Resultaten voor auteurs:'shweta , patel'

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9 resultaten
  1. The Book Of Hormones
    1. Shweta , Patel

    The Book Of Hormones

    The Book of Hormones: The Ultimate Playbook for Women's Health and Hormonal Balance Through Every Stage of Life This is exactly what you need if: You've been battling sudden weight gain, sleepless nights, or the misery of hot flashes.Your energy feels like a distant memory.That spark in your sex drive? Gone without a trace.You're tired of feeling like your hormones are running the show.You're not the "tolerate it" type. It's time to flip the script with The Book of Hormones-a no-nonsense, high-value guide you didn't know you needed... until now. For women navigating the unpredictability of menopause, perimenopause, or other hormonal changes, the struggle is real. But what if there's a way to finally make sense of it all? To uncover why these symptoms happen-and how to regain control of your health and vitality? This book dives deep into hormonal health, addressing key pain points like depression, low energy, and even sleep issues without overwhelming you with medical jargon. Written by Dr. Shweta Patel, MD, a highly regarded OB/GYN passionate about transforming women's healthcare, this book is as unapologetically real as it is compassionate. With a writing style that's "Mindy Project meets Sex And The City," Dr. Patel will have you nodding, laughing, and maybe even feeling a little called out (in the best way). You'll finally understand why you feel the way you do-and, more importantly, what you can do about it. Here's what you'll get: A crash course on hormones: What they are and why they control everything from your mood swings to your metabolism.Unfiltered insights into hormonal weight gain, PCOS, fertility, contraception, and more-explained in an easily digestible way.The lowdown on menopause and hormonal imbalances, with do's and don'ts for treatment options that actually work.Tools to identify hormonal imbalances and actionable steps to fix them-no more feeling like a deer in the headlights at the doctor's office or being told it's something you "just have to live with."Bonus content to help you own your health, advocate for your needs, and stop settling for feeling "just okay." Packed with value, LOLs, and real-life experiences, this book feels like advice from your wise (and hilarious) best friend-who also happens to be your GYNO. By the end, you'll wonder why no one handed you this playbook sooner. Ready to take control of your health and enter your "Thriving in All Ways Possible" era? The Book of Hormones is exactly what you need. Get it now!

    € 18,50
  2. Herbocosmecéuticos para el cuidado del cabello
    1. Ajay Kumar , Gupta
    2. Shweta , Patel
    3. Gaurav , Tiwari

    Herbocosmecéuticos para el cuidado del cabello

    Es la primera vez que se publica la formulación de un producto capilar a base de hierbas con extracto etanólico de Argemone mexicana y Calotropis gigantea, con especial referencia a su actividad antimicrobiana y antifúngica. La formulación preparada para el cuidado del cabello tiene potencial anticaspa contra Malassezia furfur, y antibacteriano contra E.coli, S.aureus, que son las causas predominantes de la caspa y la caída del cabello.La formulación preparada para el cuidado del cabello a base de hierbas tiene la ventaja de no tener una base sintética con menos efectos secundarios y una posible acción antiinflamatoria, como se informó con estos extractos de plantas por Sharma et al, 2010, Del presente trabajo se puede concluir que la formulación a base de hierbas preparada tiene una notable eficacia anticaspa en comparación con las formulaciones anticaspa comercializadas, puede ser debido a la presencia de los siguientes constituyentes fitoquímicos como alcaloides, glucósidos, taninos, esteroides y aminoácidos, detectados en el extracto etanólico de Argemone mexicana y Calotropis gigantea.

    € 54,90
  3. Herbocosmeceuticals For Hair care
    1. Ajay Kumar , Gupta
    2. Shweta , Patel
    3. Gaurav , Tiwari

    Herbocosmeceuticals For Hair care

    The formulation of herbal hair care product using extract of Argemone mexicana and Calotropis gigantea with special reference to their anti-microbial and antifungal activity had been reported first time. The prepared hair care formulation has antidandruff potential against Malassezia furfur, and antibacterial against E.coli, S.aureus, which are predominant causes for dandruff and hair fall. Prepared herbal hair care formulation is having advantage of non-synthetic base with least side effect and possible anti-inflammatory action as reported with these plant extracts. From the present work it can be concluded that prepared herbal formulation have a remarkable antidandruff efficacy in comparison with marketed antidandruff formulations, may be due to presence of following phytochemical constituents such as alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, steroids, and amino acids, detected in ethanolic extract of Argemone mexicana and Calotropis gigantea.

    € 54,90
  4. Herbocosmecêuticos para o cuidado do cabelo
    1. Ajay Kumar , Gupta
    2. Shweta , Patel
    3. Gaurav , Tiwari

    Herbocosmecêuticos para o cuidado do cabelo

    A formulação do produto de tratamento capilar à base de ervas usando extrato etílico de Argemone mexicana e Calotropis gigantea com especial referência à sua atividade antimicrobiana e antifúngica havia sido relatada pela primeira vez. A formulação preparada para os cuidados capilares tem potencial anti-caspa contra a Malassezia furfur, e antibacteriana contra E.coli, S.aureus, que são causas predominantes de caspa e queda de cabelo.A formulação preparada de tratamento capilar à base de ervas está tendo vantagem de base não sintética com menor efeito colateral e possível ação antiinflamatória, como relatado com estes extratos vegetais por Sharma et al, 2010, Do presente trabalho pode-se concluir que a formulação herbal preparada tem uma notável eficácia anticaspa em comparação com as formulações anticaspa comercializadas, pode ser devido à presença dos seguintes constituintes fitoquímicos como alcalóides, glicosídeos, taninos, esteróides e aminoácidos, detectados em extrato etanolico de Argemone mexicana e Calotropis gigantea.

    € 54,90
  5. Erbocosmeceutici per la cura dei capelli
    1. Ajay Kumar , Gupta
    2. Shweta , Patel
    3. Gaurav , Tiwari

    Erbocosmeceutici per la cura dei capelli

    La formulazione del prodotto di cura dei capelli a base di erbe utilizzando l'estratto etanolico di Argemone mexicana e Calotropis gigantea con particolare riferimento alla loro attività antimicrobica e antifungina è stata riportata per la prima volta. La formulazione preparata per la cura dei capelli ha un potenziale antiforfora contro Malassezia furfur, e antibatterico contro E.coli, S.aureus, che sono cause predominanti per la forfora e la caduta dei capelli.La formulazione preparata a base di erbe per la cura dei capelli sta avendo il vantaggio della base non sintetica con meno effetti collaterali e possibile azione antinfiammatoria come riportato con questi estratti vegetali da Sharma et al, 2010, Dal presente lavoro si può concludere che preparato formulazione a base di erbe hanno una notevole efficacia antiforfora rispetto alle formulazioni antiforfora commercializzati, può essere dovuto alla presenza di costituenti fitochimici seguenti come alcaloidi, glicosidi, tannini, steroidi e aminoacidi, rilevato in estratto etanolico di Argemone mexicana e Calotropis gigantea.

    € 54,90
  6. Herbocosmeceutiques pour les soins capillaires
    1. Ajay Kumar , Gupta
    2. Shweta , Patel
    3. Gaurav , Tiwari

    Herbocosmeceutiques pour les soins capillaires

    La formulation d'un produit de soin capillaire à base de plantes utilisant l'extrait éthanolique d'Argemone mexicana et de Calotropis gigantea avec une référence particulière à leur activité antimicrobienne et antifongique a été rapportée pour la première fois. La formulation préparée pour le soin des cheveux a un potentiel antipelliculaire contre Malassezia furfur, et antibactérien contre E.coli, S.aureus, qui sont les causes prédominantes des pellicules et de la chute des cheveux.La formulation préparée de soins capillaires à base de plantes a l'avantage d'une base non synthétique avec le moins d'effets secondaires possible et une possible action anti-inflammatoire comme cela a été rapporté avec ces extraits de plantes par Sharma et al. 2010, 2010. Le présent travail permet de conclure que la formulation à base de plantes préparée a une efficacité antipelliculaire remarquable par rapport aux formulations antipelliculaires commercialisées, ce qui peut être dû à la présence des constituants phytochimiques suivants tels que les alcaloïdes, les glycosides, les tanins, les stéroïdes et les acides aminés, détectés dans l'extrait éthanolique d'Argemone mexicana et de Calotropis gigantea.

    € 54,90
  7. Superjuffie! van Janneke Schotveld en Annet Schaap is bij Donner te koop voor maar € 2,99.
  8. Gerbokosmecewtika dlq uhoda za wolosami
    1. Aqy Kumar , Gupta
    2. Shweta , Patel
    3. Gauraw , Tiwari

    Gerbokosmecewtika dlq uhoda za wolosami

    Vperwye soobschaetsq o recepture rastitel'nogo sredstwa po uhodu za wolosami s ispol'zowaniem ätanolowogo äxtrakta Argemone mexicana i Calotropis gigantea s osobym uchetom ih antimikrobnoj i protiwogribkowoj aktiwnosti. Prigotowlennyj sostaw dlq uhoda za wolosami obladaet antiperhotnym potencialom protiw Malassezia furfur, a takzhe antibakterial'nym protiw E.coli, S.aureus, kotorye qwlqütsq osnownymi prichinami perhoti i wypadeniq wolos.Prigotowlennyj rastitel'nyj sostaw dlq uhoda za wolosami imeet preimuschestwo nesinteticheskoj osnowy s naimen'shim pobochnym äffektom i wozmozhnym protiwowospalitel'nym dejstwiem, o chem soobschaüt äxtrakty ätih rastenij w rabote Sharma et al, 2010, Iz dannoj raboty mozhno sdelat' wywod, chto prigotowlennye trawqnye sostawy obladaüt zamechatel'noj äffektiwnost'ü protiw perhoti po srawneniü s prodawaemymi preparatami protiw perhoti, chto mozhet byt' swqzano s prisutstwiem sleduüschih fitohimicheskih komponentow, takih kak alkaloidy, glikozidy, dubil'nye weschestwa, steroidy i aminokisloty, obnaruzhennye w ätanolowom äxtrakte Argemone mexicana i Calotropis gigantea.

    € 19,80
  9. Herbocosmeceuticals für die Haarpflege
    1. Ajay Kumar , Gupta
    2. Shweta , Patel
    3. Gaurav , Tiwari

    Herbocosmeceuticals für die Haarpflege

    Die Formulierung eines pflanzlichen Haarpflegeprodukts unter Verwendung eines ethanolischen Extrakts aus Argemone mexicana und Calotropis gigantea mit besonderem Augenmerk auf ihre antimikrobielle und antimykotische Aktivität wurde zum ersten Mal berichtet. Die zubereitete Haarpflegeformulierung hat ein Antischuppenpotenzial gegen Malassezia furfur und eine antibakterielle Wirkung gegen E. coli und S. aureus, die die Hauptursachen für Schuppen und Haarausfall sind.Die vorbereitete pflanzliche Haarpflegeformulierung hat den Vorteil einer nicht-synthetischen Basis mit geringsten Nebenwirkungen und einer möglichen entzündungshemmenden Wirkung, wie von Sharma et al. für diese Pflanzenextrakte berichtet, 2010. Aus der vorliegenden Arbeit kann geschlossen werden, dass die vorbereitete pflanzliche Formulierung eine bemerkenswerte Antischuppen-Wirksamkeit im Vergleich zu vermarkteten Antischuppen-Formulierungen hat, was auf das Vorhandensein der folgenden phytochemischen Bestandteile wie Alkaloide, Glykoside, Tannine, Steroide und Aminosäuren zurückzuführen ist, die im ethanolischen Extrakt von Argemone mexicana und Calotropis gigantea nachgewiesen wurden.

    € 54,90
  10. Biosynthesis of AgNPs using plant extracts & its various applications
    1. Shweta , Patel
    2. Takhatsinh , Gohil
    3. Toral , Desai

    Biosynthesis of AgNPs using plant extracts & its various applications

    The study include biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using plant extracts. Six different plants of medical values and it's parts such as leaf, flowers and fruits used for synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles is advantageous over physical and chemical methods of synthesis.In additional characterization of synthesized AgNPs carried out using various methods such as UV- Vis spectroscopy, Zeta potential, TEM analysis,FTIR and XRD to determine accurate size and shape of synthesized Potential of this biosynthesis AgNPs is determined by study it's antimicrobial activity against various gram's positive,negative bacteria and mycobaterium.Dye degradation activity of biosynthesized AgNPs also determine by sun irrdation method.

    € 71,90