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Physics is the science that explores the foundations of the natural world. It investigates the fundamental forces, the interactions between matter and energy, and the laws that govern our universe. Physicists study phenomena at the microscopic level, such as particle physics, and at the macroscopic level, such as the motion of planets. Through experiments, mathematical models, and theoretical insights, physicists strive to understand and explain the complexity of the universe. Physics forms the basis for technological advancements and provides us with insights into the workings of the world around us.
49 results
  1. Het allerkleinste
    1. Dirk Ridder
    2. Robbert Dijkgraaf

    Het allerkleinste

    Een reis langs de bouwstenen van alles

    Nederlands’ bekendste wetenschapper en innovatiefste striptekenaar hebben de handen ineengeslagen. Het resultaat: een uniek beeldverhaal over de kleinste bouwstenen van de werkelijkheid. Robbert Dijkgraaf gaf voor DWDD University college over minuscule deeltjes zoals cellen, moleculen, atomen en zelfs nog kleiner. In deze strip, gebaseerd op dat college, wandel je met een gekrompen Dijkgraaf door de wereld van deze kleine deeltjes: een fantasierijke tocht langs een aantal van de bizarste fenomenen uit de wetenschap.

    € 14,99
  2. Niks relatief
    1. Vincent Icke

    Niks relatief

    de speciale relativiteitstheorie zonder formules

    Romans en gedichten die het publiek schokten in het begin van de twintigste eeuw, behoren nu tot de klassiekers. De baanbrekende muziek van een eeuw geleden klinkt ons inmiddels vertrouwd in de oren. Dat geldt niet voor de natuurkunde: nog steeds denken veel mensen dat 'E=mc2' synoniem is voor een van de moeilijkste theorieen van de natuurkunde. In Niks Relatief maakt Vincent Icke op een verrassend beknopte wijze korte metten met dat idee. Niks relatief vertelt op een voor iedereen begrijpelijke manier wat Einsteins realtiviteitstheorie precies inhoudt. Niet met vage voorbeelden van onmogelijke tijdmachines, maar een glasheldere uitleg van wat de theorie is. En na lezing daarvan moet iedereen het boek durven om te draaien om te beginnen aan de tweede helft van het boek: het wiskundig bewijs. Iedereen kan het begrijpen. U gelooft dat niet? Er is maar een antwoord mogelijk: lees Niks relatief.

    € 18,50
  3. De melodie van de natuur
    1. Ivo van Vulpen

    De melodie van de natuur

    de zoektocht naar de bouwstenen van het heelal

    In De melodie van de natuur neemt Ivo van Vulpen ons mee in de zoektocht naar de kleinste bouwstenen van de natuur. Het is een ongekend spannend avontuur, waarin het de wetenschap lukt om steeds dieper door te dringen in een mysterieuze wereld die we met het blote oog allang niet meer kunnen zien. Enkele jaren geleden stond de wetenschappelijke wereld op zijn kop: de ontdekking van het Higgs-deeltje was een doorbraak die, net als de relativiteitstheorie van Albert Einstein, onze kijk op het heelal fundamenteel veranderde. Maar wat was er nu eigenlijk precies ontdekt? Wat zijn we wijzer geworden? In dit boek leren we niet alleen welke geheimen we al aan de natuur hebben ontfutseld en hoe we die hebben ingezet in onze maatschappij, maar maken ook kennis met de vragen waar de wetenschap nog geen antwoord op heeft gevonden. In glasheldere taal, met slimme voorbeelden, leidt Van Vulpen ons haast ongemerkt tot aan de rand van de menselijke kennis, op een manier die voor iedereen te volgen is. Eindelijk.

    € 17,99
  4. In A Flight Of Starlings
    1. Giorgio Parisi

    In A Flight Of Starlings

    The Wonder Of Complex Systems
    € 14,50
  5. 42 Reasons To Hate The Universe
    1. Chris Ferrie
    2. Wade David Fairclough
    3. Byrne Laginestra

    42 Reasons To Hate The Universe

    (and One Reason Not To)
    € 18,50
  6. The Joy Of Science
    1. Jim Al-khalili

    The Joy Of Science

    Courtesy of University of Surrey

    € 17,95
  7. Die Erfindung der totalen Kontrolle
    1. Lutz , Spilker

    Die Erfindung der totalen Kontrolle

    Seit Jahrtausenden strebt der Mensch nach Fortschritt, Ordnung und Sicherheit. Doch jede neue Errungenschaft ¿ sei es die Sesshaftwerdung, die Industrialisierung oder die digitale Vernetzung ¿ brachte nicht nur Vorteile, sondern auch neue Formen der Kontrolle. Heute sind es keine sichtbaren Fesseln, sondern unsichtbare Mechanismen, die unser Denken, Handeln und Fühlen lenken.Dieses Buch deckt auf, wie Kontrolle zur subtilsten und mächtigsten Erfindung der Menschheitsgeschichte wurde. Es zeigt, wie Religionen, Wissenschaften, Technologien und politische Systeme nicht nur Orientierung gaben, sondern auch Machtstrukturen zementierten ¿ oft mit unserer stillen Zustimmung.Warum ziehen wir Sicherheit der Freiheit vor? Wie haben wir gelernt, Kontrolle als Normalität zu akzeptieren? Und was bedeutet es, in einer Welt zu leben, die von Algorithmen und globalen Systemen regiert wird?¿Die Erfindung der totalen Kontrolle¿ ist kein gewöhnliches Sachbuch. Es ist eine Provokation, eine Einladung, die unsichtbaren Fäden zu erkennen, die unser Leben prägen ¿ und sie kritisch zu hinterfragen. Wer sind wir, wenn wir die Verantwortung für unsere Freiheit aufgeben? Und wie können wir die Kontrolle zurückgewinnen?Eine scharfsinnige Analyse. Ein Weckruf. Ein Buch, das Sie verändern wird.

    € 14,98
  8. Numbers Don't Lie
    1. Vaclav , Smil

    Numbers Don't Lie

    'My favourite author has done it again. Numbers Don't Lie is by far his most accessible book to date, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is curious about the world. I unabashedly recommend this book to anyone who loves learning' Bill GatesIs flying dangerous? How much do the world's cows weigh? And what makes people happy? From Earth's nations and inhabitants, through the fuels and foods that energize them, to the transportation and inventions of our modern world - and how all of this affects the planet itself - in Numbers Don't Lie, Professor Vaclav Smil takes us on a fact-finding adventure, using surprising statistics and illuminating graphs to challenge lazy thinking. Smil is on a mission to make facts matter, because after all, numbers may not lie, but which truth do they convey?'Smil's title says it all: to understand the world, you need to follow the trendlines, not the headlines. This is a compelling, fascinating, and most important, realistic portrait of the world and where it's going' Steven Pinker 'The best book to read to better understand our world. It should be on every bookshelf!' Linda Yueh'There is perhaps no other academic who paints pictures with numbers like Smil' GuardianVaclav Smil is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba. He is the author of over forty books on topics including energy, environmental and population change, food production and nutrition, technical innovation, risk assessment and public policy. No other living scientist has had more books (on a wide variety of topics) reviewed in Nature. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, in 2010 he was named by Foreign Policy as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers. This is his first book for a more general readership.

    € 14,50
  9. How the World Really Works
    1. Vaclav , Smil

    How the World Really Works

    * THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * 'Another masterpiece from one of my favorite authors . . . If you want a brief but thorough education in numeric thinking about many of the fundamental forces that shape human life, this is the book to read. It's a tour de force' BILL GATES __________ We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don't know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future, How the World Really Works offers a much-needed reality check - because before we can tackle problems effectively, we must understand the facts. In this ambitious and thought-provoking book we see, for example, that globalization isn't inevitable and that our societies have been steadily increasing their dependence on fossil fuels, making their complete and rapid elimination unlikely. Drawing on the latest science and tackling sources of misinformation head on - from Yuval Noah Harari to Noam Chomsky - ultimately Smil answers the most profound question of our age: are we irrevocably doomed or is a brighter utopia ahead? __________ 'Very informative and eye-opening in many ways' HA-JOON CHANG, author of 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism 'If you are anxious about the future, and infuriated that we aren't doing enough about it, please read this book' PAUL COLLIER, author of The Future of Capitalism

    € 14,50
  10. Fluke
    1. Brian , Klaas


    Utterly engrossing . . . Ambitious, accessible and important' James O'Brien'Consistently gripping - dazzling in its sweep and thrillingly brain-twisting in its arguments' Tom HollandA provocative new vision of how our world really works - and why chance determines everything. In Fluke, myth-shattering social scientist Brian Klaas deep-dives into the phenomenon of randomness, unpicking our neat and tidy storybook version of events to reveal a reality far wilder and more fascinating than we have dared to consider. The bewildering truth is that but for a few incidental changes, our lives - and our societies - would be radically different. Offering an entirely new perspective, Fluke explores how our world really works, driven by strange interactions and random events. How much difference does our decision to hit the snooze button make? Did one couple's vacation really change the course of the twentieth century? What are the smallest accidents that have tilted the course of history itself? The mind-bending lessons of this phenomenon challenge our beliefs about the very workings of the world. From the evolution of human biology and natural disasters to the impact of global events on supply chain disruptions, every detail matters because of the web of connectivity that envelops us. So what if, by exploding our illusion of control, we can make better decisions and live happy, fulfilling lives?

    € 14,50
  11. The Brain
    1. Scientist , New

    The Brain

    Congratulations! You're the proud owner of the most complex information processing device in the known universe. The human brain comes equipped with all sorts of useful design features, but also many bugs and weaknesses. Problem is you don't get an owner's manual. You have to just plug and play.As a result, most of us never properly understand how our brains work and what they're truly capable of. We fail get the best out of them, ignore some of their most useful features and struggle to overcome their design faults.Featuring witty essays and fascinating 'try this at home' experiments, New Scientist take you on a journey through intelligence, memory, creativity, the unconscious and beyond. From the strange ways to distort what we think of as 'reality' to the brain hacks that can improve memory, The Brain: A User's Guide will help you understand your brain and show you how to use it to its full potential.

    € 17,00
  12. Quantum Physics in Minutes
    1. Gemma , Lavender

    Quantum Physics in Minutes

    The fastest way to understanding quantum physics - learn about how our universe works, in minutes. Quantum physics is the most fundamental, but also the most bewildering, of sciences. Allowing for simultaneously dead-and-alive cats, teleportation, antimatter and parallel universes, it also underpins all digital technology and even life itself. But at last it's possible through this clear and compact book, illuminated with 200 simple diagrams for anyone to understand the strange and beautiful subatomic world, and hence the nature of reality itself. Contents include: inside the atom, the Higgs boson, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Schrodinger's cat, relativity, dark energy and matter, black holes, God playing dice, the Theory of Everything, the birth and fate of the Universe, string theory, quantum computing, superconductivity, quantum biology and consciousness, and much more.

    € 17,00