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The Chain

Chimene , Suleyman

The Chain
The Chain

The Chain

Chimene , Suleyman

Paperback | English
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A devastating personal testimony and a searing indictment of persistent misogyny.

In January 2017, Chimene Suleyman was on her way to an abortion clinic in Queens, New York with her boyfriend, the father of her nascent child. It was the last day they would spend together. In an extraordinary sequence of events, Chimene was to discover the truth of her boyfriend's life: that the man shed loved had gaslit, lied to, stolen from, and painfully betrayed her and many others.

In this spellbinding memoir, Suleyman exposes one man's control over many women and the trauma he left behind and celebrates the sisterhood that formed in his wake despiteand in spite ofhim. With radiant prose and incisive observation, Suleyman questions societys complicity in allowing those who would do women harm to flourish and contemplates why others remain silent witnesses by accepting and normalizing shameless behavior towards women. She demonstrates how women themselves are acculturated to perform prescribed roles of giver and nurturer, to be self-sacrificing and subordinate, and to bolster the egos of others by remaining silent and ignoring their own protective instincts.

A soul-baring story, brilliant cultural critique, and celebration of the healing power of sisterhood, The Chain is a book for any woman who has questioned her relationship and buried her doubts, for any woman who can't quite identify the source of her unease and for any woman who has been sheltered by the fierce protection of her female friends.


  • Publisher
  • Pub date
    Apr 2024
  • Pages
  • Dimensions
    141 x 210 x 17 mm
  • Weight
    204 gram
  • EAN
  • Paperback
  • Language

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