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Physics is the science that explores the foundations of the natural world. It investigates the fundamental forces, the interactions between matter and energy, and the laws that govern our universe. Physicists study phenomena at the microscopic level, such as particle physics, and at the macroscopic level, such as the motion of planets. Through experiments, mathematical models, and theoretical insights, physicists strive to understand and explain the complexity of the universe. Physics forms the basis for technological advancements and provides us with insights into the workings of the world around us.
8.480 results
  1. De man uit de toekomst
    1. Ananyo Bhattacharya

    De man uit de toekomst

    Het visionaire leven van John von Neumann

    Ondanks zijn bijdragen aan de theorie van wiskunde, economie, logica, complexiteit en quantumfysica, werd John von Neumann nooit zo’n bekendheid als Einstein. Zijn collega’s geloofden dat hij de snelste hersenen ter wereld had, hij is een van de invloedrijkste wetenschappers die ooit heeft geleefd; Kernwapens, speltheorie, computers, de smartphone in je zak, ze dragen allemaal de vingerafdrukken van deze opmerkelijke man. Ananyo Bhattacharya laat zien hoe de combinatie van genialiteit en unieke historische omstandigheden een enkele man in staat stelde om door talrijke wetenschapsgebieden te razen en revoluties te ontketenen waar hij ook ging.

    € 29,99
  2. Quantum Supremacy
    1. Michio Kaku

    Quantum Supremacy

    How Quantum Computers Will Unlock The Mysteries Of Science – And Address Humanity’s Biggest Challenges
    € 14,50
  3. Do Plants Know Math?
    1. Stephane Douady
    2. Jacques Dumais
    3. Christophe Gole

    Do Plants Know Math?

    Unwinding The Story Of Plant Spirals, From Leonardo Da Vinci To Now
    € 28,95
  4. In A Flight Of Starlings
    1. Giorgio Parisi

    In A Flight Of Starlings

    The Wonder Of Complex Systems
    € 14,50
  5. The Primacy Of Doubt
    1. Tim (royal Society Research Professor In Climate Physics Palmer

    The Primacy Of Doubt

    From Climate Change To Quantum Physics, How The Science Of Uncertainty Can Help Predict And Understand Our Chaotic World

    The Primacy of Doubt takes us on a unique journey through the science of uncertainty, covering a breathtaking range of topics, from climate change to the foundations of quantum physics, economic modelling to conflict prediction, free will to consciousness.

    € 16,95
  6. The Joy Of Abstraction
    1. Eugenia (school Of The Art Institute Of Chicago) Cheng

    The Joy Of Abstraction

    An Exploration Of Math, Category Theory, And Life

    Journey through the world of abstract mathematics into category theory with popular science author Eugenia Cheng. Featuring humanizing examples and demystification of mathematical thought processes, this book is for fans of How to Bake Pi who want to dig deeper into mathematical concepts and build their mathematical background.

    € 19,95
  7. How To Teach Quantum Physics To Your Dog
    1. Chad Orzel

    How To Teach Quantum Physics To Your Dog

    A witty and informative guide to the fundamental laws which govern the universe that's so simple that even a dog can understand!

    € 14,50
  8. The Joy Of Science
    1. Jim Al-khalili

    The Joy Of Science

    Courtesy of University of Surrey

    € 17,95
  9. Through Two Doors At Once
    1. Anil Ananthaswamy

    Through Two Doors At Once

    The Enigmatic Story Of Our Quantum Reality

    The clearest, most accessible explanation yet of the amazing world of quantum mechanics: a Duckworth contemporary classic, beautifully repackaged for our 125th anniversary

    € 12,95
  10. The Man From The Future
    1. Ananyo Bhattacharya

    The Man From The Future

    The Visionary Life Of John Von Neumann
    € 14,50
  11. The Science Of Spin
    1. Roland Ennos

    The Science Of Spin

    The Force Behind Everything – From Falling Cats To Jet Engines

    It’s time to stop thinking in straight lines…

    € 25,50
  12. Information Theory for Complex Systems
    1. Kristian Lindgren

    Information Theory for Complex Systems

    An Information Perspective on Complexity in Dynamical Systems and Statistical Mechanics

    Kristian Lindgren is a Professor Emeritus in Complex Systems at Chalmers University of Technology. Originating from a background in physics, he has applied this foundational knowledge to the interdisciplinary study of complex systems across a variety of disciplines. His key research areas include information theory and statistical mechanics, as well as the application of information theory to complex and self-organizing systems. Lindgren has also delved into game theory as it applies to evolutionary systems and has utilized agent-based modelling to understand economic systems. He was one of the founders of the International Masters Programme in Complex Adaptive Systems at Chalmers in 2000 and has also served as the Director for the Graduate School (Ph.D.) in Complex Systems.

    € 152,50