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View our offer Mathematics
Van nul tot oneindig voor mensen met weinig tijdDit opmerkelijke boek is voor iedereen die de ‘taal’ van ons universum (getallen) wil begrijpen. Geschreven door de bekroonde auteur over sterrenkunde, schrijver en spreker Colin Stuart. Het boek is samengesteld uit tien boeiende, eenvoudige hoofdstukken en geeft een rondleiding door de geschiedenis en de grootsheid van de wiskunde, met uitleg over hoe cirkels hoeken hebben, hoe er verschillende soorten oneindigheid zijn en waarom je taart altijd verkeerd hebt aangesneden. Als je grote vragen over getallen hebt, dan geeft dit boek op een boeiende en beknopte manier de antwoorden die je nodig hebt
€ 16,90 -
Math For English Majors
A Human Take On The Universal LanguageIn the spirit of Astrophysics for People in a Hurry and How to Bake Pi, this helpful, humorous handbook for the mathematically challenged by Ben Orlin, author of Math with Bad Drawings, uses his empathy, his humour, and his "bad drawings" to unravel the secrets behind the world's most confounding language.
€ 32,95 -
Probability For Dummies
€ 24,95 -
A Dictionary Of Astronomy
Completely revised and updated, this dictionary contains over 4,300 entries covering all aspects of astronomy. Written by an expert team of contributors under the editorship of Ian Ridpath, it is an accessible and invaluable reference for students, professionals, and space enthusiasts.
€ 19,95 -
The Math Book
From Pythagoras to the 57th DimensionClifford A. Pickover has published more than 50 books, translated into a dozen languages, on topics ranging from science and mathematics to religion, art, and history. He received his PhD degree from Yale University, has been granted more than 800 US patents, and has more than 180,000 X (formerly Twitter) followers. For many years, he was an IBM researcher and inventor and editor-in-chief of the IBM Journal of Research and Development. He is the author of many other books including Death and the Afterlife, The Physics Book, and The Math Book, which won the Neumann Prize. Clifford lives in New York.
€ 34,50 -
Cambridge Mathematics AS and A Level Course
Second Edition€ 31,95 -
GMAT Math Success
€ 31,95 -
Cambridge Further Mathematics
€ 21,95 -
Ratgeber "Virale Hepatitis A
Diagnose und Behandlung"€ 51,50 -
Guida "Epatite virale A
diagnosi e gestione"€ 51,50 -
Guia "Hepatite viral A
Diagnóstico e tratamento"€ 51,50 -
"Viral hepatitis A
Diagnosis and management" guide€ 51,50