Results for 'marcus du sautoy'

99 results
  1. Reis om de wereld in 80 spelletjes
    1. Marcus Du Sautoy

    Reis om de wereld in 80 spelletjes

    De wiskunde achter de beste spellen

    In Reis om de wereld in 80 spelletjes onderzoekt Marcus du Sautoy op een toegankelijke en levendige manier hoe wiskunde en spellen altijd sterk met elkaar verweven zijn geweest.

    € 26,99
  2. Around The World In 80 Games
    1. Marcus Du Sautoy

    Around The World In 80 Games

    A Mathematician Unlocks The Secrets Of The Greatest Games

    'BRILLIANTLY CLEAR AND CAPTIVATING PROSE' STEPHEN FRY A WATERSTONES BOOK OF YEAR 2023 An award-winning mathematician explores the maths behind the games we love and why we love to play them.

    € 14,95
  3. Why Machines Learn
    1. Anil , Ananthaswamy

    Why Machines Learn

    Anil Ananthaswamy is an award-winning science writer and former staff writer and deputy news editor for New Scientist. He is the author of several popular science books including The Man Who Wasn't There, which was long-listed for the Pen/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award. He was a 2019-20 MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow and the recipient of the Distinguished Alum Award, the highest award given by IIT-Madras to its graduates, for his contributions to science writing.

    € 14,50
  4. Why Machines Learn
    1. Anil Ananthaswamy

    Why Machines Learn

    The Elegant Maths Behind Modern AI

    After just a few minutes of reading Why Machines Learn, you’ll feel your own synaptic weights getting updated. By the end you will have achieved your own version of deep learning — with deep pleasure and insight along the way

    € 41,50
  5. Is Maths Real?
    1. Eugenia Cheng

    Is Maths Real?

    How Simple Questions Lead Us to Mathematics’ Deepest Truths

    One of the world's most creative mathematicians offers new ways to look at maths - focusing on questions, not answers

    € 14,95
  6. Beter denken
    1. Marcus Du Sautoy

    Beter denken

    ‘Beter denken staat vol met slimmigheden, die Du Sautoy glashelder uitlegt. Een uitstekend verzorgde uitstalkast van wiskundige handigheden.’ – de Volkskrant ‘Vermakelijk en slim… met levendige, verhelderende hoofdstukken over het nut van algebra, meetkunde en kansrekening in het dagelijks leven.’ – The Guardian Hoe onthoud je meer en vergeet je minder? Hoe kun je alleen al door te verhuizen meer verdienen en slimmer worden? En hoe pak je een kofferbak het efficiëntst in? Wiskunde is de kunst van de shortcut: het zit vol manieren om beter te leren denken en helpt je sneller je weg te vinden in een complexe wereld. In Beter denken bespreekt Du Sautoy zowel legendarische shortcuts waardoor de menselijke beschaving mogelijk werd, als handige shortcuts die ons dagelijks leven makkelijker maken. Of het nu gaat om de bouw van de eerste steden langs de Nijl en de Eufraat, zo’n vijfduizend jaar geleden, het berekenen van de omtrek van de aarde, het leren bespelen van een instrument, of het ontwerpen van algoritmes die ons helpen bij het vinden van een levenspartner, steeds opnieuw verzinnen we een slimme, korte route. Aan de hand van fascinerende verhalen, raadsels en puzzels biedt Beter denken vele ingenieuze strategieën om dagelijkse problemen op te lossen. Daarmee is dit boek de ultieme shortcut naar de kunst van de shortcut. Marcus du Sautoy is hoogleraar wiskunde en Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science aan Oxford University. Hij is Fellow of the Royal Society en bekend als presentator van de BBC-tv-series The Story of Maths en The Code. Hij schreef talloze artikelen over wiskunde, onder meer voor The Times, The Guardian en The Daily Telegraph.

    € 27,99
  7. Blueprints
    1. Marcus du Sautoy


    How Mathematics Shapes Creativity

    'WHAT TO READ IN 2025' FINANCIAL TIMES Many artists are unaware of the mathematics that bubble beneath their craft, while some consciously use it for inspiration. Our instincts might tell us that these two subjects are incompatible forces with nothing in common, but what if we’re wrong?

    € 30,50
  8. Blueprints
    1. Marcus du Sautoy


    How Mathematics Shapes Creativity

    'WHAT TO READ IN 2025' FINANCIAL TIMES Many artists are unaware of the mathematics that bubble beneath their craft, while some consciously use it for inspiration. Our instincts might tell us that these two subjects are incompatible forces with nothing in common, but what if we’re wrong?

    € 23,50
  9. Blueprints
    1. Marcus du Sautoy


    How Mathematics Shapes Creativity

    'WHAT TO READ IN 2025' FINANCIAL TIMES Many artists are unaware of the mathematics that bubble beneath their craft, while some consciously use it for inspiration. Our instincts might tell us that these two subjects are incompatible forces with nothing in common, but what if we’re wrong?

    € 23,50
  10. Blueprints
    1. Marcus , Du Sautoy


    An Oxford mathematician, playwright, and musician reveals how creative people can harness the profound and productive relationship between mathematics and the arts     When Shakespeare has the Three Witches cast Macbeth’s lot, he uses something very weird to do it: not simply “eye of newt and toe of frog,” but the number seven. And when Hamlet claims, “To be or not to be, that is the question,” Shakespeare reaches for eleven. For Shakespeare, prime numbers were magical. And he is not alone.    As Marcus du Sautoy showcases in Blueprints, creativity is inseparable from mathematics. The designs of Le Corbusier and Leonardo; the music of Glass, Bach, and Debussy; the wild visions of Dali, the choreography of Laban, the animation of Pixar—all are shot through with mathematics, from primes and fractals to the weirder worlds of Hamiltonian cycles and hyperbolic geometry. And Du Sautoy argues that the relationship runs both ways. Just as mathematics inspires new art, the artistic mindset is a necessity for discovering new mathematics.    Blueprints will expand your mind, but more importantly, it shows how to ignite your imagination. Anyone who wants to create needs this book. 

    € 31,50
  11. Around the World in Eighty Games
    1. Marcus Du Sautoy

    Around the World in Eighty Games

    From Tarot to Tic-Tac-Toe, Catan to Chutes and Ladders, a Mathematician Unlocks the Secrets of the World's Greatest Games
    € 21,95
  12. Around the World in Eighty Games
    1. Marcus Du Sautoy

    Around the World in Eighty Games

    From Tarot to Tic-Tac-Toe, Catan to Chutes and Ladders, a Mathematician Unlocks the Secrets of the World's Greatest Games
    € 32,95