Economics, Finance, Business and Management
- Energy industries and utilities 1.870
- Environmental economics 315
- Economics 255
- Economic theory and philosophy 249
- Agribusiness and primary industries 244
- Management and management techniques 213
- Operational research 193
- Service sector economics 174
- Political economy 162
- Management decision making 154
- Health and safety in the workplace 146
- Business and Management 138
- Petroleum, oil and gas industries 118
- Alternative and renewable energy industries 116
- Manufacturing industries 113
- Extractive industries 99
- Economics of industrial organization 85
- Finance and the finance industry 83
- Econometrics and economic statistics 82
- Information technology industries 76
- Development economics and emerging economies 70
- Business mathematics and systems 70
- Production and quality control management 66
- Industry and industrial studies 63
- Business innovation 62
- International economics 61
- Business and the environment; ‘green’ approaches to business 51
Economics, Finance, Business and Management
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Een objectieve kijk op waterstof
uitdagingen en kansen voor de klimaat- en energietransitieIn het klimaatakkoord komt maar liefst 182 keer het woord waterstof voor. Deze energiedrager lijkt dan ook een essentieel onderdeel te zijn van de energietransitie van fossiele brandstoffen naar duurzame energie. Waterstof kan worden ingezet als buffer om zonne-energie ‘s zomers op te slaan voor gebruik in de winter, het kan als alternatieve energiebron voor de industrie gebruikt worden in plaats van kolen, het gasnetwerk kan er onder voorwaarden mee overweg en auto’s kunnen er op rijden. Toch zijn er nog heel wat knelpunten te overwinnen. Waterstof (H2) wordt al decennia gebruikt in de industrie. Dankzij gunstige eigenschappen kan het voor vrijwel alles worden ingezet en onbeperkt worden bewaard. In een ideaal scenario zou waterstof met hoog rendement kunnen worden geproduceerd door zonnepanelen bij de evenaar, waar de zon het hele jaar optimaal schijnt. Vanaf daar kan het via pijpleidingen of schepen (op waterstof) vervoerd worden naar ons land. Ook kan het in Nederland worden geproduceerd wanneer er sprake is overcapaciteit van duurzame energie. Het zou kunnen worden opgeslagen in speciale opslagtanks, maar ook in zoutkoepels en lege gasvelden. Maar waterstof komt niet uit de grond - zoals olie of gas - en moet geproduceerd worden. In de praktijk gebeurt dat vooral op basis van aardgas, waarbij CO2 vrij komt. Het kan ook duurzaam, via elektrolyse, maar dat kost veel energie vanwege verliezen. Er zijn veel extra windmolens nodig om in die energiebehoefte te voorzien. In theorie kan het bestaande aardgasnetwerk worden gebruikt om huishoudens van waterstofgas te voorzien, maar er zijn veel haken en ogen. Auto’s, bussen en vrachtwagens kunnen rijden op waterstof, maar er bestaat vaak een rooskleurig beeld over snel tanken en lage kosten. De belangrijkste knelpunten hebben te maken met de productie, opslag en distributie van waterstof. Dit boek zet de feiten in begrijpelijke taal op een rij en bespreekt de (on)mogelijkheden, knelpunten, elektrolyse en efficiëntie, kosten, praktijkvoorbeelden én alternatieven. Robert van den Hoed, lector Energie en Innovatie aan de HvA, heeft jarenlang aan waterstofprojecten gewerkt en schreef in het voorwoord: "Dit boek probeert te laveren tussen de hoge verwachtingen en de kritische kanttekeningen die rond waterstof spelen. Het doet een poging om zowel voorstanders als criticasters een podium te geven. Beide partijen krijgen de gelegenheid hun visie over het voetlicht te brengen, waarom waterstof wel of juist niet kansrijk is. Dit boek biedt een perspectief op de voors en tegens per toepassingsgebied, zodat je als lezer je eigen mening kunt vormen over waterstof. Ook relativeert het hier en daar al te ronkende juichverhalen over nieuwe toepassingen van waterstof. Al met al een boek dat volgens mij hoognodig is om feiten van fictie rond waterstof te scheiden, en om een genuanceerd beeld te scheppen van waterstof als toekomstige energiedrager. En dus ook een boek dat mogelijk ertoe kan bijdragen voor- en tegenstanders wat dichter bij elkaar te brengen."
€ 24,95 -
Won from the Waves
The Dutch Offshore Industry. A Pioneer in the Energy TransitionIn 1959 a huge gas bubble was discovered in the Dutch province of Groningen. Soon experts started to suspect that gas could also be extracted from the North Sea. When this proved to be true, it did not take long for both existing and new companies to plunge into offshore oil and gas extraction. As a result the Netherlands has acquired one of the most important offshore industries in the world since the oil crisis. It owes this position to a group of suppliers: innovative companies that build, transport, maintain and disassemble platforms, transformer stations and wind farms on behalf of the large energy companies. They are world leaders and are playing an important role in the current energy transition, which, to a large extent, is taking place at sea. In Won from the Waves Joke Korteweg and Frits Loomeijer describe the fascinating development of the Dutch offshore industry on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the trade organisation IRO. This unique book is the first to shine a spotlight on one of the most prototypical Dutch industries, which is applying resolve and technical ingenuity to succeed in an increasingly critical social and political climate.
€ 34,95 -
Paul van Vlissingen en zoon
Ondernemers in stoomPaul van Vlissingen (1897-1876) is een pionier op het gebied van stoomenergie. Met zijn Amsterdamsche Stoomboot Maatschappij opent hij als eerste in Nederland een overzeese stoomscheepvaartverbinding: van Amsterdam naar Hamburg. Met Abraham Dudok van Heel start hij de Kon. Fabriek voor Stoom- en andere Werktuigen Paul van Vlissingen & Dudok van Heel. Ze bouwen de eerste ijzeren stoomschepen met schroef in Nederland, de eerste stoomlocomotieven in Nederland, balansen voor de stoomgemalen Cruquius en Lijnden voor het droogleggen van de Haarlemmermeer en stoommachines voor de suikerindustrie in Suriname, Indië en West-Brabant. Zoon Paul Cornelis (1829-1906) bouwt het bedrijf vanaf 1850 verder uit. Hij neemt grote werken aan, zoals de constructie van het grootste droogdok in Azië. Hij participeert in de bouw van het Paleis van Volksvlijt en bouwt in 1870 de langste brug van Europa, de spoorbrug over het Hollands Diep bij Moerdijk. Maar het bedrijf gaat failliet en Paul C. emigreert naar Noord-Amerika. Aan het eind van de eeuw komt hij terug en is hij tot zijn dood opzichter van het stedelijk museum in Haarlem, het latere Frans Hals museum. De Fabriek maakte ondertussen een doorstart onder de naam Werkspoor. Dit boek is een bedrijfsgeschiedenis over een tijd dat bedrijven nog vooral familiebedrijven zijn. Het is daarmee ook een dramatische familiegeschiedenis, die zich uitstrekt over de hele 19de eeuw. Het is een verhaal over pioniers, over voorlopers.
€ 12,50 -
The Art Of Physics
Eight Elegant Ideas To Make Sense Of Almost Everything€ 22,50 -
Volt Rush
The Winners And Losers In The Race To Go GreenA greener world won't come for free
€ 25,50 -
Solar Thermal Desalination Technologies for Potable Water
Exploring Viable Options for Reliable and Sustainable Water ProductionThis book covers the basics and advancements in various solar thermal desalination systems that are highly affordable and viable even for applications in low-income countries.
€ 152,50 -
The Emergence of Agrivoltaics
Current Status, Challenges and Future OpportunitiesThis book assists in the adoption of the sustainable cross-sectoral nexus approach of agrivoltaics, which can provide a quite significant untapped potential for the sustainable development of humanity.
€ 166,50 -
Climate Change
An Interdisciplinary IntroductionThomas Brewer is a member of the Emeritus Faculty of the Georgetown University School of Business, where he taught a course on energy and climate change issues in business. He has authored and co-authored numerous articles, chapters, and conference presentations related to climate change, black carbon, and emissions. He has been a consultant to the World Bank, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). He has been a visiting scholar at the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR), a visiting senior research fellow at Oxford University in the Smith School for Enterprise and the Environment, and a Schöller Foundation senior research fellow at Friedrich-Alexander University in Nuremberg, Germany.
€ 82,95 -
Advanced Methods of Joint Inversion and Fusion of Multiphysics Data
Different physical or geophysical methods provide information about distinctive physical properties of the objects, e.g., rock formations and mineralization. In many cases, this information is mutually complementary, which makes it natural for consideration in a joint inversion of the multiphysics data. Inversion of the observed data for a particular experiment is subject to considerable uncertainty and ambiguity. One productive approach to reducing uncertainty is to invert several types of data jointly. Nonuniqueness can also be reduced by incorporating additional information derived from available a priori knowledge about the target to reduce the search space for the solution. This additional information can be incorporated in the form of a joint inversion of multiphysics data.Generally established joint inversion methods, however, are inadequate for incorporating typical physical or geological complexity. For example, analytic, empirical, or statistical correlations between different physical properties may exist for only part of the model, and their specific form may be unknown. Features or structures that are present in the data of one physical method may not be present in the data generated by another physical method or may not be equally resolvable.This book presents and illustrates several advanced, new approaches to joint inversion and data fusion, which do not require a priori knowledge of specific empirical or statistical relationships between the different model parameters or their attributes. These approaches include the following novel methods, among others: 1) the Gramian method, which enforces the correlation between different parameters; 2) joint total variation functional or joint focusing stabilizers, e.g., minimum support and minimum gradient support constraints; 3) data fusion employing a joint minimum entropy stabilizer, which yields the simplest multiphysics solution that fits the multi-modal data. In addition, the book describes the principles of using artificial intelligence (AI) in solving multiphysics inverse problems. The book also presents in detail both the mathematical principles of these advanced approaches to joint inversion of multiphysics data and successful case histories of regional-scale and deposit-scale geophysical studies to illustrate their indicated advantages.
€ 53,49 -
Optimized Energy Management Strategies for Electric Vehicles
Parita Jain completed her Ph.D. Degree from Amity University, Noida, and M. M.Tech. (IT) from CDAC, Noida. Having vast teaching experience of approx. 14 years. Currently, she is working as an associate professor and assistant dean (academics and autonomous) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad. Her research interests include Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Mobile Computing. She has published more than 40 research papers in various international conferences and journals. Puneet Kumar Aggarwal completed his Ph.D. degree from Amity University, Noida, and his M.Tech. (IT) degree from CDAC, Noida. Having vast teaching experience of approx. 14 years. Currently, he is working as an associate professor in computer science and engineering-data science at ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad. His research interests include Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Data Mining and Mobile Computing. He has published more than 45 research papers in various international conferences and journals. Mandeep Singh is an accomplished academician and Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology (SCSET) at Bennett University, Greater Noida, India. He holds a Master’s degree with Distinction in Information Security from Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies and Research (AIACTR) (now NSUT East Campus). With over nine years of teaching experience, he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology (NIT) Jalandhar, where he completed his coursework with Distinction (8.00 CGPA). Mr. Singh's expertise spans Computer Networks, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. His research contributions include book chapters, international journals, and conference proceedings, alongside a notable track record of patent publications. Some of his patents address cybersecurity in email communication, AI-powered agricultural robotics, and intelligent machine vision systems. Additionally, he actively reviews papers for international conferences and journals and has held special sessions at prestigious events, including the International Conference on Computing and Communication Networks (ICCCNet). His dedication to excellence has earned him awards and recognition from the Institute of Industrial Development (IID) and MSME, Government of India for contributions to research and entrepreneurship. Sushil Kumar Singh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Marwadi University, Rajkot, India. He received Ph.D. degree from Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea. He received M.Tech. Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, India. He also received an M.E. degree in Information Technology from Karnataka State University, Mysore, India. He has also been the lab leader of the UCS Lab at the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea. He has received the Best Lab Leadership Award from UCS Lab for 2019-2021. He has more than 12 years of experience teaching in the field of computer science. He has published Four Books: Computer C Programming, Cyber Security, Big Data Analytics, and Mobile Computing. He has also published many high-quality papers (Q1, Top 10% JCR Rank) in international journals and conferences. He has already delivered international lectures in many countries. His research interests include Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things, Smart City Security, and Cyber-Physical Systems. He is an Associate Editor in the HCIS (Human-centric Computation and Information Sciences) Journal and Editor in IGI Global Publication. He is a reviewer of the IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, IEEE SYSTEMS, IEEE Internet of Things, FGCS, TETT, EXSY, JISA, Computer Network, MDPI, CIE, HCIS, JIPS, Computing (COMP), Multimedia Tools & Applications, and SCIS Journal. Shailendra Rathore is working as a Lecturer in Division of Cybersecurity at Abertay University, UK and has more than 2 years of working experience as a lecturer at universities based in UK. He is also an active member of the cyberQuarter team, which is a new £18m cybersecurity research and development center located at Abertay University. Prior to joining Abertay, he was a lecturer in cybersecurity at Plymouth University and was associated with the £3 million Research England-supported Cyber-SHIP Lab project. He received a Ph.D. degree from the Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea. His broad research interests include Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Machine Learning. Dr. Rathore has published his research outcomes in various top-tier international journals, including IEEE Communication Magazine, IEEE Network, IEEE Consumer Electronics, FGCS, Information Sciences, and IEEE Access. He has also served as a chair, program committee member or organizing committee chair for many international conferences and workshops, including IEEE and ACM events.
€ 230,95 -
Influence of Compressor Bleed Air System Components Interaction on Its Performance
€ 98,95 -
Renewable Energy and the Economic Welfare of Society
€ 400,50