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Génesis de Números.Este volumen es el primero de tres en el Antiguo Testamento. Se inicia con una discusión sobre la importancia de estudiar el Antiguo Testamento, y el papel de Jesucristo en el plan de salvación y su selección como nuestro Salvador en el concilio premortal en el cielo. Leemos sobre el proceso de la creación, la colocación de Adán y Eva en el Jardín del Edén, y su caída en la mortalidad. Aprendemos brevemente acerca de Caín y Abel, seguido de breves discusiones de todos los patriarcas desde Adán hasta Abraham, Isaac y Jacob. Seguimos la historia de José en Egipto, seguido por la migración de la familia de Jacob a la tierra para sobrevivir. Leemos de la subida de Moisés, el Éxodo, y los eventos en el monte Sinaí. Luego estudiamos la rebelión de los hijos de Israel y su deambular por el desierto durante 40 años. La cubierta cuenta con una hermosa imagen del viaje de Abraham desde Ur a Canaán, pintado por Jozsef Molnar en 1880. Tabla de contenidos: Capítulo Título Escritura Referencias) *** Especial: Estudio del Antiguo Testamento D.yC. 1 1. Obra y Gloria del Señor Moisés 1 2. El Concilio de los Cielos Abrahán 3; Moisés 4:1-4 3. La Creación Moisés 1:27-42; Moisés 2-3 4. La Caída de Adán y Eva Moisés 4:51-55; Moisés 6:48-62 5. Caín y Abel, y el Profeta Enoc Moisés 5-7 6. El Arca de Noé y la Torre de Babel Moisés 8; Génesis 6-9, 11 7. El convenio de Abrahán Abrahán 1-2; Génesis 12, 17 8. Ejemplo de Fe de Abrahán Génesis 13-14, 18-19 9. La gran prueba de Abrahán y Isaac Abrahán 1; Génesis 15-17, 21-22 10. Isaac, Jacob, y las Doce Tribus de Israel Génesis 24-29 11. El Cautiverio y la Integridad de José Génesis 34, 37-39 12. La Grandeza y el Legado de José Génesis 40-45 13. Moisés, la Pascua, y el Éxodo Éxodo 1-3, 5-6, 11-14 14. La Oportunidad del Convenio de Israel Éxodo 12-20, 32-34 *** Suplemento Especial A: Los Diez Mandamientos y la "Ley" de Moisés Éxodo 20-24, 32-34 *** Suplemento Especial B: El Tabernáculo del Desierto Éxodo 25-31, 35-40 *** Suplemento Especial C: Sacrificios y Mandamientos Carnales Levítico 1-18 15. Peregrinación del pueblo de Israel por el Desierto Números 11-14, 21 16. Los Profetas Verdaderos Hacen Solamente la Voluntad de Dios Números 22-24; 31:1-16 Acera del Autor *** Capítulos especiales que proporcionan información adicional

Randal S. Chase spent his childhood years in Nephi, Utah, where his father was a dry land wheat farmer and a businessman. In 1959 their family moved to Salt Lake City and settled in the Holladay area. He served a full-time mission in the Central British (England Central) Mission from 1968 to 1970. He returned home and married Deborah Johnsen in 1971. They are the parents of six children-two daughters and four sons-and an ever-expanding number of grandchildren. He was called to serve as a bishop at the age of 27 in the Sandy Crescent South Stake area of the Salt Lake Valley. He served six years in that capacity, and has since served as a high councilor, a stake executive secretary and clerk, and in many other stake and ward callings. Regardless of whatever other callings he has received over the years, one was nearly constant: He has taught Gospel Doctrine classes in every ward he has ever lived in as an adult-a total of 35 years. Dr. Chase was a well-known media personality on Salt Lake City radio stations in the 1970s. He left on-air broadcasting in 1978 to develop and market a computer-based management, sales, and music programming system to radio and television stations in the United States, Canada, South America, and Australia. After the business was sold in 1984, he supported his family as a media and business consultant in the Salt Lake City area. Having a great desire to teach young people of college age, he determined in the late 1980s to pursue his doctorate, and received his Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Utah in 1997. He has taught communication courses at that institution as well as at Salt Lake Community College and Dixie State University for 21 years. He served as Communication Department chair and is currently a full-time professor at Dixie State University in St. George, Utah. Concurrently with his academic career, Brother Chase has served as a volunteer LDS Institute and Adult Education instructor in the CES system since 1994, both in Salt Lake City and St. George, where he currently teaches a weekly Adult Education class for three stakes in the Washington area. He has also conducted multiple Church History tours and seminars. During these years of gospel teaching, he has developed an extensive library of lesson plans and handouts which are the predecessors to these study guides.


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  • EAN
  • Paperback

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