WJEC Chemistry for AS Level Student Book: 2nd Edition
Welsh Language Edition. Comprehensively revised and updated, this 2nd Edition of the Student Book is endorsed by WJEC offering high quality support you can trust.
Peter Blake is a former senior lecturer in Chemistry at St Andrews and Cardiff Universities. He has been an examiner for A Level Chemistry for a number of years, during which time he has been involved in both specification revision and the authoring of study materials. // Elfed Charles has taught for thirty years in secondary schools, has experience of senior management and is a Principal Examiner in Chemistry at A Level for a major awarding body. // Kathryn Foster is a former Head of Science at a Sixth Form College. She has many years of experience teaching Chemistry A Level and is a Principal Examiner for Chemistry with a major awarding body. // Lindsay Bromley has worked as a senior research scientist in industry before moving into teaching 25 years ago. She currently runs the Chemistry department at a large comprehensive school and is a Principal Examiner in Chemistry at A Level for a major awarding body. // Jonathan Thomas has fifteen years’ experience as Head of Chemistry in a secondary school in South Wales, and has worked in a variety of additional roles including MAT coordinator and head of sixth form. He has been part of the paper evaluation panel in Chemistry at A Level for a major awarding body.
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