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Physics is the science that explores the foundations of the natural world. It investigates the fundamental forces, the interactions between matter and energy, and the laws that govern our universe. Physicists study phenomena at the microscopic level, such as particle physics, and at the macroscopic level, such as the motion of planets. Through experiments, mathematical models, and theoretical insights, physicists strive to understand and explain the complexity of the universe. Physics forms the basis for technological advancements and provides us with insights into the workings of the world around us.
11.055 results
  1. Akoestiek en Psycho-akoestiek
    1. Johan Rijckaert

    Akoestiek en Psycho-akoestiek

    In een eerste deel van dit naslagwerk wordt vooral ingegaan op de begrippen uit de akoestiek die noodzakelijk zijn voor een goede basis in de opleidingen logopedie en audiologie. Bij de opbouw is gekozen voor een overwegend beschrijvende aanpak aangevuld met een wiskundige insteek - waar dit een meerwaarde biedt. In een tweede deel wordt uitvoerig aandacht besteed aan psycho-akoestiek en wordt er een link gelegd met de fysiologie van het gehoor. Beide delen zijn voorzien van een aantal denk- en rekenvragen die noodzakelijk zijn om tot een ruimere kennisverwerving en essentiële rekenvaardigheden te komen. Dit naslagwerk richt zich niet alleen tot logopedisten en audiologen maar eveneens tot personen die in aanraking komen met milieu- en gezondheidsproblemen, gerelateerd aan geluid. Voor wie de materie in zelfstudie wil verwerken zijn in bijlage de oplossingen en antwoorden opgenomen.

    € 29,99
  2. De microben in ons
    1. Ed Yong

    De microben in ons

    Het grootste deel van de menselijke geschiedenis zijn microben onzichtbaar geweest en werden ze alleen opgemerkt door de ziekten die ze veroorzaakten. Pas sinds kort zijn ze vanuit de verwaarloosde marges van de biologie verhuisd naar het centrum ervan. De microben in ons gunt ons voor het eerst een blik in die wereld en laat ons zien hoe alomtegenwoordig en vitaal microben zijn: hoe ze onze organen vormgeven, ons helpen bij het bestrijden van ziektes hoe ze voedsel afbreken, ons immuunsysteem opvoeden, ons gedrag begeleiden, ons genoom bombarderen met hun genen en ons van buitengewone capaciteiten voorzien. Met veel humor en eruditie nodigt Ed Yong ons uit om op een andere manier naar onszelf en onze collega-dieren te kijken: minder als individuen en meer als de onderling verbonden, onderling afhankelijke veelvouden die wij zijn. We leren de geheime, onzichtbare en wonderlijke biologie kennen die schuilgaat achter grootse koraalriffen. We lezen over de gloeiende inktvis die ons inzicht verschaft in de bacteriën in onze eigen darmen, over de kevers die hele bossen neerhalen, en over de ziekte bestrijdende muggen die in Australië zijn ontwikkeld. Maar ook over de ingrediënten in moedermelk die zijn geëvolueerd om de eerste microben van een baby van voedsel te voorzien. We zien hoe mensen deze samenwerkingsverbanden verstoren en hoe wetenschappers ze nu tot ons voordeel manipuleren. We zien, zoals William Blake schreef, de wereld in een korrel zand.

    € 29,99
  3. Voetballers zijn net bewegende deeltjes
    1. Jim Jansen

    Voetballers zijn net bewegende deeltjes

    En 55 andere eurekamomenten van Nederlandse wetenschappers

    Mensen kun je zien als bewegende puntjes - een abstractie als in de natuurkunde, met het verschil dat deze puntjes een eigen wil hebben. Voor hoogleraar informatica Joost Kok was deze gewaarwording het grootste moment van inzicht in zijn imposante loopbaan. Onder de douche, op zee of achter een computerscherm in een bedompte werkkamer op de bètafaculteit: eurekamomenten kunnen overal plaatsvinden. Jim Jansen, hoofdredacteur van New Scientist, sprak met de crème de la crème van de Nederlandse wetenschap over het kantelmoment in hun carrière. Van seks tot slangengif, van zombiecellen tot zwarte gaten en van minidarmen tot muzikaliteit: de vakgebieden zijn uiteenlopend, maar het aanstekelijke enthousiasme waarmee deze toponderzoekers vertellen over hun ontdekking is onverminderd groot. Van oud-minister Jet Bussemaker tot hoogleraar moleculaire genetica Hans Clevers, via viroloog Ab Osterhaus naar astronaut Andre Kuipers: Nederland herbergt de allerbeste wetenschappers ter wereld en in dit boek komen er zesenvijftig aan het woord.

    € 14,99
  4. The Elements Of Marie Curie
    1. Dava Sobel

    The Elements Of Marie Curie

    How The Glow Of Radium Lit A Path For Women In Science

    Dava Sobel, acclaimed and bestselling author of Longitude, chronicles the life and work of the most famous woman in the history of science - and the untold story of the young women who trained in her laboratory.

    € 22,50
  5. Light Reflection and the Observer
    1. Peter D , Geldart

    Light Reflection and the Observer

    The author considers such taken-for-granted phenomena as moonlight on water and sunlight snow to show that our position is crucial: when we move bright specular reflections follow us on top of the diffuse background.

    € 12,50
  6. XLVII Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering

    XLVII Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering

    Proceedings of CNIB 2024, November 7–9, 2024, Hermosillo, Sonora, México - Volume 2: Biomechanics, Rehabilitation and Clinical Engineering

    This book reports on cutting-edge research and best practices in the broad field of biomedical engineering. Based on the  XLVII Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering, CNIB 2024, held on November 7-9, 2024 in Hermosillo, Sonora, México, this second volume of the proceedings covers research topics in biomechanics, materials and engineering design and manufacturing, with applications in prostheses design and development, tissue engineering, medical device assessment and healthcare management. All in all, this book provides a timely snapshot on state-of-the-art achievements in biomedical engineering and current challenges in the field. It addresses both researchers and professionals, and it is expected to foster future collaborations between the two groups, as well as international collaborations.

    € 221,95
  7. The Block Universe
    1. Greg Rusk

    The Block Universe

    Exploring a Matrix Reality
    € 20,95
  8. Tools and Techniques in Radiation Biophysics
    1. Ashima , Pathak

    Tools and Techniques in Radiation Biophysics

    This textbook describes the study of radiation, covering the basic concepts and their advanced applications, and highlights the handling of radioisotopes and radiation measurements using various instruments. The book also focuses on the effects and up-to-date applications of radiation on biological systems and their use in diagnosing and treating various diseases. Chapters provide an easy understanding of the subject matter with the help of self-explanatory, well-illustrated figures and easy-to-grasp language. "Tools and Techniques in Radiation Biophysics" is designed for undergraduate and post-graduate studying radiation Biophysics as one of the major courses in medical physics, nuclear medicine, biophysics, and other applied sciences. The multi-disciplinary approach of this book facilitates learning and a deep understanding of the concepts and helps the readers develop an interest in the subject so that they can pursue their careers efficiently in this field. Researchers andlecturers will value this book to enhance their knowledge and clarify queries.

    € 85,59
  9. A Practical Guide to Advanced Diffusion MRI

    A Practical Guide to Advanced Diffusion MRI

    Mario Coriasco Qualified as a radiographer in 1995, he graduated in Medical Radiology Techniques in 2006. He worked as a radiographer in the Radiology Department of the University of Turin, then in the Unit of Interventional Cardiology of the same University, and since 2001 he has worked in the Neuroradiology of the Neuroscience Department of the Turin University, as a radiographer, CT and MR-technologist. He has extensive experience of advanced image processing in the magnetic resonance, in particular PWI, DTI, 1H-MRS, and in fMRI experiments in pathological conditions and in research applications. He was Adjunct Professor at the University of Genova, teaching Advanced MR techniques in a 1st level master’s in MR (2015-2016). Now he's Adjunct professor at the Turin University, teaching MR techniques at the Bachelor's Degree of Medical Radiology Technician and Radiologic Techniques at the Bachelor's Degree of Neurophisyopathology Techician. Author of many publications edited on national and international revues, he published books on digital imaging in medical radiology and on magnetic resonance, both adopted as a reference text by a number of universities.   Federico D’Agata After completing an MSc in Physics (Nuclear and Subnuclear) with a thesis titled “Tests for Drift Chambers for the CMS Experiment,” and an MSc in Psychology (Sciences of Mind) with a thesis titled “Social Emotions: An Effective Connectivity Study,” Federico D'Agata earned a PhD in Experimental Neuroscience from the University of Turin, Italy. His doctoral dissertation was “Cerebellar Functions: Insights from Behavioral, Structural, and Functional Neuroimaging Studies in Healthy and Medical Conditions”. He is the author and co-author of national and international publications, scientific articles, and monographs on MRI. Since 2022, he has been an associate professor in Applied Physics at the Department of Neurosciences "Rita Levi Montalcini" of the University of Turin.   Alberto De Luca Alberto De Luca is an assistant professor at UMC Utrecht (the Netherlands) focusing on the development and application of (diffusion) MRI methods for neuroimaging. Since the completion of his PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Padova (Italy), he has been passionate to understand the potential and caveats of diffusion MRI to study brain organization, performing broad spectrum research in this field (e.g., acquisition design, optimization, development of quantification methods, fiber tractography and clinical translation). He is the author and co-author of several scientific publications and book chapters on diffusion MRI, and has been awarded competitive grants (e.g., European Research Council) to advance his research on brain fiber characterization and its clinical applications.   Luciana Gennari Qualified as a radiographer in1990, Luciana Gennari became a tutor in 2007 in the Neuroscience Department. She works mainly in Magnetic Resonance Imaging and she has taken on the role of Primary Technologist in many research projects. She received a master degree in Specialist in equipment optimization and development, sequences and MRI study techniques in 2022 from the University of Florence. She is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca with extensive experience in MRI advanced techniques and post processing. She is the author of ten publications edited ion national and international reviews.

    € 166,50
  10. Selected Articles from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Applications

    Selected Articles from the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Applications

    ICANA 2024; 10-12 July, Amaravati, India

    The topics covered in this book include energy storage and conversion, bio- and healthcare materials, sensors and actuators, functional materials, optical materials, and computational and simulation methods.

    € 221,95
  11. Solitonic Neural Networks
    1. Alessandro Bile

    Solitonic Neural Networks

    An Innovative Photonic Neural Network Based on Solitonic Interconnections

    Alessandro Bile graduated in Theoretical Physics (2017-2018) from Sapienza University of Rome, where he was involved in the VIRGO experiment. During his studies, he developed a passion for music and also graduated from the "Santa Cecilia" Conservatory (2017-2018) in Rome, combining gravitational wave physics and music in his thesis. He participated as a composer in concerts held in Rome and New York.  In 2019, he furthered his education by attending a postgraduate training course on Machine Learning in Bergamo. At the Sapienza University of Rome, he completed his Ph.D. in Electromagnetism (obtaining the title of Doctor Europeaus) in 2022, focusing his research on photonic artificial intelligence. Currently, he is engaged in mathematical modeling and the design of intelligent hardware systems operating in the optical domain. Alessandro Bile has presented his research at international conferences across Europe and served as a research fellow from 2019 to 2023 at the Department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering at Sapienza University. From 2019 to 2021 he contributed to the European project "Collection Care."  In 2022, he continued his work with the same department on the project "Intelligent optical systems for the recognition and sanitation of pathological micro-organisms and nano-organisms". Additionally, he applies artificial intelligence techniques to the microclimate of cultural heritage to provide valuable predictions for the conservation of artistic artifacts. Alessandro Bile has received funding for young researchers for three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022. In 2022 he won the BGF funding from the French government to pursue his research as Visiting Research at the Femto-ST Institut University of Besançon (France). In the same year, he collaborated, as research fellow, with the University of Turin on the project "Biophysical forecasting modeling in the surface boundarylayer to support agricultural crop planning and management in Piedmont" and in 2023 he started a new research line on the project "Development of materials, metamaterials and polar metasurfaces for mid-infrared emission manipulation". From 2019 to 2022 he collaborates as an assistant professor for Physics courses at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of Sapienza . Since 2022, Alessandro Bile has been an adjunct professor for Physics courses at the Faculty of Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome.

    € 152,50
  12. Proceedings of the 9th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology

    Proceedings of the 9th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering, and Technology

    This book highlights the contemporary state of research in multidisciplinary areas of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Data Science, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Biomedical Sciences, Life Sciences, Medicine, Healthcare, and Business Technology. The accepted submissions to the 9th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET 2023) presented on 19 August 2023 are published in this conference proceedings. The papers presented here were shortlisted after extensive rounds of rigorous reviews by a panel of esteemed individuals who are pioneers and experts in their respective domains.

    € 128,39