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Freeliving Freshwater Protozoa
Second-handThis color guide makes the identification of individual protozoa easily accessible to students and professionals and provides information on protozoan communities found in different environments by means of a wealth of color photomicrographs supported by original and detailed line drawings and concise text.
€ 35,00 -
Past Imperfect
Essays on History, Libraries, and the HumanitiesSecond-handLawrence W. Towner was head of one of the country's largest independent research libraries. He was also an eloquent spokesman for the needs of scholars and institutions in the humanities. While at the Newberry Library, he built and focused its prestigious collections, pioneered in the preservation of books, and created major research centers. His efforts established the library as a community of scholars while encouraging its use by students and the general public. Towner's essays and talks cover a broad range of topics of continuing relevance to scholarship and the humanities. His writings gathered in Past Imperfect are concerned with such issues as the role of independent research libraries and the politics of funding. A section of historical essays on the common people of New England reveal his concern with neglected fields of history, a theme that guided his career as a librarian. Spanning the range of his experience and expertise, this volume expresses Towner's coherent vision of the place of humanities, libraries, and scholarship in American life. Lawrence W. Towner (1921-92) taught history at M.I.T., the College of William and Mary, and Northwestern University. In 1962 he was appointed librarian of the Newberry Library and directed the library for the next twenty-four years.
€ 12,00 -
Dictionary of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Dutch Philosophers
Second-handThis reference covers the 200-year period of the Dutch Republic, when its people experienced a Golden Age in the arts, in sea trade and in philosophy that left a lasting impression on European culture.
€ 90,00 -
The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms
Second-handThis beautifully illustrated glossary comprises over 2400 terms commonly used to describe vascular plants, cross referenced to clearly labelled line drawings. Grouped together in a section of over 120 large format pages, the illustrations also provide a unique compilation of information that can be referred to independently of the definitions.
€ 29,50 -
Venster op de haven - Honderd jaar Spido
Second-hand€ 27,50 -
Rotterdam doorgronden
Understanding RotterdamSecond-hand€ 7,50 -
National Trust
Hollandse meesters uit Britse landhuizenSecond-handWinter 2018/2019 toonde het Haagse Mauritshuis Hollandse meesters uit de omvangrijke schilderijenverzameling van de Britse National Trust. De in 1895 opgerichte Trust zorgt in Engeland, Wales en Noord-Ierland voor het behoud en beheer van vele historische huizen en de interieurs daarvan. Niet eerder was zo’n omvangrijke selectie van werken uit deze bij het grote publiek weinig bekende verzameling in Nederland te zien. In de selectie zijn topstukken opgenomen van bekende Hollandse schilders uit de Gouden Eeuw, onder wie Rembrandt, Aelbert Cuyp, Pieter de Hooch en Jan Steen. Deze rijk geïllustreerde en toegankelijk geschreven uitgave besteed ruim aandacht aan de Engelse eigenaars van de geselecteerde voorstellingen en de bijzondere huizen waar opeenvolgende generaties van dezelfde families woonden. Diverse schilderijen bevinden zich sinds hun verwerving nog altijd in hetzelfde huis; sommige al sinds de zeventiende eeuw. Daarmee geeft deze publicatie op unieke wijze inzicht in de verzamelgeschiedenis van Hollandse oude meesters in Engeland door de eeuwen heen.
€ 8,50 -
Civilizing Rituals
Inside Public Art MuseumsSecond-handIllustrated with over fifty photos, this book merges contemporary debates with lively discussion and explores central issues involved in the making and displaying of art as industry, and how it is presented to the community.
€ 10,00 -
National Museums
New Studies from Around the WorldSecond-handQuestions the origins, purpose, organisation, politics, narratives, philosophies, of national museums. This title includes a comparative analysis of national museums, and examines the past, present and the future of the national museum. It goes beyond individual histories of national museums and examines the phenomenon on a global scale.
€ 10,00 -
Inventing the Louvre
Art, Politics, and the Origins of the Modern Museum in Eighteenth-Century ParisSecond-handFounded in the final years of the Enlightenment, the Louvre became the model for all state art museums subsequently established. This text chronicles the formation of the museum from its origins in the French royal picture collections to its apotheosis during the Revolution and Napoleonic Empire.
€ 20,00 -
Alberto Giacometti
Second-handWährend vieler Jahre hat James Lord den Lebens- und Schaffensdrang Giacomettis begleitet. Dabei sammelte er Fakten, Dokumente, Erfahrungen und lernte die Menschen im Umfeld Giacomettis kennen. Dank dieses Zugangs gelang es ihm, dem Künstler und Menschen Giacometti so nahe zu kommen, wie sonst kaum jemand.Die Standardbiographie über Giacometti ¿ endlich wieder lieferbar!
€ 10,00