View our offer Physics
Physics is the science that explores the foundations of the natural world. It investigates the fundamental forces, the interactions between matter and energy, and the laws that govern our universe. Physicists study phenomena at the microscopic level, such as particle physics, and at the macroscopic level, such as the motion of planets. Through experiments, mathematical models, and theoretical insights, physicists strive to understand and explain the complexity of the universe. Physics forms the basis for technological advancements and provides us with insights into the workings of the world around us.
4 results
Ved Erkendelsens Graenser?€ 34,95 -
Alle farverne i kvanteindvikling. Fra Platons hulemyte til Carl Jungs synkronicitet til David Bohms holografiske univers.
€ 27,50 -
Mærkelige tilfælde i dit liv. Små nysgerrige begivenheder. Anelser. Telepati. Er det også sket med dig? Kvantfysik og teorien om synkronitet forklarer ekstrasensoriske fænomener.
€ 13,95 -
Kvanteindvikling og synkroniteten af Carl Jung
€ 21,95