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions, subharmonic solutions and different approaches to prove rigorously the presence of chaotic dynamics.
€ 207,95