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Mathematics is a universal language that forms the foundations of our understanding of the world. It goes beyond mere numbers and calculations; it's about discovering patterns, solving puzzles, and comprehending the logic of the universe. Mathematics is the key to understanding complex phenomena, from the tiniest particles to the grandest cosmic structures. It provides us with a toolkit to solve problems and gain new insights.
6.549 results
  1. Functies voor wiskunde en statistiek in excel
    1. Wim de Groot

    Functies voor wiskunde en statistiek in excel

    Handig om te weten: van dit boek is een webversie beschikbaar. Als u zich registreert, krijgt u gratis toegang, plus relevante extra’s. Met Excel kun je allerlei berekeningen maken. Veel kracht zit in de ingebouwde rekenfuncties. In dit boek worden honderd rekenfuncties van Excel besproken op het gebied van wiskunde en statistiek. Die worden uitgelegd aan de hand van voorbeelden. Je leert hoe je een functie gebruikt, zodat je die kunt toepassen in je eigen werk, studie of hobby. Nadat je hebt gezien hoe je een formule samenstelt, ga je de diepte in. Tot de behandelde onderwerpen behoren: optellen, tellen en gemiddelde berekenen totaal, aantal en gemiddelde voor een beperkte groep berekenen en op meer criteria afronden in allerlei stappen werken met breuken en logaritme willekeurige getallen trekken kansen en standaardafwijking berekenen getallen in groepen verdelen met statistische functies correlatie, trend en regressie tussen getallenreeksen vinden Dit boek is te gebruiken met Excel 2010 tot en met 2019 (en Microsoft 365). Je kunt negentig gratis oefenbestanden bij dit boek downloaden. In de ene helft staan alleen de gegevens zodat je zelf aan de slag kunt, in de andere helft van de bestanden zijn de voorbeelden helemaal uitgewerkt. Trefwoorden: Excel Microsoft spreadsheet Office wiskunde statistiek Wim de Groot handleiding

    € 27,99
  2. Fundamentals Of Actuarial Mathematics
    1. S. David (york University Promislow

    Fundamentals Of Actuarial Mathematics

    * Provides a comprehensive coverage of both the deterministic and stochastic models of life contingencies, risk theory, credibility theory, multi-state models, and an introduction to modern mathematical nance.

    € 77,95
  3. Digital Technologies and Transformation in Business, Industry and Organizations

    Digital Technologies and Transformation in Business, Industry and Organizations

    Volume 3

    Rúben Pereira is an assistant professor at ISCTE and the director of the Master in Computing Science and Business Management. He is also one of the creators and promoters of a professional Master in Digital Technologies for business that runs in the executive school INDEG. He has a PhD in information systems at Instituto Superior Técnico where he also graduated as a Master in computer engineering and computer science. He has been a consultant in several industries, such as services, banking, telecommunications, and e-commerce, among others. He is the author of several scientific papers in the area of IT Services Management and IT Governance, covering the most adopted IT Frameworks like ITIL and COBIT. His areas of scientific interest extend to IT Strategy, Business Process Management, Enterprise Architecture, Continuous Improvement and Innovation, Process Optimization, Digital Transformation, Robotic Process Automation, DevOps, among others. Isaías Scalabrin Bianchi has a Ph.D. in Technology and Systems Information at the University of Minho, Portugal. He is a civil servant at Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he has been working since 2010 holding several management positions. He investigates IT governance, Information Technology Services Management, Business Process Management, Business Intelligence and Digital Transformation and Innovation in particular for public organizations and higher education institutions. His research has been published in leading IS conferences and international journals. Isaias is an assistant coordinator of the Open University of Brazil – UAB at Federal University of Santa Catarina and a professor in the Master's Program in Management in the same university. He is a visiting professor at the at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University teaching and supervising PhD students in the topics of digital transformation, digital marketing and supply chain management. He also co-supervises master's students at the University of Minho and Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. He has achieved the Moodle Educator Competence in the Moodle Educator Certification Program. Álvaro Rocha holds the title of Honorary Professor, and holds a D.Sc. in Information Science, Ph.D. in Information Systems and Technologies, M.Sc. in Information Management, and BCs in Computer Science. He is a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Lisbon - ISEG, researcher at the ADVANCE (the ISEG Centre for Advanced Research in Management), and a collaborator researcher at both LIACC (Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science) and CINTESIS (Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems). His main research interests are maturity models, information systems quality, online service quality, requirements engineering, intelligent information systems, e-Government, e-Health, and information technology in education. He is also Vice-Chair of the IEEE Portugal Section Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Chapter, and Editor-in-Chief of both JISEM (Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management) and RISTI (Iberian Journal of Information Systems and Technologies). Moreover, he has served as Vice-Chair of Experts for the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Program, and as an Expert at the COST - intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, at the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Program, at the Government of Italy’s Ministry of Universities and Research, at the Government of Latvia’s Ministry of Finance, at the Government of Mexico's National Council of Science and Technology,  at the Government of Polish's National Science Centre, and at the Government of Cyprus's Research and Innovation Foundation.

    € 207,95
  4. Innovatives Servicedesign im ITIL-Kontext
    1. Jonas Fischer

    Innovatives Servicedesign im ITIL-Kontext

    Erfolgreiche Methoden für zukunftssichere IT-Services
    € 34,50
  5. Financial Mathematics
    1. Peter Brusov
    2. Tatiana Filatova
    3. Natali Orekhova

    Financial Mathematics

    Exercises and Solutions

    It includes exercises and theoretical questions across seven chapters: Interest Theory, Financial Flows and Annuities, Profitability and Risk of Financial Operations, Portfolio Analysis, Bonds, Modigliani-Miller Theory, and Brusov-Filatova-Orekhova Theory.

    € 103,95
  6. Synergy of AI and Fintech in the Digital Gig Economy

    Synergy of AI and Fintech in the Digital Gig Economy

    The convergence of AI and Financial Technology (Fintech) has ushered in a new era of innovation in the finance ecosystem, particularly within the digital gig economy. This book explores how these cutting-edge technologies are reshaping the financial landscape and the digital gig economy's impact on the traditional workforce.

    € 263,95
  7. Effizientes IT-Service-Management mit ITIL und Scrum
    1. Walther Ullmann

    Effizientes IT-Service-Management mit ITIL und Scrum

    Strategien zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung und kontinuierlichen Verbesserung
    € 34,50
  8. Reliability Analysis and Maintenance Optimization of Complex Systems

    Reliability Analysis and Maintenance Optimization of Complex Systems

    € 213,99
  9. Advances in Applied Econometrics

    Advances in Applied Econometrics

    Celebrating Peter Schmidt's Legacy

    It spotlights his impact on applied econometrics and features 25 contributions on topics such as panel data econometrics, stochastic frontier analysis and efficiency/productivity measurement, time series methods, general applied econometrics, copulas, nonparametric methods, andlimited dependent variable models.

    € 152,50
  10. 21st Century Foresight

    21st Century Foresight

    Shaping the Future for Sustainable Social, Economic and Environmental Development in South Africa

    Using a new methodology for foresight studies, this book presents new findings and policy recommendations to improve living conditions and make progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    € 207,95
  11. Triple Bottom Line and Multiple Criteria Decision Making Analysis
    1. Konstantina Ragazou
    2. Constantin Zopounidis
    3. Alexandros Garefalakis

    Triple Bottom Line and Multiple Criteria Decision Making Analysis

    Fuzzy Selection Processes in the Financial Sector

    Dr. Konstantina Ragazou is Associate Professor of management efficiency, sustainability, and business development at the Department of Management Science and Technology, School of Economic Sciences, University of Western Macedonia (Greece). Her research interests include multicriteria decision aid, decision support systems, agile management, multivariate data analysis, and operational research. She worked for a long time for consultancy companies on large-scale projects prior to her commitment to higher education and research activities. She has authored over 60 papers in journals, chapters in books, and conference proceedings, and is the author/editor of 5 books. Dr. Constantin Zopounidis is a Professor at the Technical University of Crete (Greece). He has the esteemed position of Honorary Professor within the Department of Economics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). His research pursuits encompass multiple criteria decision aiding (MCDA) and preference disaggregation, as well as sorting approaches and classification difficulties. In recognition of his notable contributions to the discipline, he was honored with the prestigious Edgeworth-Pareto Award bestowed by the MCDM International Society. He has authored more than 500 scholarly articles in esteemed international publications, as well as contributed to edited volumes and conference proceedings. In addition to his scholarly contributions, he has authored several books and curated edited volumes pertaining to the fields of MCDM, financial engineering and operations research.   Dr. Alexandros Garefalakis is Associate Professor of Accounting at the Department of Business Administration and Tourism, School of Economic Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece). His research pursuits encompass a range of topics, such as multicriteria decision analysis, decision-making, environmental accounting, regression analysis, and operational research. Before his academic career, he has accumulated extensive professional experience in the realm of accounting, having worked for many firms for an extended duration. He has authored over 60 scholarly publications in journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings, and is the author of more than seven books in his field. Dr. Nikolaos Sariannidis is Professor of Quantitative Methods in Accounting and Finance at the Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Western Macedonia (Greece). He is also Vice Rector Vice-Chancellor for Education Subjects at the University of Western Macedonia (Greece). His research focuses on the analysis of volatility. He has authored over one hundred scholarly publications in journals, monographs, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Additionally, he has edited and authored more than fifteen books on quantitative methods, focusing on accounting, finance, and decision-making.

    € 152,50
  12. Dynamics of Disasters

    Dynamics of Disasters

    From Natural Phenomena to Human Activity

    Based on the “Sixth International Conference on Dynamics of Disasters” (Piraeus, Greece, July 2023), this volume includes contributions from experts who share their latest discoveries on disasters either caused by natural phenomena or human activities.

    € 166,50