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The Work Smarter Guide to Negotiation

The Insider's Guide to Negotiating Like a Pro

Jim Houghton & Kirk Kinnell

The Work Smarter Guide to Negotiation
The Work Smarter Guide to Negotiation

The Work Smarter Guide to Negotiation

The Insider's Guide to Negotiating Like a Pro

Jim Houghton & Kirk Kinnell

Paperback | Engels
  • Leverbaar, de levertijd is 4-5 werkdagen.
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€ 19,95
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Full of fascinating stories from the front line brought down to earth to carry into your next negotiation, this handbook will equip you with the skills to negotiate like a pro - whatever gets thrown at you.

Trust is the hard currency of negotiation. This book reveals how to earn it from gunmen to business hard-asses on the bumpy road to resolving the unresolvable

A refreshingly human take on a subject matter that's too often boiled down to tactics, techniques and pseudoscience. It's hard to ignore the book's fundamental takeaways given the diversity of the negotiations they're drawn from

Jim and Kirk have written a great book, full of very practical tips for different situations, grounded by a philosophy that will help you think differently about the art of negotiation. The war stories from a diverse range of deals and negotiations bring the advice and their vast experience to life in an entertaining, memorable way

In the heat of the moment it's easy to get blinkered or feel cornered in a negotiation. It's reassuring to read that it's not just me who feels this way, but where this book really comes in is the snackable stories that really stick in your mind.

A fascinating read. I've always felt that the most successful deals are cemented by establishing a genuine human connection from the outset, and this rich collection of real-life negotiations - from breaking a siege to saving someone from suicide right through the negotiating spectrum to closing M&A deals - totally bears this out

These are not lessons from academic research nor the assertions of self-anointed gurus, but the experience of two professionals for whom negotiation is daily bread. Their real-life stories are fascinating in themselves, but also actionable - whether you're negotiating with your teenage kids, hostage takers or global corporations

A compelling read and collection of memorable stories to illustrate negotiation techniques and principles. It's a brilliantly practical way to explain and help the reader to be able to remember and then apply the lessons. The juxtaposition of the life and death scenarios and the commercial settings is fascinating: being able to draw out some similarities but recognising the fundamental differences - you may be able to "spoof" in the latter but not the former!

A clear and methodical approach to negotiation, drawing upon the vast and unique professional experiences of Jim Houghton and Kirk Kinnell in the field. It provides an essential cornerstone for understanding the intricate dynamics of complex negotiation, blending strategic insight with psychological acumen and ethical considerations, offering readers a comprehensive and practical toolkit for navigating challenging negotiation scenarios with precision and principled conduct. A must-read for anyone engaged in difficult negotiation

I have been fortunate to work closely with Kirk for many years now. His skills as a negotiator are invaluable, just like his wisdom. This book is a part of himself. Enjoy!

A very compelling read

I am deeply inspired by Kirk's approach to negotiation, which he has developed as a former hostage and humanitarian negotiator

Jim and Kirk have combined to produce a book that is both easy to read and yet full of ideas and recounted situations that stay with you, each bringing a sense of the urgency, discipline, energy and hard-won insight required to do what they excel at as seasoned professionals. Negotiation is often a fluid and stressed process, that is very hard to capture within the covers of a book, but through combining their experiences of very different situations, Jim and Kirk have been as successful in that task as they have surely been in the day-to-day negotiating challenges that are the bedrock of their work

This is a book I should have read thirty years ago - it could have made life a lot easier!

For the past twenty years, JIM HOUGHTON has been one of the foremost deal leads in the international marketing services industry. He's negotiated deals from every angle and in all the major international industry hubs, and is a partner at Waypoint Partners. Previously, as the European corporate development lead for the world's then largest and most acquisitive holding company, Omnicom Group, Jim delivered more than forty transactions. Seeing the value unintentionally being left on the table by both sides, Jim moved to M&A advisory and has successfully led transactions with buyers and sellers from across the globe, acting on both the sell side and buy side.
M&A in the marketing services industry offers the perfect storm of big businesses and private equity investors crashing together with passionate owner-managers in the pursuit of rapid international expansion and wealth. Big egos and high stakes make for intense and complex negotiations, and Jim has an enviable track record at finding paths that get these deals done.

KIRK KINNELL brings the skills of hostage negotiation into the corporate world and everyday life. He joined the police in 1987 and worked in hostage negotiation for over two decades. In that time he was deployed on hundreds of hostage and crisis incidents, including as lead negotiator when UK nationals had been kidnapped overseas. He was made Head of Hostage Negotiation and Armed Policing in Scotland in 2015. Kirk was also a leading member of the UK National Negotiator Group and Global International Negotiators Working Group. His global counter-terrorism strategy and training programme was adopted by the nations in the group and is still used today.
Kirk lectures on negotiation at universities and conferences all over the world, including Harvard Business School and the École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris (HEC). He has instructed at the Hostage Crisis Negotiator Course of the FBI, trained the Philippine National Police and delivers training to the private sector on corporate negotiations, listening and influencing skills, leadership and conflict resolution through his specialist consulting firm, Negotiated Resolutions.


  • Uitgever
  • Verschenen
    jun. 2024
  • Bladzijden
  • Genre
    Zakelijk onderhandelen
  • Afmetingen
    214 x 134 x 16 mm
  • Gewicht
    160 gram
  • EAN
  • Paperback
  • Taal

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