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View our offer Physics
Periodensystem der Elemente
"Die Neuauflage zeigt alle Elemente auf einen Blick: übersichtliche Farbtafeln in labortauglicher Umhüllung bieten Zugriff auf mehr als 3.000 sorgfältig recherchierte Elementtafeln." CHEManager (22.11.2017) "Man sollte es stets in Griffweite haben." Fachschaft Chemie TU Chemnitz (07.04.2017)
€ 13,50 -
Nanotechnology 2009 CD ROM
Technical Proceedings of the 2009 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, Volumes 1-3 CD ROMA CD-ROM that includes the proceedings from the 2009 NSTI Nanotech conference which provide the prestigious forum in the world for leading nano scientists. Exploring advanced research and applications, it includes the information on industrial development, investments, and ventures.
€ 422,95 -
Solid State Ionics
Ionics for Sustainable World, Proceedings of the 13th Asian ConferenceSolid state ionics is a multidisciplinary scientific and industrial field dealing with ionic transport phenomena in solids. This book is suitable for physicists, chemists, and material scientists. It provides research papers describing the advanced developments and findings in the field of solid state ionics.
€ 118,95 -
Reliability, Risk and Safety - Back to the Future
Reliability, Risk and Safety: Back to the Future covers topics on reliability, risk and safety issues, including risk and reliability analysis methods, maintenance optimization, human factors, and risk management. The application areas range from nuclear engineering, oil and gas industry, electrical and civil engineering to information technology and communication, security, transportation, health and medicine or critical infrastructures. Significant attention is paid to societal factors influencing the use of reliability and risk assessment methods, and to combinatorial analysis, which has found its way into the analysis of probabilities and risk, from which quantified risk analysis developed. Integral demonstrations of the use of risk analysis and safety assessment are provided in many practical applications concerning major technological systems and structures. Reliability, Risk and Safety: Back to the Future will be of interest to academics and engineers interested in nuclear engineering, oil and gas engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, information technology, communication, and infrastructure.
€ 533,95 -
A Function CalculatorThis software package generates numerical values of nearly 200 mathematical functions and function families, ranging from sines and cosines to Bessel functions and elliptic integrals. It complements the second edition of An Atlas of Functions.
€ 44,95 -
Aufgabensammlung Theoretische Mechanik
Campuslizenz€ 4579,95 -
Handbuch der Printmedien
Technologien und ProduktionsverfahrenAls detailliertes Nachschlagewerk und Standardreferenz wendet es sich an technisch und kaufmännisch orientierte Fach- und Führungskräfte der grafischen Industrie. Neben Druckereien und Verlagen, der Zulieferindustrie, den Fachverbänden, werden jedoch auch Studenten und Auszubildende an Fachschulen und Hochschulen davon profitieren.
€ 199,50 -
€ 35,95 -
Mathtype 4
L'Editeur D'Equations Mathematiques Pur Windows€ 150,50 -
Albert Physik Interaktiv
€ 221,95 -
Mathematik Fa1/4r Naturwissenschaftler
Lern- Und Aoebungssoftware€ 44,50 -
CD Encyclopedia of Material Tensors
Tensors are mathematical representations of complex physical properties which are used by researchers across a wide range of fields in physics, materials science, and applied mathematics. This CD-ROM contains 130,000 tensors, of different internal symmetry, up to the most complex - rank 7.
€ 468,95