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GedichtenSecond-hand€ 6,50 -
Avifauna van het eiland van dordrecht
Second-hand€ 10,00 -
Periodiek systeem
Second-hand€ 7,50 -
Birds of East Asia
Second-handThis is the first single volume guide ever devoted to the eastern Asian avifauna. The eastern Asian region, centering especially on the major islands off the continental coast (including Japan and Taiwan) and the immediately adjacent areas of the Asian continent from Kamchatka in the north and including the Korean Peninsula are an important centre of endemism. Birds endemic to this region include representatives of many of the major families, from the world's largest eagle - Steller's Sea Eagle - to the tiny Taiwan Firecrest. The east Asian continental coast and the offshore islands also form one of the world's major international bird migration routes, especially for waterfowl, shorebirds and raptors, while the east Asian continental mainland itself is home to a wide range of species little known to western ornithologists such as Scaly-sided Merganser, Oriental Stork and Mugimaki Flycatcher. The guide features the most up-to-date text available, which, in conjunction with extensive colour plates throughout, facilitates the field identification of all of the species known from the region. Colour distribution maps enhance the text by providing a visual analysis of the summer, winter and migratory ranges of all species.
€ 25,00 -
Field Guide to the Birds of Australia
Second-handAustralia has a remarkable avifauna. Of the 760 species, around 240 are endemic, making this country second only to New Guinea in terms of avian endemism. This field guide, now in its seventh edition, has long been the standard reference for the birds of Australia, and this edition has been extensively revised and updated. There are 20 new plates, and a new distribution map for each species showing subspecies distribution where appropriate. Over 1000 black and white illustrations, many new or redrawn, illustrate behaviours, flight silhouettes, detailed comparisons between related species and other useful identification pointers. This classic work has sold over 400,000 copies in its lifetime, and remains the definitive guide for this country.
€ 15,00 -
Apollinaire - woordvoerder van de avantgarde
avantgardist van het woordSecond-hand€ 12,50 -
Charlotte Schleiffert
Feel No ShameSecond-hand€ 20,00